
Scott Bakula edition (die STD die sub-edition)

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>new bread
Let the spamming of pics and meme-liners begin.

>die STD die
yes, please die std fucking die

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I don't have friends, I have a crew

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"the STD the" sub-edition?

Why is ENT so despised by numales, bugmen, basedboys, Basedboys, etc.?

>getting caught by a filter in the year of our lord 2019
Lurk for several years before you post, newfriend.

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Because it was optimistic instead of being gritty like ds9, and actually fun unlike voy.

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They're intimidated by a real man as captain. Same reason they hate TOS and VOY.

How would lurking tell someone that !s!o!y! was filtered?

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Picard is too much of a little bitch to say nigger.
See? Look what you did? He's crying and pissing himself.

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Lurk more and you'd know, retard.

It's a pre-9/11-style show featuring
>a fatherly chad
>a young chad
>a hot vulcan with big tits

It's an anti-onions WMD

Holy shit I would smash.

Again! You messed up your post again! Oh my, how embarrassing.

>qt makes Quark jizz his pants to drop his prices

It was a different time

Exactly how deep would you let her scan you?

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She could handle it but ENT just didn't know what to do. She also never got any Plox time from what I remember, they would have made a good combo for ep plots.

It's Reed. He was cool and had fewer lines than Sulu.

Reed was a pussy.

Reed got tons of time he just wasted it being bong.

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Reed was an introvert on a ship of chads

When he had Trip to bring him out of his shell he was good

>filthy boot soles
would not smash, 2/10

Only faggots need another man to come out. Reed was a whiny bitch who flew into grand hysterics every time there was a problem.

What's wrong with being filthy?

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Fuck that, its easily Mayweather
assuming we aren't including STD, because that just wouldn't be fair.

Got to build your bros up sometimes friend

Not everyone is as big of a chad as you

Nobody wants more mayweather. He got exactly as much attention as he deserved.

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Mayweather had no character

He was a nice dude, that was it

Trek whores bow to Drummer

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anyone else have this issue?

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ds9 had two girl on girl action

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he raped kiras mom

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If not Kira then fuck off.

Thread theme!


Klingon are already a brutal metal af race. Heavy Metal would compliment their already brutal yet traditional and conservative culture.



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>dubs girls
czech czech czeched

whomever made this chart should reconsider their lives

Dax is the cutest girl in any Trek

Homos will disagree

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The question was who got the least, not who did you think needed more. Mayweather objectively got the least, or at least less than Reed and Hoishi.


In that case the doctor who was in love with Phlox got less

>Dax is the cutest girl in any Trek
>not Jadzia
>not Ezri
You're walking a dangerous line with comments like that.

I wish someone loved me as much as Picard fans like sucking cocks

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Jadzia specifically

Terry Farrell is the cutest wife of Adam Nimoy.

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>guy tries to hit it off with gril
>girl tells him to fuck off without getting pissed
>he tries again later
>no one is offended, it's just how courtship works

You don't see this kind of scene on TV anymore

Bashir hitting on Dax is almost strange to watch at this point

jesus christ star trek fans are a whole new level of autistic

Bitch didn't want to be Chadzia anymore. She wanted to go be on Becker. She wanted to become a background character with a only a few appearances. So she was killed. I hate that episode and because of it I ended up hating Ezri, even though it wasn't her fault.

They ended up even ruining Dukat even more by using him to kill her. She is what helped ruin DS9 at the end.

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What's the Trek version of this scene?


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>main crewman
Try again.

Welcome to the party pal

She knew Bashir was in the closet.

Define main

holodeck give me no safety features but kligons with big milkuies please thank you lol

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She actually did want to be Chadzia, she just requested to be in fewer episodes (like 13 instead of 26). You know, a minor character like Nog or Garak or Martok.

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I haven't watched TNG

What's Barclay's deal

Watch TNG.


It wasn't my question, so I don't know for sure, but this seems like a reasonable place to start, don't you think?

No fug u

When I was a kid DS9 and VOY were airing, and TNG was on insanely heavy rotation, I ended up hating Trek because it was on like 10 times a day

I only got back into it recently with ENT. Watching DS9 now and liking it, but I need to ease into TNG

Should I skip anything with it? Or just power thorugh the shit stuff

This is why I hate Picard

The Federation have their shit together so much that they can have a thespian homo running Enterprise

With ENT they still had an adventure on their hands, so they needed a real chad to run the ship.

It's sad that Archer and Kirk are the closest we'll get to a Jack Aubrey-style captain in Trek

He's a spider

This is heartbreaking but I've developed a new respect for Ira.

If you are liking ENT and DS9 then its a pretty good chance you'll like TNG. First season might be a lil rough, but its really not even that bad. Hell, if nothing else you'll get to see the "origins" of Worf and Miles.


You've never read a Jack Aubrey book, you've only watched a Jack Aubrey movie, and you've already forgotten that he played a musical instrument in that movie.


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Sisko was an absolute theatrical faggot on occasion too.
But a cool faggot, as opposed to Picard

Spam is bad.


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You're worse.

I hate this character so much.

Overall, I can tolerate Discovery, it's not the worst show I've ever watched, but every time I see this cunt and hear her speak, I want to turn the show off.

Her "mwahaha so evil" attitude is intolerable, mostly because it's not at all played for laughs, and instead for some sort of weird badass factor, making it just embarrassing to listen to.

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Nobody cares. Stop being a whiny bitch.

Read the first three books

I love them very dearly

Actually I wasn't all that keen on the Jane Austen shore stuff in the second book

O'Brien was a better naval writer than a romantic writer

I know right? It's impossible to take this character seriously and I still have no idea how the fuck she got recruited by starfleet.
I have to concentrate so fucking hard to understand what the fuck she is saying with that massive accent.

Looks like you triggered someone

The line must be drawn

>I have to concentrate so fucking hard to understand what the fuck she is saying with that massive accent.
That too, but I could get over the accent if she just acted like a normal fucking person, and didn't chew the scenery in every scene.

All of her appearances boil down to
>crew encounters a cute puppy
>everybody goes "aww"
>"You know, it reminds me of that time I MURDERED a bunch of puppies and then fed them to orphans and then MURDERED the orphans"

>Jadzia is 28 in S1

I always find it weird when characters are my age

I feel so unaccomplished

holy shit
oh no I'm feeling depressed now

Patrick Bateman was supposed to be 27

All of the 27s club had already had a full career that ensured them immortality before they were my age

I'm sure there are even more depressing examples

Just wait until you reach that season 3 episode where Bashir turns 30 and has a meltdown.

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This girl is a nurse on a starship, and she's less than 1 year old.

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man, I'm driving around without car insurance and can barely make rent

many characters have been extremely one-dimensional. Tilly have been making the same kind of joke every time she appeared on screen this season.
It's like they knew she was a fan favorite for season 1 so they doubled down on her gimmicks but now she is very annoying.

>Split-screen shots against a blue screen were used to allow characters to interact with the wolf, which although trained was still dangerous. Peter Lauritson commented, "Nobody wanted to be there with the wolf except Dan Curry." Kirsten Dunst petted a stand rather than the wolf, with the animal matted in later. The wolf's growl was achieved by giving it a lick of a meaty bone and then filming its reaction when a trainer moved as if to take it.

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Didn't the guy who made the allegations against Takei suddenly drop off the face of the Earth afterward?

True, but one-dimensionally-funny is less annoying than one-dimensionally-evil, especially if you're expected to take a character seriously

This, without question

She's a big name movie star and panders to the asians which I guess they have a quota for? Its not china so who fucking knows.

Gigantic hams are the best part of star trek. I think she would be fine if she could speaka the english and the writers weren't actually measurably retarded. Asian captain lady was alright, incest empress was alright, section 31 was never alright in any series under any circumstance.

In the most recent episode they started turning her into her prime universe counterpart. Its actually made it even worse.

But it's not spam. I haven't posted it in some time.

though I would switch archer and space jesus

>Asian captain lady was alright
I agree, I liked her when she was just a simple, polite captain
>incest empress was alright
She was alright for a brief appearance, but not for a prolonged presence. Gigantic hams are fun when they are comedic reliefs or incidental encounters. If she was never brought to the prime universe, I would have been perfectly okay with her. But her section 31 role is nothing but being smug and bragging about being evil. It's retarded

Didn't evil kira have some almost/implied lesbian scenes?

I know that every trek series is guilty of that, but I really can't take the death of the Cyborg Lady seriously when one of the currently ongoing subplots is centered around the guy who was dead, and then resurrected through space mushroom magic.

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She kissed ezri onscreen and IIRC she explicitly stated she wanted to fuck Kira Prime.

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Cyborg lady was introduced and died in the same ep, you're not supposed to take it seriously. Gay Mushroom Doctor got a little bit more characterization before getting killed off.

>Cyborg lady was introduced and died in the same ep
well, technically she appeared in the background in multiple episodes prior

Yeah, she was a fucking prop and then she wasn't a prop for an episode.

Odo and Quark are such a good pairing

Spartan introverted incel with extroverted risk-taking conman

>Sisko and Trip are the same rank

I find this weird, Sisko comes across more like a captain

We don't really know what he was like pre-DS9. He stopped giving fucks post-wolf359 so maybe some of his boss-man leadership qualities can be attributed to that. It also helps that all of Sisko's peers are either starfleet bitch boys or backwater barbarians. Also he has to Captain the fuck up just to be on even footing with Dukat.

Trip is surrounded by badass space explorer chads and never has any opportunity to lead shit except group lubrication sessions. He got man preggers, thats not what captains do.

>currently ongoing subplots
There is no plot, he came back, they made a big deal out of it, and now he's acting completely normal again. Like, they put him back to work after like all of 12 hours.

The theme song. It is literally one of the worst ever aired. And so fucking jarring to every other Trek that you can't wash the taste out with amazing action scenes, fascinating sci fi takes and retconned history. And now that I can skip it with the click of a button the show is much more palatable.

The best scenes are Quark and Garak





But user
Every Garak scene is best scene though

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>It is literally one of the worst ever aired
People who dislike the Enterprise theme song are literally subhumans.
It's the only Trek opening theme that isn't coma-inducingly boring, and it works perfectly with the imagery and the theme of the series.
Fedoras are just triggered because it features the world "faith"

I like it more than next generation's
ds9 and voyager both have the best themes though

at least it's not "literally the exact same opening credits as every other netflix show in 2018" of Discovery

mirror archer, best archer

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I agree, but seeing Quark and Garak interact is a treat because of how different yet similar their ideologies are. Both have a level 20 Charisma, both only run businesses to hide their true businesses, both are lovable yet come from hated races. Both hate the Federation but begrudgingly need it. There is so much more.

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Based Bakula

>Gay Mushroom Doctor got a little bit more characterization before getting killed off.

If by that you mean he had more scenes, then I agree.

>show called STD
>faggots watch it
bravo capitalism

You will never be so Alpha that you stand on a desk and belt out The Animals - House of The Rising Sun to get a part.


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Who gives a shit about discovery?

The user who hasn't been able to shut the fuck up about it for the last eight months, obviously.

No. It's a shitty song that tried to capture the coat tails of the Firefly mystique with a shitty 80s power Ballad butt rock with NASA B-roll as some sort of foundation. As opposed to a soaring and inspiring operatic rendition.

Case in point:

No they explicitly talked about things he does. It's garbage writing and blunt expositional characterizing but it is character.


I love that theme song so much and its so great for that show (S1).

I did the dance of Joy.

The real original theme:

Enterprise is {spoiler]good[/spoiler]

Christ you Europeans are boring and cringe

stop bullying early morning europosters

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Good thing I'm American.

>this convoluted nonsense
TOS is really quite simply an earlier anthology scifi with the innovation of a frame story that enables a recurring cast. That's it. That's what TOS is.

imagine posting at night and never interacting with valley forge or bashirfaggot

is Storm Front the worst 2-parter?

Imagine posting about egos and personalities instead of the threads topic and shitting up the general to placate your insatiable lust for validation?

imagine being this tedious and uninteresting

It had satisfying quantum leap vibes. I kept waiting for an "oh boy".

go to bed bashirfag, its late.

Like your shit posting? You already subject us to it constantly.

Obsessed and seeing ghosts.

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Where's my fucking coffee?

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Was Mirror Kira trying to fuck Prime Kira?

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Are you saying you wouldn't fuck yourself if you could?

I wanna rub my man clit on a Cardassian woman's neck


>HAP is in STD? I actually might watch it now

S2E5 had a great visual representation of the IRL inspiration behind the mycelial network/how the spore drive works. and based on how S2 ended, Star Trek is canon to The OA now.

Midnight's Edge never predicted this.

Just when I was starting to like this show

she looks super cute in that thumbnail. no chaser.

>nearly finished ENT
>only STD is left unseen
oh no

Lorca, Pike, Spock are quality. Saru and Paul were quality in Season 1. Tyler and Leland are quality in season 2. Everything starting with Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad is great in Season 1, things get decent in Season 2 after they go to Saru's planet.

Oh no, a show better than the last two you watched...


>Tyler and Leland are quality in season 2
What the fuck have you been watching?

I didn't know Voyager was so problematic.

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Who the fuck is Leland?

It's probably my favourite Trek.

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Section 31's head.

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most quality anti-depressant itt

solid list imo

Nah, gotta swap Ash/Saru and add that qt Amanda to mid.

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Klingon bastards...let them all die.

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Sorry but Ezri is the cutest.


She had the softest and most soothing voice ever. Too bad she's a nutter IRL.

>The Virgin Odo

>The Chad Quark

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I always thought Kira looked better with her hair longer.

Who's the best singing captain?



Been jamming and singing along to this all morning. Two of my favorite things combines and it's just so awesome.

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Patrick Stewart is married to a 40 year old

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What a chad.

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Holy onions

It isn't the future yet, but we fortunately already left such things behind.

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White women are like overgrown children

Did tabletop gaming survive into the future?

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His wife is younger than his children

Does the klingon flag look like the nazi flag on purpose?

I mean, they still have 3D chess and poker. It stands to reason other games would still survive too.

Nah, holodecks killed it.

What are some Treks to go on when you have a date tonight and you're done playing around and you're going to make them handcuff you to the bed, spend at least an hour eating your ass, then call you trash and choke you until you pass out?

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But it changes you. I started skipping it every fucking time. Then suddenly I started watching the whole thing.

Before I knew, I was singing along.

wrong. this is the power level chart of qts:
TOS female romulan commander (the enterprise incident)
Jadzia ex wife.

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God I love this show.

my very own clone

Nah, straight up all ferengi scenes were best


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The first clip made me want to watch DS9.
Nooooo, I must resist!

Are any of the fan made trek movies and series good? I am so desperate for actual new Star Trek content

I would watch the shit out of that. like no joke.

Absolutely not

I recommend watching the Star Trek show, that is on, right now

Just watch some other scifi show about crews on spaceships.

Babylon 5
Blake's 7
Gineiden (Gin8en)

Watch Babylon 5 for a similar concept to DS9 done differently, with more highs and more lows.

Watch Battlestar Galactica for a similar concept to Voyager done differently, with more highs and fewer lows.