Mencia had a huge tv show and filled stadiums touring probably movies in the works

Mencia had a huge tv show and filled stadiums touring probably movies in the works

Then Joe Rogan destroyed his life

Did mencia deserve losing his whole career over it?

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If your entire job is to make fucking jokes, and can't even do that, you don't deserve the job.

Simple as that.

Yes. He admitted it a few years later.

He's still truckin'

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he shot himself in the foot by trying to act gangster and comparing him stealing peoples jokes to people who make rap music stealing/sampling parts of other peoples music for use in their beats. like he was all "if i go to a comedy club and hear something i like, then i'm gonna take it alright? mine now. thats just how it is, it's hip hop yo"

This, plus mencia called out other comedians for stealing jokes all the time before he got outed, so it made it worse.

Nice, four washed out losers without careers.

What a complete and utter unrepentant fag.

did he steal his dee dee dee shtick? or was that bonafide mencia dee dee dee?

Holy fucking shit, Artie is still alive? I thought he bit it last year or something

perhaps he got the idea watching Kirby: Right Back at Ya!


He's barely holding on. His nose has flattened like a pancake, and I can't imagine he'll live much longer.

Dude, imagine the smell

He said that? What an asshole. It's not even comparable

I played Modern Warfare 2 on xbox 360 with Carlos Mencia after he posted his gamertag on twitter while begging for people to play with. He got pissed off and blocked me after I kept accusing him of stealing my kills.

what i want to know is why a unfunny person like joe rogan has such influence to break or make comedian's career

seriously he isn't really that great of a comedian but his a god tier host for the most part and brings out the other person's good traits

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Artie can't.

Because the guy was stealing jokes. He wasn't being a comedian, he just stated facts, and Carlos panicked and made that idiotic "brazen" statement about how everyone steal jokes, and that OF COURSE he steals jokes. He's a retard.


Rogan took a lot of shit for the move at first. Then people came to his side once the realized Mencia was a joke stealer.

Rogan is a shit comedian. He hit the jackpot with his podcast.

What even happened?

I saw Artie on TV a few years ago and he used a Steven Wright line. Hasn't changed a bit.

fuck outta here with stealing jokes

all comedians steal jokes

there's no honor among the MOST jewish of professions

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because at that point rogan had been kissing ass for a good 10 years already and he for sure wasn't going to let that beaner come and take his easy gig plus joe already had his "posse" thats only grown bigger since hence why he always has the same comedians and they all get the same pushes on Netflix or whatever from being in the JRE clique he's also short

Do you like fish sticks?

>the MOST jewish of professions
Rabbi? Mohel? Gold counter? Professional oven sitter?

Comedians spot in fame is really short. Look at Dane Cook. He was fucking everywhere, and suddenly it ended. The only reason Mencia had a show was that CC were desperately trying to replace the Chappelle Show.

Imagine the smelll

Letterman is a shit stand up comic but one of the GOAT late night hosts. It’s different skill set.

This guy's the Voldemort of standup comedy.

Gilbert borrows Bela Lugosi's lines all the time.

It's all in the delivery. You cunts need to douche more.

Dumb frogposter

>all comedians steal jokes

If you listen to Patrice's take on the issue, he says this, BUT the key difference is that Mencia would essentially steal people's anecdotes from their own lives and just sprinkle some spic humour in there. People steal jokes to a certain extent, but they usually play with the premise and let it take them somewhere new, or expand on it in their own way. Mencia just straight up, verbatim, copied bits and was shameless about it. He would steal up-and-comers material, people who really, really needed their material to have any sort of shot at the big leagues, and make a killing off of it without any hard work on his own part. I don't even necessarily think he doesn't have some original, good material, or that he could have had more good material, but if you take the lazy, deplorable route of stealing jokes, prepare to get burned and buried.

joe rogan has some weird man-crush on black guys

go ahead on watch any of his interviews

he always seems to backpedal to the great black men specifically

is he gay? is it because he has to raise his wife's mutt daughter?

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dudes hungarian he made up the hispanic persona, you think carlos mencia is his real name?

it's Ned Holness

I find it fucking hilarious the pride Rogan and his harem take in this incident when there's been plenty of chances for him to replicate it with other bigger plagiarists and never dared.

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You mean dilate more?

Schumer is as much a thief as Mencia and he defended her fat ass