I enjoyed this movie

I enjoyed this movie.

Thank you for the recommendation.

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t. tourist from /pol/r/the_donald

I hated this movie.

Fuck you for the recommendation.

I love the scene where the roastie at the bank gets BTFO.

Ending was dumb. Gibson’s character and the black guy should have buried Vince together. Then just as they are about to leave Mel would say, he one more thing. This is my wife’s address, give her my share please. The black guy would be like, yo wtf I’ve it to her yourself bro. Then Mel coughs and a little blood comes out. He lifts his shirt to reveal and undisclosed fatal gunshot. He’d been bleeding out the whole time but held on long enough to bury his friend, then cut to the black guy living it up. And then the scene where Mel’s family gets the gold

I just finished downloading it. This better not be shit.

The magic is gone unless you want to dedicate your virginity to make this happen

Keep this pasta alive, the OP deserves to live with his undisclosed shame.

>Yea Forums writes fanfic episode
Fucking cringe
This is terrible

*record scratches*

Attached: check out my mixtape.png (904x735, 1.29M)

How do you even launder so much gold, and in less than a year

That ending

He didn't. It was all in his head at the end. Gibsone shot him in the neck.

Did they cut off the bank manager's balls?

Why the fuck was everyone so eloquent in this flick?

>Why the fuck was everyone so eloquent in this flick?
They all have regular sex.

Wow,TISM getting back together?

This, black guy had one last dream before dying and lived happily ever after

i only got around to watching it yesterday and missed out on a lot of the discussion from a week ago. i really liked it, but what was the reason for the woman shooting vinces character? i saw an user give a long explanation as to her motivation but i read it before i saw the movie and forgot what he said. thats the only part i that didnt make sense to me.

its a good idea user except for one problem:


Miguel Sapochnik, please go

The three killers gave her a way out, go out, act like she killed all of them (hence the scream and three gunshots) and then kill the two cops. Then she'd live.

ah, makes sense. thanks user.

You can see the bank manager through the door as MelVin drive past the bank. There's blood around his testicular area.