Do we need a new adaptation?

Do we need a new adaptation?

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certainly, but with a cuter main heroine

Yes please, I cast sophia lillis

stealthy; let's see how this goes

hey that's Alfred

Cast an age accurate Deloris and yes.

She’s already hinting at it

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she's 17 now

i thought she was qt in face off

Yeah, I read the book and I tried to watch both films and seeing Lo cast as a much older girl ruined it completely for me.

If they do remake it they're probably going to go with the gender switch since that's popular these days

The best adaptation we currently have is in black and white, so it would be interesting to have a new one, yes.

I understand your concern, user, but I think who they cast was most realistic.

I'd only be interested if Humbert were black.

>two thousand cuckteen
The 90s are long gone m8.

Yes, cast Idris Elba, and the actress must be no older than 16. Also there must be nude scenes. They can get away with it by saying it is art.
Roman Polanski to direct.

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As someone who grew up through the 90s it seems to me that the 90s have returned. Trump is the Republican Clinton. White nationalist violence abounds. White terrorism is a thing again. 90's style is in. Etc. Etc.

>White nationalist violence abounds.
it's a tiny fraction of black on white violence

Fuck, even Moner is 17. Where is the Hollywood cunny at?

But cunny is nowhere to be seen in media because of jelly feminist roasties.

Go back

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>cast Idris Elba

still a tiny fraction of black on white violence. there's just no stat for that in your graph

youre a slimy faggot

It's more because they want to preserve their /ss/ cycle


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>But cunny is nowhere to be seen in media because of jelly feminist roasties

You clearly have not seen Disney channel. Some shows on Disney are very popular with stay at home dads.