She created the Borg

She created the Borg.

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Other urls found in this thread:

And that's a good thing



nvm, I dont wanna know

it's only a theory for now, it makes sense in the context of the show

sure, why not, just keep adding shit to the pile, it doesn't matter at this point.

I hate that I dread the new Picard show when ten years ago I'd be ecstatic for it

Haven't the Borg been around for centuries?

The Borg were a sentient race of machines which found Voyager. There's a Star Trek game about it.

There were also rumors that the events of the current season are also connected the Vger race of machines from the first TOS movie.

yeah time travel can't change that

But the show doesn't make sense in the context of Star Trek

They have existed for centuries, but when they first came into contact with humans depends on how you judge "first" in regards to time travel. Picard was the first human to make contact with them, but due to time travel shenanigans during First Contact, some Borg ended up stuck in the past which were found by Archer in Regeneration.

the internet can't stop praising the writing on this show but just can't.

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time travel. I aint gotta explain shit.

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you think in such 3 dimensions

This show is not Star Trek.

I don't think The Borg, which were introduced in TNG, are related to the machine race in the TOS movie.

I agree. However he is right. That is an actual fan theory. A stupid one but a real one.

The writing, outside of Michael Burnham, has been improving a lot.

The acting, outside of Michael Burnham, is also generally pretty good.

In general, Michael really needs to get Wesley'd.

>Really Bad Actors on STD:
The Asian Section 31 lady
The Section 31 Captain
Michael Burnham
99% of the bridge crew
The Mexican gay doctor

>Your dyslexia alows you to process visions of the future
Instead of
>Your dyslexia prevents you from properly processing letters and words yet still you're one of the keenest minds in starfleet and have achieved so much
(Which would actually make sense aside from the fact that it would be a peptalk directed at spock focussing on a hamfisted in sjw disability for representation, given by Michael Sue Burnham, dear god)

>Good writing
In what world?

>This show is not Star Trek
Indeed it's not, in fact it's killing actual Trek, skinning it bit by bit. Cutting out parts of skin and shittely pasting that on its own rotting flesh.

women - OF COURSE

That was just me making things up and pretending it was rumours, you can discount that.

why do you suffer for this shit so much?

Itd certainly bring a breath of fresh air to ST memes, you've still got females salty over Janeway getting her ship stuck on the other assend of the galaxy on her first day, now another woman created the godamn borg.

The Borg have been around for 800-900 years according to Voyager. There was that episode where they woke up some aliens in suspended animation after that long and they said the Borg had only assimilated a handful of systems at that point...

I have a feeling that's the shit they're going to pull. I felt it when I saw the injection. CBS is doing to Star Trek what got done to Aliens.

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Identity politics out of the mouths of rich white people has gone FAR too far. They've literally moved into the territory of oppressing people so they can claim an identity.

>choose to roll around in a chair
>want respect

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ok so what if the v'ger machine race and borg theories are both true, and both races are actually two sides of the same coin as in they come from the same source but diverged off into separate paths or sub-species over time?

what if the machine race, the squiddies, didn't wipe out all sentient life in the galaxy because they were anti-organic or wanted to colonise, but rather because the borg had already completely ovetaken the galaxy and the machine race had to step in to stop this from spreading farther and farther, so they simply nuked every planet that harboured borg "life" if it can be called that. which at this point in time just so happens to be all planets with sentient life.

and this is the fundamental difference that caused the separation. the squiddies, or the v'ger race wanted to live peacefully and not interfere with other life-forms but rather self-explore their own sentience. but the borg wanted to force all other lifeforms to conform to their idea of perfection, to remake everything in their own image. to expand outwards as opposed to inwards. and the v'ger race, holding the principle of non-interference of the upmost importance only stepped in when it was clear that it was either that or allow all life to be destroyed across the universe.

and if you look at things in terms of archetypes here, both the v'ger race and the borg are representations of the best or most idealistic, and the worst, most corrupt aspects of the federation itself. likely rooted in the AI of control itself which is literally an artificial, lifelife manifestation of the collective mind of the federation.

the creation of the v'ger / borg is a physical manifestation of the psychic break or split that has always been fighting itself to tip the balance one way or another since the inception of the federation. there has always been an internal struggle to maintain peaceful cooperation with the rest of the galaxy, or to subjugate it and attain peace that way instead.

Correct response. Just remember Nu Wars is fanfiction. Abrams Trek is fanfiction. None of this is real. It's an illusion. It's NOT canon.

What if JJ Abrams was burned at the stake as a witch.

STD destroyed trek. Unwatchable.pure shit.

no, its the logical extension of JJTrek

So, in other words, unwatchable pure shit.

The second one was pretty okay but none of them were trek.

Into Darkness was bad enough to be funny, which is a kind of improvement.

How has season 2 been so far compared to s1? I've been reading stuff about it but it all sounds so insane that I get the impression I'm being baited.

It's a lot better, but still not really Star Trek at all.

Society needs to calm down and take things slowly for a bit

If S1 hadn't happened and the show was about Mikey's first job aboard a big girl starship the character interactions would be solid. Section 31 is there though so its going to have another brokenly bad season plot.



lol what a fucktard

I cant feel my legs instead to fix em or chop dem off i wheel dem everywhere i go


>being disabled is a part of their IDENTITY
They sound like a real shitty person if "being broken" is such a fundamental part of who they are that they wouldn't get fixed. And yes, you are broken if your legs don't work.

Not really.
The writing is bad, but what's worse, it's inconsistent.
Most recent episode it was serviceable, the only thing you realise is that a better show would have better writing for at least their big moments, and the casting and actor direction really lets down the tone of the show. Too much melodrama, pacing-destroying quipping, and bad acting.
Section 13 guy, Gay engineer, Saru, emo Spock, and Asian woman (despite her accent) are the ones pulling their weight on this show.
Pike's actor is alright but the performance they're getting out of him doesn't fit the tone of the show. He's Flanderized Riker tone-wise.

Also another thing you'll notice is that the writing leaves main characters conspicuously absent from important proceedings. What did Tilly or Saru even do last episode? Tilly just blabbed some stupid reddit attention whore shit then shut up the rest of the episode.
In old treks all the cast who were present would be acknowledged as present by the episode, and since there were more episodes there were more opportunities to have filler episodes where actors got to take breaks. That can't happen when you're a big serious melodrama, everyone has to be there when the story needs them, and the story has to take account of where they'd be even if inconvenient.

I like this show but the universe is too small, and I don't think they explore some plot elements enough. The gay doctor coming back and freaking out about how he doesn't feel like a real person anymore deserves its own episode, for example.

I actually don't have a problem with Burnham or her acting. I just don't think every plot should hinge on her character.

Wouldn't being disabled in a world that can cure it be a dick move? Like new establishes will still have to build ramps and spend money, let you take up more room, and provide specialized services so you can maintain your identity. Or maybe I'm just overanalyzing a dumbass detail in a shitshow

nah at that point its purely cosmetic and all them laws would get revoked

Are you and literally every body else retarded? How the fuck does it matter that borgs were around for 900 years? It's a show about fucking TIME TRAVEL.
Holy sweet jeebzus muricans are stupid. I'm honestly shocked how stupid this show is and how stupid retards who watch it are. Horrendous

STD is not canon. For legal reasons its not even allowed to be visually similar to TOS/TNG timeline and for all intents is a different IP. They can reference all they want but STD has less weight than TAS.

user, they can be forgiven for expecting conventional logic from media. People are still adjusting to Hollywood going full retard the past 15 years.

>muh LORE
>muh predictions that turn out to be wrong
>"yeah im a trekkie, i watch it for the science and philopsophy stuff n shiet not the action"
>"i want more TNG because it soothes my autism"
>wtf the technology looks too advanced

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that's a lot of cancer in one image

Are you 12? Or just too dumb to understand that what you are writing is literally wrong?
You all are fucking idiots, I swear. What a shitshow.

JJ Trek isn't canon. Facts don't care about your feefees.

Jj trek IS canon

>Voyager leaves our quadrant of the galaxy and loses contact for centuries
>discovers a race of sentient machine folk with technology far beyond humanity and returns
>Borg race are sentient machine folk outside our quardrant of the galaxy with technology far beyond humanity
>"p-pure coincidence"
tl;dr it's not canon

I'm talking about you imaginative legal bullshit you fucking 12 yo idiot. I don't give a shit about what's canon and what's not. I hope you muricans will be fucking banished from this planet.

Nope. Sorry. Neither is Nuwars.

It is nu media that will be banished from this Earth.

My dick is canon

The STD in your dick is more canon than the STD on CBS.

50 minutes of retardation and "facts". How sweet. Like nobody of you are self aware enough to realize how pathetic all this conspiracy garbage is? (((They))) want to deceive us into believing it's a real star trek.
Pathetic... You guys are real brainlets here...

So much butthurt in this thread can't change the fact this is canon Star Trek now, and so will the new Picard show, Lower Decks and Section 31 shows be as well.

Whites are so fragile.

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Nu media is your murican creation. It's just as retarded and garbage as old media. And your whole country that consists of retards. Does it really mater if you're left leaning retard or right leaning retard? Not to me.

>Section 31 show
is there a worse idea? it's bad enough they made them an open part of the federation and had them invent a time travel suit

Look at CBS shit its pants in this thread. Now try to go make another Orville thread screaming about how it will be cancelled any minute now when JJ Trek isn't even canon to begin with.

A lot of fragility here for sure. Funny thing that it seems like this retards can't even COMPREHEND how bad this show is and are shitting on it cause muh diversity and not canon instead of actual reasons it's bad... Weird.

Anyone else really have their anxiety triggered when they watch Star Trek Discovery? (or STD aka Sexually Transmitted Disease as I call it heh). There's way too much going on it in and it goes too fast. Old Trek was way more easy to process.
And why is everything so futuristic? Why are all the characters so unperfect? I liked TNG where everyone was a stoic super genius like myself. I also like how old trek (real trek) has real science in it. The spore drive is just unrealistic and stupid. At least warp drives can actually exist. Fuck STD, it's not canon.

Oh, I don't have a problem with people not liking shit in the show, and there's dumb shit in it. It's just whenever you start saying whites are fragile, or how the show triggers the right, or the Orville is for incels - the haters get super defensive and triggered. It's almost as if they also have other vested reasons for hating a female-led show with a diverse cast.

Underrated post.

I don't give a fuck about orville. Like... who gives a fuck? Are you really that stupid? Well no wonder you're racist prick with inferiority complex, but come on. Is there at leas some resemblance of awareness and intelligence? Is it you murican education? You can't understand how one can distinguish facts from bullshit? CBS this CBS that. Pull your fucking head out of your ass already.

The last episode made me truly hate Burnham the actress. When she "died" to trap the red angel, and was resuscitated. The expressions on her face as she awoke and that whole scene were something incredible to behold. It was so bad that I could picture the other actors involved saying their lines while thinking "god look at this bitche's face, what a shit actress. How did she get lead role, fucking affirmative action"

>"Hey we need to make the borg without saying they are the borg"
>"Lets just make them say struggle is pointless instead of resistance is futile"

Imagine being so boring and uninteresting as a person that all you have is >muh disability

You must be joking... No I'm not retarded so my anxiety is not triggered. But it is hard to watch this shitshow cause of how dumb it is. Everything is retarded from their technoblabber, spore drive, character motivations, dialogues etc.It's horrible and pretty much unwatchable. It's like they're talking on twitter or something. I blame horrendous murican writing for it.
And no, fucking IDIOT, warp drives can't actually exist... Murican education...

>Be autismo lord
>Complain about lack of science in STD
>Complain most about the one part actually contributed to show by scientist who got related character named after him as a thank you.

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I agree with you. The fact they invented a technology that can make them disappear from one place and just appear in another is completely at odds with Star Trek as a concept. Just bullshit.

>Whites are fragile
>the only race that don't get triggered by a single word
Cuz niggers, chinks and spics are so powerful right?

They even have a thing now with that ginger monstrosity TIlly, where when she starts blabbering shit, thge other characters (especially Pike), just look at her in a way that says "shut the FUCK up". But, that still doesn't make her any less annoying.

Also, SPOCK said at one point, "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE". I fucking spat my tea, earl grey, hot, all over the laptop screen when that happened.

You have no friends
You have no family
You will die alone
No one likes you
No one will ever want you
Get it through your skull

Wrong, 7/9 and her family were the first

I'm married with kids, but enjoy freaking out over the 'great replacement'

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Tell me, how does it feel to be retarded and racist at the same time?

you stink like shit tranny, fuck off I'm gonna puke

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It's a rich able white man telling disabled people how they should feel about their disabilities.
Disgusting shit.

I feel like they'll write off discovery out of the universe. Either it'll be deleted from existence by timetravel bullshit or warp somewhere far in the past\future\whatever. I also bet it'll be horrible written and nonsensical too.

>The expressions on her face as she awoke and that whole scene were something incredible to behold.

Honestly, it was the best acting I've seen from her during Discover's entire run, not that that's saying much.

It was very telling how much more convincing and likeable the actress playing Michael in the flasback was.

Looks like it feels not so good. But you do you. World lost their faith in murica long ago anyway.

You should, because it´s in the same JarJar Abrams shitverse concept they call "Prime", to bamboozle normal Trekkies into thinking it has something to do with the old REAL TREK.

It´ll be another parallel Universe shitshow with trannies&shit galore, and Stewart likes it because his brain is just as SJW-fried as the average trannies.

Isn't he himself disabled too though?

This reads like an Alex Jones conspiracy and you should be ashamed.

Just admit the Trek franchise is being mishandled by Kurtzman, and the show is bad, and leave it at that. Don't coil yourself into knots to discount it from canon because a YouTube channel told you to.

Imagine if this production budget had gone on something good.

So when she finally does a genuine mistake, she fucks up good. Nice.

Oh god you are retarded. "normal Trekkies" Who the fuck are normal from you in this thread? You idiots should accept the simple fact that star trek is shit and never was good. And discovery just more shit but even more poorly written. That's all the difference.
Did you like TRY to say "normal trekkies" aloud? To realize what a pathetic nerd you are?

dubs of truth

God, I cannot wait for you Zoomers to start starving and your trannie axe wounds fester and kill ya.

Heh because it is alex jones tier conspiracy. This thread is like a zoo of brainlets of different calibers. Honestly this people should just shut the fuck up and enjoy this garbage show lmao. They have no brain power to say anything coherent about it anyway.

My guess: the mycelial network will be wrecked, discovery's trips will prove harmful, there will be a war with the fungus people. Perhaps all of these.

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No. It's been proven that this person doesn't exist. It's a SJW LARPing account.

This whole season premise of AI bad hur-dur triggers me too. Literally none of the characters tried to question AI motivation or ways to communicate\solve differences. It's mass effect all over again. How fucking unoriginal one can be? Season not over so there's still hope for our AI overlords... but still

Why did they have to make it a "prequel"? It fucking makes no sense in relatiion to what came "after". If they had set it after everything else, they could have made up any shit they wanted about instant mushroom drives and whatever.

Go jerk off to some VR anime porn, boomer incel.

The guy in the pic exists, but his name isn't Steven Spohn. Blue checkmarks mean nothing anymore. Anyone can get around and get one if you know how.

>It's mass effect all over again.

>He plays video games

Didn't they steal show premise from some game and being sued for it lol? Show is written by incompetent hacks that think they're competent.. so the worst kind.

It was originally developed by Brian Fuller, who wanted it to be an anthology show starting with the Federation Klingon war. When he left the project they were too far along in development to re-think everything so they just made the entire show set in the time period They had been making all these sets and costumes for

Is there a problem, mr. brainlet?

Leaving aside /pol/ shit for a minute, you can't really think Discovery is good. It's just bad to mediocre and coasting off a well known IP.

Nice namecalling, you sure showed me.

Honestly though, there's no way Discovery would've made any sense as a single-season show.

lmao fucking coward

ayo chris hol up a minit

Kind of banking on recognizable things like remember Spack. Same with making a show with geriatric Picard.

Again with the namecalling. I truly have met my match.

Struggle is pointless.

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Lmao imagine being so shit of a parent that you neglect your kid to be "woke" on Yea Forums. Imagine unironically raising the next elliot Rodger.

I watched the first half of the second season, and no matter how low I put my bar, the show always outraged me. This is literally the worst thing to happen to trek. Every second of every episode of this shit is a genocide of everything that is Trek.

back to capeshit threads for you pleb

Is dyslexia the new autism as the big magical thing now in Hollywood?

Are you retard really think if I hate discovery I'd like capeshit? omega lol. Comics are retarded creation for dumb muricans, hello? Pathetic.

Goddammit. I didn't get that when I watched it.

This is too low hanging bait for it to be the actual case... They can't be this retarded can they? Thoat this point I'd like for control to actually be proto-borg. It would be fucking hilarious.

Dont forget green energy nanomachines spreading black aids through the vains. They really are crashing this Ship with no survivors.

Kurtzman and his CW writers don't have what it takes to create something original. They said that Spock wouldn't appear on STD but here he is in the second season.
The bald guy from Secton 31 got injected with nanomachines through his eye, the latest episode showed Control adding metalic parts into his body, etc. He's turning into a borg/Terminator.
It's disgusting to see what they're doing to Star Trek. They have no vision for the show, no science, no theories or science fiction concepts to write about.

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It is in std, at least for human-vulcan halfbreeds.

I always preferred the one-off self-contained episode format of TOS and TNG. IT enabled them to explore different ideas without having an ongoing plot, making it more like an anthology series.

Hamlet? Hell yeah
Almost fucking blacked out on this one.

Don't forget that other line about how her mom was watching Amanda reading her Alice in Wonderland.
Gotta quote that fucking book in every episode.

3rd party here, complaining about namecalling doesn't make you look more important, just makes you look like a bitch who can't keep up with the game he's complaining about.

Can't imagine actual adult using "namecalling" so it probably was just some edgy kid lol... Muh videogames... what a dork.

>like a bitch
Not hard to see where you're coming from.

Why don't you two parties get a room, as you seem to be hitting it off so well.

Um yes it is, sweetie. Have sex.


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>*rolls into the frame*
>Oops, sorry Klingorc dude, please continue your secret chat with Section 31 in the middle of the corridor.

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>we're gonna see this guy every other episode until the end

Who cares? This shit ain't canon. It's spin off "prime" timeline that legally has to be 25% different so none of this shit matters.

maybe we will. Don't get too jealous, little incel

imagine being this retarded

Maybe there will be an episode where alien leg-eaters eat everyone's legs and the only man who can still move is Ensign Wheels and he saves the day

Some is better, Some is worse. The writers are especially scrambling in the character interaction department since they did fuckall character development in S1

In short, this. Thank you for this post

Disco has some issues, mostly related to the writing.

That being said it is way better than stale ass voyager or enterprise.

TNG and DS9 were the best trek tho.

my brother is in a wheelchair, growing up i spent a lot of time in children's hospices with him so my parents could have a break and i met a lot of kids with disabilities. there is not a single fucking kid on this planet who would say no to being normal.

this is just some retard trying to deal with the shitty life he has by convincing himself it doesn't matter, he can do everything you can do

Imagine having no argument and having to resort to name calling in order to avoid the truth that lieutenant diversity and STD crew aren't canon. They are also being sued by an Indy game dev cause the show runners lifted a ton of elements for the first season from his game. SJWs can't even create original story ideas within a universe with 50 years of established lore. Cope harder.

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Why the fuck are there workspaces in hallways?

>Pike's actor is alright but the performance they're getting out of him doesn't fit the tone of the show. He's Flanderized Riker tone-wise
They keep emasculating Pike at every occasion. No one respect his orders, they all talk back at him.

Its okay, pike will become R2 D2 with a burnt head later in life anyway, nothing he does will stop that fate.

The easiest way would be to see it as an holodeck program.
Later shows could have characters who reference to have played the Discovery holodeck program.

Like it or not, JJTrek/Discovery will set the tone for Trek from here on

in STD we had 1 giant plotline, the war, and once that shit got resolved they immediately started a new plot line, the red angel.
at least in VOY and ENT we had actual exploration.

Everything can change friend, you don't know that in four years Star Trek wont be about uplifting lesser races into glorious Space communism.
Everything changes.

>the red angel

Damn what I wouldn't give to see Angron and his Worldeaters board the enterprise and murderrape everyone in board

>in STD we had 1 giant plotline, the war
...and we saw nothing of it. They jumped into the Mirror Universe before we even knew who these people are.
> once that shit got resolved they immediately started a new plot line
I remember when they said that season 2 would show how the crew deals with the aftermath of the war. I guess that was in the original scripts before they had to reshoot the first 5 episodes of the second season.

Theory that STD is not canon is not based in facts or reality. What are you even talking about my little brainlet? I literally don't give a fuck about star trek and STD is horribly written trash. But you "fans" are just pathetic. "Namecalling" go cry to your mom about it, kid.
muh SJWs. Try to say this aloud, mb hearing shit you're writing will make your impotent brain think? who knows.
And yeah STD is canon cause fucks who own Star Trek says so. Denying that is almost on level of thinking NASA is covering up fact that earth is flat,Fucking retards. The only reason you don't want STD to be canon is cause it hurts your white feelings.
Time to wake up kid. Star trek always was MURICAN TRASH.
Fucking muricans.. you'll ruin this planet for sure...

I'd be happy if the show finale was Q saying "hey remember this? let's just fix that"

>get 'fixed' and lose the best parking spots and best theater seats
Nah bro, entitlement is worth the pity.

The JJ Trek films were literally Beyond > 09 >>>>>> ID

Look we all realise that you watched that one Midnight's Edge video.
And yes the arguments are compelling, but they are all based on hearsay, unfounded assumptions and speculation.

Just like your unfounded excuses.
With the little difference that your COINCIDENCE Theory is utter fantasy and the Midnight´s Edge vid is based on hard facts.

Facts like?...

Spock, Pike, and Saru are good characters played by good actors. If the show was just about them it would be great.

Sadly Burnham is still unlikable, the pacing is wildly frantic, and the plot is bad.

>star trek

how can space fascism be so boring?

And she ended them, sweet tea

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eddington please go

Based janeway, stealing a hive's most well endowed drone to teach her all about individuality and lesbianism.. or was that just my headcanon?

This is why we need periodic extinction level events.


Ok but here's the thing, isn't the ship a military vessel? As in it has military personnel commanding it? Cripples aren't allowed in the military.

>STD ends with Janeway coming out of a time rift and destroying Discovery to speed up Voyagers return to the Federation by 12 days.
Best captain.

No the federation is a feudal system where Captains can do as they wish within there own fiefdom (Ship) so long as they are loyal to the Kings (Admirals)
I am not even joking.

Why the fuck do you think any real life anything applies to commie whatever trek future? murican retardation? Idiots...
But you aren't 100% wrong. One would think crippled crew member wouldn't be able to fulfill his responsibilities 100%. In some situation NOT HAVING LEGS can jeopardize mission or crew members. I doubt writers thought about such things. They're fucking twitter hacks.

ST workspaces have never made any sense.

>I doubt writers thought about such things. They're fucking twitter hacks.
I'm certain they'll look really diverse though and that's worth something too.

I prefer explanation that future Borg have written themselves into fabric of reality and universe will always make events happen that bring their creation.
Section 31 was using Borg tech from Enterprise anyway to create Control so it is a loop.

I'm pretty sure diversity and good writing are not mutually exclusive things.

Only good episodes are the one on the planet with lost humans from 21st century and the Pike-centric one on the telepaths planet(in fact on pair with good TNG episodes).
Just skip pansexual papi moments and Burnham brain farts and it is watchable

Can’t wait till China takes over the world and erases all nuAmerican culture from archives

Why are the Borg seen as so unnatural and monstrous when Starfleet is apparently full of cyborgs like that one Frieza-looking bridge officer?

Why would disabled people still exist this far into the future?

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I keked

>*launch torpedoes from the nacelles*
Fucking hell.

Attached: STD - torpedoes launched from the nacelles.webm (900x506, 1M)

It must be a different timeline, they have far too much Borg technology from scan of Narada or what the name of that Romulan/Borg vessel was

>They aren't the focus
>nobody is making them a spectacle

I'd rather have numurican media than having literally who commie committee deciding what's better for me. Tho shit like that will probably happen regardless

Are you retarded?

more like Star Trek Dicksuckery

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I mean... This is in a supper advanced future society right, And it's been super advanced for some time? So how did the handicap become a part of his identity if it could have been cured as soon as he got it, even at birth?

No actual general AI, no immortality, no biological advancements, no intelligence enhancement etc. They're retarded murican vision of future society. Boring and dumb.

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I really like this season actually. I'm still not paying for it but it's good.

>distance, perspective is for nerd-incels

God is this dreck a shitshow.

Star Trek is basically boomer vision of the future from early 60’s

Can you explain how exactly you can see past gigashit writing?

by not taking it seriously and just enjoying it for the face value meaningless entertainment it's meant to be.

I actually feel sorry for them.

When can we start offing these SJWs, I cannot stand it much longer anymore.

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When they grow the balls to strike rather then undermine.
So never unless you want the American Empire coming down on your head for stepping out of line.

Actually their kids, we grew up on it.
All wide eyed and bushy tailed.

Tard Boomers had to be tricked into believing it a fucking Cowboy in the Stars show.


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Yeah, you´re right.
I think too that´s the plan, but plans seldom work out the way they're planed.

Take a gun and go do it coward. You sure you're better than dem SJWs, brainlet?
No balls, no intelligence, no taste. The fuck are you even? nobody Go at least do some good to this world, you worthless piece of scum

STD is ruining Star Trek

I don't even consider it canon

And the nanites were green.

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Michael and Ash have a kid and the doctor creates a virus to stabilize it's DNA, which mutates and spreads throughout the klingon empire and that's why the klingons in TOS look so human.

Ah, fuck, sorry about the filesize.

Asian lady becomes the Borg Queen, I would bet money on this.

According to the totally CANON books written by William FUCKING Shatner the Vger aliens are the borg.

>this bitch creates the borg
>Janeway helps them create superweapons

Thanks women

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>implying star trek hasn't always had gigashit writing
>implying the shitty visuals and campness of it didn't make the ridiculous stories palatable

Star Trek was kinda silly at times. But this shit is barely watchable. HAMLET HELL YEAH. Can't imagine that one in TNG
Also no put you "muh implying" shit back into your Yea Forums ass please. It's retarded.

I'm still managing to watch it, and the occasional Pike or Spock scene are decent (not that they will be around next season), but then I am pretty bored these days so that might well be influencing it.

>Also no put you "muh implying" shit back into your Yea Forums ass please

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>Yea Forums
>going to movies

I guess I'm also super triggered by how they're handling time travel. All this retarded shit like TIME CRYSTAL from black market and timetravel tech in the fucking past when they were saying how they don't have tech like that for half a season... It's just.. ugh Simple implication of timetravel tech existing at that time would be that every decently advanced space nation should have one working timetravel shit and starting timetravel wars fucking ALREADY. ugh
I hate timetravel it ruins everything. And STD writer are unable to write anything even vaguely resembling decent time travel story.

Being ok with not having the use of your legs is just like not being ashamed for being bald! The future is progressive!

back to redd*t

Know any other places on the internet, kid?You're so predictable and amusing. muh reddit muh sjws muh conspiracies. Just so you know reddit just as retarded as Yea Forums or any other place. You'd understand if you had anything even slightly resembling intelligence but whatever. Not like I expected self awareness from literal Yea Forums NPCs.

if not now when?

His books aren't canon.

always knew the disco critics were reddit libtards

No. You knew nothing. You're just retarded shitposter. Maybe sometime down the timeline you'll be hit with realization of how retarded you were in 2019. Let's both hope that'll happen, I wouldn't want for anyone to be brainlet forever. That would be sad.


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Shut the fuckup whore

STD is supposed to be prime timeline.

Don't get me wrong, I don't blame you for being stupid. Murican education, TV, atmosphere overall environment CREATED to make people like you stupid. It's fine really.

Holy shit.

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Jeffery Combs has cult status without star trek, but this is pretty bad. I don't even mind STD most of the time.

I would feel bad for them if they weren't such assholes on Twitter. They do a bad job defending their show.

combs is a legend!

no one wants gay autographs.

>if they weren't such assholes on Twitter.
Ignorance is bliss I guess. I don't follow either. To me it's just the gay dude from My So Called life and the annoying one from Adventures in Babysitting. The first to seasons of any star trek offering are usually awful and they don't tend to find their footing, really into the fourth season. STD's been ok, for me so far. Better than the last 3 movies.

>end of the table

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the first *two seasons. Sorry I'm an actual moron.

the image that saved Star Trek

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why is that shitty doctor even giving autographs? he hasn't done anything relevant in the series to have a cult following.

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>discovery doctor treated as anything but an extra

>Honestly this people
Holy shit, you really have no concept of how stupid you are, do you? You genuinely think it's the world that's stupid. Wow. Pathetic.

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Why can't they do Spock right?

Said this in a thread yesterday, but weren't there some Borg in Enterprise, set before Disco?

As this picture shows, Aids isn't canon or respected.

They were in ENT because of the events of First Contact. Some Borg were left on Earth because of the time travel that took place in the movie. I also figured it was a way to explain how Seven's parents (and Starfleet/the Federation) knew about the existence of the Borg even though iirc they went off into space long before we meet the Borg in TNG.

Elaborate pls, my retarded friend? You think world is not that dumb or something? Did you try to look around?

based Jeffery Combs

Voyager isn't canon because it makes no sense.

Isn't Michael a man's name?

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honestly i like him ever since the aliens performed gay conversion therapy on him and turned him straight

Do you have some examples?
Asking because science.

Sorry I don't have screencaps or archived tweets, I know that the black gay guy used to go after people who were criticizing the show. Maybe they've stopped now.

ESL pls stop

all of this but unironically

wait, is that what they're getting at with the "im not myself give me some screen time" meme
but if he is now a genetic blank slate without environmental damage, and thus not a gay that means...ruh roh

More like created the BRAP.

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He´s a fagget, that´s the only reason they need to praise him into the fkn sun.
Or rather crawl up where the sun don´t shine.

He's not wrong. He's just beating around the bush in saying people are retarded in the most politically correct way possible.

only one of those actors are actually bad though

Go back fapping to your fat ginger, AIDSlet.

this pig is repulsive to look at. why would they do this to the viewers?

we gonna talk about how a sentient AI with no physical form was able to tie a man to a chair, and install a tranq needle into an eye scanner of a black ops central security override?

That's not a very nice thing to say about Lieutenant Nilsson. Not everyone can be Tilly.

it used the transporter

transporters can't position a man laying prone on the floor into a seat position though....

it transported him vertically above the seat and then he feel into the seat

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*doot doot*

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That whole scene was the dumbest. Why the fuck he was even there. I'll remove dem limiters or whatever. Do they not have engineering?


it really isn't fair to even put them in the same table as Combs

The gay doctor isn't even the CMO.

Its called virtue signaling. Its the SJW favorite tool in their bag of tricks

this, I think combs would have the same length line as geordi or worf

Discovery had drones that cleaned up the mess hall and Mirror Georgiou had some murderbots, maybe the S31 ship has some robots Control has hijacked to move him into position.

nanomachines son. nanomachines all the way. it lifted lel land up with utility fog nanomachines and nanomachined the needle into the eye scanner.


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What fucking retard would CHOOSE to be disabled, and if they choose would they still be allowed disabled benefits?

>What fucking retard would CHOOSE to be disabled, and if they choose would they still be allowed disabled benefits?
Everyone gets benefits in the federation