Yea Forums dubs Bone Saw vs. Spiderman

Hey Yea Forums, I'm making a Yea Forums dubs edit of the Bone Saw scene from Sam Raimi's Spiderman. (I'm not Editfag !ytdwK3VqTo btw, I'm a different person doing Yea Forums dubs. And no, I'm not the guy who made "Yea Forums dubs Sneed's Feeds and Seeds (Formerly Chuck's)" neither)

source video:

Q: How do I contribute?
A: Get a mic, find the line you wanna do (You can find the lines here: . You can also do audience noises or sound effects like punch, kicks, and grunts), then record it on

Reply with your selected line and the vocaroo link.

(vocaroo link)

If you don't know what a Yea Forums dub is, here are some examples: ,

By showing you these examples, I think you now know how to properly contribute. Good luck!

Attached: Bonesaw_McGraw_(Earth-200253).jpg (607x530, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you're on the wrong side of history, spiderman

(This is me, OP) Reply only with your submissions. Don't reply something else, understand?

(This is me, OP) Also i'm gay, like really gay. Can't make it through a day without sucking a big ol' fat ding dong. Not sure if that matters.

"Hey, Freakshow! You're going nowhere. I got you for 3 minutes, 3 minutes of PLAYTIME!"

Op wouldn't probably said that. This might be just a fucking impersonator who doesn't fucking have a life. Get a life, faggot.

it's pretty obvious that you're just a impersonator.

Hey impersonating faggot, fuck off you fucking buzzkill.

If OP sees you in real life, he'll probably rape the shit out of you.

(This is me, the real OP) Lmao, I would rape or skullfuck him to death when I see him.

"Wow, I'm edgy as fuck because I trolled a guy whose just having fun because I'm fucking retarded and I have a brain tumor"

How about YOU suck some dicks, you fucking moron?!

112128088 here to say, *who's

Shit, I fucked up my grammar.

(The real OP) What a little bitch you are.

(Real OP here again) I put a lot of effort making this then what I fucking get.


Looks like this impersonating loser don't fucking know what Yea Forums dubs are. You're a fucking queer newfag.

(Real OP here) I didn't expect this thread to have drama. I was expecting to have some excited anons contributing to make this video possible for fun. But what I get was fucking criticism. Tell me what I did wrong and tell me how fucking stupid I am for making this thread in the first place? I'm just a fucking human who makes mistakes.



(Real OP here) Thanks, my bro. That fucking impersonating moron tho isn't based.

(Real OP here) Are there any other submissions here? Please contribute.

Wow, this thread really escalated well. Lmao.

scuffed thread bro

(Real OP) Yeah, I know. I expected it to be just people having fun and then this thread became suddenly sad because of that fucking impersonating sneed.

hello newshit

Hello, assuming degenerate.

(Real OP) This thread:

98% Attacking the impersonator or any other idiots who fucked with me.
2% Retarded sneeds
1% People who actually care about the thread and think I did nothing wrong.

What a time to be alive.

"Did your husband give it to you?"


hello bitch

Go ahead, like it never gets old

hello faggot

I think I'm going to delete this thread and post another thread because it turned from just a normal thread to a terminal illness. However, I will still use the recordings from this thread.

I always thought it would be possible to do the entire movie scene by scene. If not, the important ones are
>Peter meeting Norman
>White mans burden
>Human Holocaust
>Uncle bens death by Italians
>Spidey montage with 9/11
Am I missing anything?

(Real OP) Yeah, I would love to do that. But unfortunately, that's time-consuming. I'm sorry, my bro.

(Real OP) How much do you want me to give you for me to suck your dick

>13% of the population

fuck off nigga

(This is me, OP) Okay, wow. I leave the thread for a few hours and this is what it turns into?

First of all, this was me. A little background, I recently came out to my family (which was not easy, my father told me my grandfather would have "fucked the faggot out of you if he was still alive") so I don't know, maybe my social compass is a little out of wack at the moment. I genuinely didn't know, in the context of this particular scene where the subject of homosexuality is brought up, if it is worth mentioning that i'm a fan of cock.

This scene always resonated with me, and so in light of my recent revelations, it kind of felt like coming full circle in a way, and also finding a way of giving back to all of you.

So please, let's get back on topic, and should my being an ass-bandit shock you, so be it.

ITT based schizoposter has his 3 minutes of playtime

Attached: 1390504863949.png (553x798, 126K)
