>Glover as Lando targets the nerd chic audience through idiotic Black Lives Matter marketing. Like the actor-rapper's recent (unimaginative) millennial anthem "This is America" which confuses Prince's soul-funk pizazz and racial eccentricity with dull Democratic manipulation and cynical social conformism, Solo is a film that corrupts the radical essence of its heritage. It sets both the Black and the nerd communities back 60 years, it is Obama politricks and Marvel imperialism. Jim Crow meets Flash Gordon, Disney is the new plantation and self-proclaimed nerds are happily picking up the cotton. At least the Lucas prequels had Jar-Jar Binks and flatulence gags, a bona-fide iteration of Black insouciance and freedom in a post-Eddie Murphy world. Comedic truth versus manufactured indignation. Solo epitomizes blockbuster nihilism and banality.

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>the actor-rapper's recent (unimaginative) millennial anthem "This is America" which confuses Prince's soul-funk pizazz and racial eccentricity with dull Democratic manipulation and cynical social conformism,
absolutely btfod. and he's not even a music critic lel

What the fuck is this nig even trying to say

This btfos the idiots that say Armond is a contrarian that only reviews things to be controversial. He is just honest

He actually is or was a music critic at one point

i love this pasta

he does music criticism on the side, but it's not his primary job. He even wrote a few books on music criticism

Am I in last year?

his white dog criterion essay