What the FUCK did i just watch?

What the FUCK did i just watch?

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Kino Porno

Nothing, it was just a dumb movie, never mention it to anyone aver again, yes?

Something "The Man" doesn't want you to see.

This except actually.

Prime kubrick kino! Wish I could see this for the first time again.

it’s on Netflix

A movie about marriage, infidelity, and satisfying your wife.

it's about cuckoldry before cuck was even a trend

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A movie exposing underground sex trafficking by the elites. Kubrick "died" right after. Over 20 minutes of footage was removed after Kubrick died. Makes you wonder what was in it. Maybe exposing even more about the elites. Maybe too explicit. Maybe they give their daughter to the elites in the ending. Who knows.

Even if Warner Bros hated Kubrick's finished version, and even if they felt that EWS merited significant trimming prior to release, it is artistically and commercially unthinkable that they wouldn't have retained a copy of Kubrick's cut for cinema posterity (and a subsequent director's cut release for film buffs).

This suggests that Warner Bros butchered the film to hide specific details which amounted to hidden knowledge on issues like mind control, secret societies, girls born into the elite being groomed to be sex slaves (my reading is that Mrs Hartford used to be one, the daughter is taken away to become one) and we will never know what Kubrick really wanted to tell us. I want to know, and it will always bug me.

A documentary on the Clintons.

kubrick died just after he submitted his final cut

everybody who was working with him on this movie said his health seemed fine

of a "heart attack"

lmao imagine actually thinking the movie was no deeper than this. tell me, whats life like at double digit IQ?

no it's not you surface plebs

safe to say the movie only scratched the surface. there's no way the movie would have been allowed to explore and expose them on any significant level. there's a reason these subhuman pedophiles never get caught.

cuck fantasy

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High-class adult entertainment done right

This movie ruined my idea of relationship, broke up with my gf in a week of thinking about it.
It's like I finally understood how we cover the reality of our needs, a relationship won't last just by pure common experiences, if it does then it is based on a mutual lie.

"dating" and fucking someone you dont care that much about (and no, unless you've been through some shit together, that's not really caring for eachother. no real bonding has occurred), without actually procreating, is not natural. of course you got black pilled after realizing it on a subconscious level. the initial attraction stage is only meant to facilitate baby making.

these incel copes are getting more convoluted by the day

you sound like a far too easily influenced lemming
stay away from fiction for the sake of your mental health