Is it the best film ever made or just pretentious drivel?

Is it the best film ever made or just pretentious drivel?

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the former

Both, actually

What could possibly be pretentious about it? It doesn't insist on itself, its characters are not meant to be admired or respected, and its only attempt at a "message" is "fuck you we all die get over it"
One of the greatest and most misunderstood kinos of all time

this unironically

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watched it 2 months ago and still in shock. Absolutely kino

oh God I get anxiety just for remembering about this movie, never has a movie made me feel so bad



Yeah I just watched it a few days ago. As well as every subsequent day after that.

Its literally just a better version of birdman. Byt birdman gets jerked off at the oscars because le ebic long shot.

The only movie where I ever cried at the end.

>dude a film can either be a revolutionary groundbreaking 11/10 masterpiece or a worthless piece of shit flick lmao
It's just a good film

I was just framing it as a divisive film. Not trying to restrict opinions.

It's ok. I should watch it again but I wasn't shocked by it.



John Wick is far superior in every way.

Dude depression lmao

The guy who made it was very self-involved

Haha, yeah. Wait, why the fuck are you comparing Synecdoche to Birdman again?..

They're both about narcissistic people making stage plays. Both protagonists feel as though they haven't done anything anything "real," and that their play will be different. Both are depressed and suicidal. Et. Cetera, Et Cetera.

It strongly affected me when I was young but I can't imagine sitting through all the "quirky" "comedy" again


I admire the fuck out of it, but it's also very very pretentious. But it also has alot to say.

I both like and hate the film

pretentious drivel definitely

the funeral monologue is one of the best dialogues in kino history

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It's too repetitive

A good film can be pretentious and there's nothing wrong about that. Every Tarkovsky film can be considered pretentious, but they're all 8-9-10/10 kino.
The problem is when bad movies are pretentious, like most of Malick's films or shit like Mother! from Arronofsky.