this is by far easily the best new star wars
>easily the best new star wars
Yes, because that bar is set so incredibly high
its not even part of the main story, but still better.
Yes because every rip-off character get RIP’d so we don’t have to watch Kyle and Jan die horrible character deaths
That's not exactly hard.
damn video games used to look so cool.
thats not what your mum said last nite m8
Everything in this movie was shit. Except for Vader.
Based Jedi Outcast posting
hot take bro
That’s like being the tallest midget
I love Vader, but thought his early scene was unnecessary pandering. If he suddenly appeared at the end without that previous scene it would have been 10x better.
Best butt kino
You mean Mass Effect 2: The Movie? I liked the game version better.
Solo could have easily been the best of the Nu-Wars movies, if they had delayed it to December 2018 and made a handful of more substantial tweaks.
I still think about that thread where they asked to name the characters in this movie. I only know jyn erso...
People give it praise for being "brave" for killing off the characters but they clearly did it just so they wouldn't have to explain why they're not mentioned in the other movies. Same shit as all the new characters in Solo who got killed off.
Imagine being so creatively bankrupt that you cant even come up with an original star wars story set in the star wars universe without needing it to be set within the context of the prequels/OT
I thought jews were supposed to be good writers
>I thought jews were supposed to be good writers
They’re excellent with fictional dark comedies like “the holocaust”, but suck at sci-fi.
Have you not seen the original ending they wrote? Jyn and Cassian were going to escape the battle with Imperials in hot pursuit of their shuttle. Moments before it would be destroyed, they would have carbon froze themselves with carbon freeze grenades and launched themselves out the airlock. Presumably the idea being that their characters would be found during the ST era and be unfrozen.
That's not any dumber than almost any plot point in TLJ
Considering that “best of the new” in this case just means “was the least worst” that might very well be the case. RO was probably also the best Star Wars fan fic ever published on deviantart, but it never belonged anywhere other than that.
To be honest I liked TFA and even own it on dvd. I took my family to see it on Christmas and it was fun. Rogue One was good. TLJ ruined it for me to the point where I had Solo on my Netflix list for a long time and ultimately watched it only because I like Woody Harrelson. Solo was the worst of the nu wars.
Solo's the best one, but L3-37 still drags it down. I enjoyed most everything else about it. The masked character turning out to be some teenage girl was kind of bullshit too.
And yet it's still 10 times worse than Attack of the Clones.
RLM lied, Star Wars died
Yeah probably
never saw TLJ