Is Gattaca the best sci-fi film ever made?

Is Gattaca the best sci-fi film ever made?
It's acting is stellar, the set design is unique and doesn't look outdated (rather important for what's meant to be the future), the score resonates wonderfully with the 'cold' cimematography - emphasising the atmosphere of the setting to perfection.
The science and ethical issues explored in the film are even more relevant now than they were back then, and there's no sign that'll ever change. The issues themselves had barely been presented in film, and it's influenced modern linguistics and science/political discourse as a result. Interestingly, NASA have said Gattaca is the most scientifically-plausible film ever.
Even ignoring all of the science, the film manages to be a very effective thriller at it's core.

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It's barely a sci-fi movie imo, more of a thriller

Not even close

My favourite movie so I agree.


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fuck yes, OP
fuck yes, bro. I agree.

Based and redpilled

one of my favorites

I found this to be the true movie that women don't understand. The women I know like Master and Commander but absolutely despise this movie, just hearing its name makes them go completely deaf.

its been a long time since i watched it but i dont remember if they show any futuristic cities. in not-too-distant-future sci-fi i like to see shots of the technologically advanced mega cities.

Kinda but laser eye surgery showed up basically that same year and lessened the impact.

Perfecting human dickishness.

it was pretty good since it actually could happen within our lifetime. Good, underrated kino

Also uma thurman is hot don't @ me


What do you mean ignoring all the science?
They are already making designer babies for the elite. In several years it might even be accessible to the public.
The chinese started experimenting with that shit in the 90's.


why is there an on button inside the incinerator at the end?

Very good movie

The only outside shots are his childhood, that dude's mansion, and the top of the roof when he's working in maintenance. They didn't focus on that aspect of the movie, which i think made it better. Gave the whole feel of his life very insular, in a very closed off society.

Definitely top ten. I can't think of anything wrong with it.

They don't/can't make movies like that anymore.

>perfect society full of overmen and overwomen
>retarded faggot: BUT ME WANT FLY SPACESHIPS
>perfect society: sorry, m8, your heart is bad, you'll be endangering the mission...
>retarded faggot goes on to commit fraud and endanger many lives
>the movie implies that he's a hero

i like gattaca because the bio teacher played it for us when she didnt want to teach also she was cute and i had boners in her class

He had like a 2% chance of heart failure. Anybody who hadn't been designed in a lab would have the same and dozens of such people have been to space irl

He was shown to have heart issues.

Disregarding the fact that nearly fucking dies from jogging on a threadmill, 2% would still be 2% too much for what I assume is a multibillion dollar space program

>They don't/can't make movies like that anymore.

if they made it today it would have some unnecessary transgender or race slant.

>in space
>no one can abort it now
>take out glasses
>"okay guys I lied about my sight so after my contact lenses run out I am going to need this"

>the other crew members are:

So...why do they wear suits in a spaceship? Are they going to wear suits like that for the rest of the mission?

>being such a brainlet that you don’t understand gataca

>Gender dysphoria in an eugenic society

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I thought they could detect eye surgery, so he had to wear contacts

if they can't detect contacts they sure as fuck can't detect surgery, they could also detect smashy legs.


Gattaca is great for a preachy Holywood film, nice soundtrack too.

Scars near the eyes would be too obvious, while scars on the legs aren't as visible because of the invention of pants and they could also be explained by some random accident

If they made it now it woude be about gay black Jew in white national society. Probably played by Jayson Samoa

it's not even the best Jude Law sci-fi

A.I Artificial Intelligence is better

They can detect contacts though, that's why he had to ditch his when he was in the car with Uma and the Hoover came up to check them out and he gave them a fake blood sample.Also, he had a cover story about getting hit by a car to explain his legs.

This film is tediously boring and the 'futuristic' technology is painfully 1997. The score is good though.

t. person who was forced to watch this

>The science and ethical issues explored in the film are even more relevant now than they were back then, and there's no sign that'll ever change.

Not really. I consider GATTACA my favorite movie but the science/ethics involved is actually the weakest part of the story (of course you shouldn't let someone with a heart condition fly a fucking space mission where the lives of others depend on him).

Attached: post-Gattaca.jpg (430x600, 40K)

what? i cant remember much about the movie aside from the main plot and jude law in a wheelchair.

You don't want to miss your flight, Vincent...

is gender dysphoria genetic?

"Born that way" means at very least preventable if not curable.

jordan peeles next movie.

i thought they were claiming it was exposure to hormones in the womb or something.

If they are biological? yes.

One of my favorites, the score gets me every time

This user get it

I was forced to watch that movie 5 times in high school

Music is good.

He actually kills someone too doesent he

>heart condition

> "my heart is already 10,000 beats overdue"
That's less than three hours. And that's what I call excellent screenwriting.

Why was this so amateur by comparison?

You'd think Niccol would be reaching his stride by tis movie and bringing all the nuance, symphony and raw but understated emotional weight to bear but instead it felt like rough draft of Gattaca, hamfisted and forced instead of gliding from one powerful crescendo to another.

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>(of course you shouldn't let someone with a heart condition fly a fucking space mission where the lives of others depend on him).

Completely missing the ENTIRE point.

They literally announced at the beginning that he had a high chance of heart failure. NASA already has these rules, Vincent literally wouldn't have made the cut for a pre-eugenics space program you special snowflake feefee jewniggers.

Yeah but Gattaca space program is just random businessmen for some reason.

Post the car webem

this movie is a lot more impactful if you've spent any time wageslaving.

They can release the exact same movie today for the first time and it would be rotten at 20% for toxic masculinity.

My point was that "high chance of heart failure" and "I know when my heart is supposed to give out down to the hour" are not exactly the same thing.
The 10,000 beat figure is lazy screenwriting for this reason.

Thats some impressive autism you have there. It doesn't mean precisely 10,000 heartbeats. Even if it was n hours overdue that would be fine and make perfect sense in context.

>rotten at 20% for toxic masculinity.

and racism for lack of diversity.

I'm glad you like it. Is your position that in a story where some emphasis is on the details of how to circumvent genetic screening, a number like that is just a figure of speech?
It's just a minor point that makes me laugh in an otherwise enjoyable movie. Why are you so upset about it?

It is a good metaphor.

Oh, ok. Metaphor for what?

>Even if it was n hours overdue that would be fine and make perfect sense in context.
I disagree with that, taken literally, it is a ridiculous line.

For an indeterminate amount of time beyond expiration, which he isn't literally because he hasn't expired.

Hey thanks for clarifying that. What other metaphors have I missed in the movie?

i love this film to death but It's barely sci-fi. After years of watching this i find that my favorite part of the movie is vincent's rivalry with his brother and how jerome becomes more of a brother than his blood relation ever was.

the build up to their final swim together alone makes the whole film worth it.

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