About to watch this. What am I in for?
About to watch this. What am I in for?
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Yeah this. slow moving plot, beautiful set pieces, Tom cruise and nicole Kidman kino
nicole kidman pointy nipples
Wrong. That title belongs to Barry Lyndon
Nah, BL is pretty comfy but there are many uncomfy parts; EWS is just comfy and dreamy, christmassy settings from start to end.
some really spellbinding scenes, but a whole lot of nothing at the end
I've watched Barry lydon only once. It showed itself at the perfect moment in my life, filled me with so much wonder. One experience was enough, the first view and it's related emotions will forever be my lasting impression of the movie. It's a sacred calf. Thinking back upon it is like reflecting on being a witness of the supernatural. This is the power of art. In the past, for most of humanity, seeing something like painted artwork or sculpture was rare. It's existence, relative to it's surrounding population, was minuscule, it's examples well known because it was the only one a person could reasonably travel from their home to see. The sculpture was not a beautiful work of art, the sculpture was God itself. How could it not be? Only God can make me feel this way, the feeling upon staring at this sculpture
We are desensitized. Musuems trivialize art. Vhs destroyed cinema. The Internet turned it, alongside all other mediums of art, into homework. Homework!!!?? We are fucked
I make sure to consciencelly preserve arts sacred status when I indentify it. Funny because I don't like any other Kubrick film
the scenes with the cult were incredible. apparently kubrick's health was fine while filming this yet he died just after he submitted his final cut
Another movie Yea Forums worships for no reason
If you're implying some sort of conspiracy theory that shit makes little sense.
>Powerful men kill kubrick for spilling the beans
>They still allow the film to be released anyways
>>They still allow the film to be released anyways
How much money do you think went into production? Would anyone just throw that away? Was the movie produced in secret? How would the public respond to kubrick dying and his last film ever getting shelved? Also: not his cut.
Not a conspiracy believer myself but I would love to see Kubrick's cut - even if it would not have been fully finished - of this movie.
>They still allow the film to be released anyways
They cut 20 mins from the film that addressed pedo rings.
>the scenes with the cult were incredible
always felt uneasy when they played this one song backwards
>that store owners daughter
The part they cut was with their daughter being taken by some old guys that you can see in the last scene. It was supposed to escalate from the costume seller prostituting his daughter to pedo rings.
Children were at the party. Kidman and Cruise had to sell their daughter to the sex cult to save themselves. Low IQ subhuman.
is this pasta?
Kubrick's 6th, maybe 7th best flick.
>Also: not his cut.
But it was.
Post your ranking
>Barry Lyndon
>Full Metal Jacket
>A Clockwork Orange
>The Shining
>Eyes Wide Shut
>Dr Strangelove
Paths of Glory and Lolita aren't worthy of grouping with the rest, and I haven't seen any of his other films.
Would have been a better ending desu. And his wife having been part of it when younger. Warner brothers pussied out.
>Paths of Glory not the best
wrong opinion
You mean FMJ
>below anything
Dialogue is for plebs.
>Paths of Glory
>The Shining
>A Clockwork Orange
>Barry Lyndon
>Full Metal Jacket
>The Killing
>Eyes Wide Shut
>Dr. Strangelove
>Killer’s Kiss
especially her dad
top jewry in newyork
Kubricks best film, the ultimate pleb filter.
kubrick's trademark shots that linger too long in an attempt to have """"gravitas""""
nicole kidman hamming it up
an all around mediocre experience that people only praise because the subject matter is conspiratorial
i watched it. didn't get it
nothing happened
>guy finds sex parties for rich people that are filled with drugs and masked people
>his wife has a dream of cheating on him
>costume shop owner has a daughter that is a prostitute
>tom cruise is caught at the party, some people get killed as a result
>nicole kidman says "let's fuck" at the end
>nicole kidman hamming it up
t.never talked to a thot
Retards shouldn’t be allowed here
>>be you, a retard
>>can't explain what makes the movie good
>>y-you're the retard
It’s probably Kidman’s best performance
EWS has too many levels for you to understand, I’m not going to explain anything to a retard
lol imagine thinking you deserve to be spoonfed, shoo shoo little retard
>>can't actually explain anything
>>it has too many levels for you to understand
>>not going to spoonfeed
got any more excuses?
do you? autist
fucking call me an autist again and I WILL FUCKING OPEN MY VEINS AND LET THE CRIMSON JUICE FLLOOOWWWWWW >:((((((
i'm not the one making excuses bud
Jesus, it’s abot the struggle of fidelity and confronting your own impotence in the face of something stronger than you
There, stop being retarded
That's the password ... for the board.
But what is the password ... for this thread?
ummm......I’m sorry but.....I.....seem to have forgotten
The most overrated of Kubrick's movies by a mile
Only hipster pseuds like it and think it's the craziest shit because it contains baby-tier conspiracy bait when Kubrick admitted he just wanted to make a "pervier" movie before he died
It's also his most inept in terms of writing and filmmaking
>implying biting off Griffith is a bad thing
if only every modern filmmaker did
He's not saying it's bad user, he's saying that creaming yourself over one technical feature in the process of making a film is ludicrous considering the advances done previously by great filmmakers
My personal issues with BL is that it's cold and lifeless and very static/museum or studio painting style instead of something more dramatic and lived-in like The Duellist
I agree it’s dumb to love the movie just cuz of muh lens. But it’s coldness is absolutely vital to the message of the film. And I love duelists, but it’s definitely less of a fine tuned film. Less cruelly cold.
Comfy christmas lighting
Wrong on every count.