>We shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells to coddle the feelings white males who feel excluded. Minorities have been excluded for decades in cinema and our feelings didn’t matter. Peele wanting black leads in his horror movies is him pushing for equality not the opposite.
Peele Did Nothing Wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
In addition, please be open minded and watch Collider talk about this. It's good hearing different perspectives.
Regarding The idea of opportunities being taken away from you.......many of those should have NEVER been yours in the first place!!! Remember how white men have played nearly every race under the sun? During every time period in history? Those never should've been their roles, they should've been given to actors of the respective race. We just had Gods of Egypt a few years ago! We're just getting around to attempting to fix it.
>hissssss stop forcing black hardR into muh movies
>Ok famuliar gonna make my own flicks
why is "white dude" capitalized? also who the fuck cares. he can cast whoever he wants. they're his movies.
Please watch the Collider video
Quit raiding the board you faggots.
>Minorities have been excluded and our feelings didn’t matter
So he admits that being excluded was a bad thing but thinks it’s a good thing this time around to exclude people based on race? I really gave this guy the benefit of the doubt but the more I hear from him the more he sounds like a racist.
said literally no one
I agree, please watch the Collider video so more people can be aware.
>that video of him becoming visibly upset about RLM's nerd show
What he actually said and its getting mem into 'black racist niggaman bad' is that theres a lot of movies with a white dudes pov, he is not gonna make more of that.
He is gonna cast white people, while you know ignoring mexicans, indians, etc, but they aren't gonna be the MCs.
i'm not watching your youtubes link, faggot.
I wish them luck, this board has been absolute shit since GamerGay
That happened a long time ago and that picture doesn't even mention Yea Forums
Why is this a fuckin issue?!
David Lynch once said in an interview he's never consider casting black actors for his movies. Is just the way he makes his movies. It didn't stir the press or anything. Why is this case an issue then?
Why are you people such retards?
I hear Ethiopia has a thriving film industry, if you don’t like living in a white country, go there. As far as I know, you are free to do so. Though your Jewish wife may get some heat due to Israel’s treatment of Ethiopian Jews.
Imagine XYZ director saying that he wont cast black actors and instead he will cast arabic or asian minorities because he finds blacks not interesting.
What would SJWhores do? He still supports minorities, just not blacks.
Media doesn't care about minorities. They care about blacks
No, that quote was from Collider. I didn't fit everything in the OP. It's connected here.
>white country
Is that the plot of a Twilight Zone ep?
Sorry, I meant here :
In addition, please be open minded and watch Collider talk about this. It's good hearing different perspectives.
Regarding The idea of opportunities being taken away from you.......many of those should have NEVER been yours in the first place!!! Remember how white men have played nearly every race under the sun? During every time period in history? Those never should've been their roles, they should've been given to actors of the respective race. We just had Gods of Egypt a few years ago! We're just getting around to attempting to fix it.
>I don’t see myself casting a white dude as the lead
Perfectly acceptable. If he doesn’t have ideas for white characters it’s because he doesn’t come from that life.
>White males feelings don’t matter because our feelings didn’t matter
That’s psychotic. It’s doing exactly to white people what was done to them. If racism was so bad then trying to keep it alive because “but white people didn’t suffer like us.” is a monstrous notion.
Dude...he is casting whitoids, he is just not telling stories with them as the pov character.
That's pretty homophobic, go back to /pol/
Current demographics aside, 99% of the people who fought and died to build and defend this nation were white. No amount of mass migration and historical revisionism can change that.
Lets be real here, you don't care about any minority feelings.
Why should he be any different?
You people are beyond retarded, if anything Peele should be /yourguy/
lel, not even you believe that bullshit.
If he said that today he would get shit. Saying
>I'm not going to hire a race of people in my movies
Is racist no matter how much mental gymnastics you're trying to pull. He's racist and doing it on purpose to gloat about it, that's all.
>Minorities have been excluded for decades in cinema and our feelings didn’t matter.
Why do they blatantly lie like this? It's the same shit with feminists who say women never had "strong" roles until only recently.
What are you talking about? Me?
>dude I'm not putting white dudes in my movies
oh no black people have to walk on eggshells about race now too or people get offended, the poor babies. Welcome to our world, niggers
Believe what bullshit? Look at any painting of the revolutionary war or of the colonial period. You can say niggers did this or that or support to the way efforts, but so did horses. The only difference is no one ever thought it would be a good idea to give horses a right to vote—yet.
I’m black and I still think this is fucking retarded
White people already aren’t excluded from horror films, so by casting only black leads, he’s leveling the playing field. There’s nothing wrong with this.
Ironically, there aren’t very many good black actors, even though Africans are well know for their skills in mimicry.
White directors aren't going on press tours gloating about how they aren't going to hire black men.
I don't give a fuck about "leveling the playing field," if so, they are overepresented already. He can do what he wants but you don't get to cry about muh racist Oscars and then say
>lol no crackas in mah joints
Blaxploitation 2.0, so "progressive" that we are going back to 1970s
This whole world is fucking retarded. Idk what to do. All these fucking idiots posting about lame movie politics. Fucking sneeds and colbert threads. Its all so tiresome
you are fucking retarded
Denzel is one of the best actors. But that’s because he works hard, not because he’s black. I’ve never heard him bitching about whitey or oppreshun either.
He didn't say that, retard. He stated he's never CONSIDERED it.
I am a black dude who loves Twin Peaks because it is some sort of window into a white fantasy land, is like a whole different universe.
I bet is the same reason white folks enjoy City of God or movies like that.
I don't think Lynch needs black people in his art, is just not the way he envisions it. Can you not see that?
They aren't going to gloat about it, but they certainly don't do it very often.
Fact is that Whites have been underrepresented in Hollywood and in the media generally for decades. Jews aren’t White. Look what happend to Mel Gibson when he pointed that out.
holy shit you’re stupid
>Jews aren’t White.
Jews are semites and semites are part of caucasian (as you call them, white) race.
>somebody tell this jew-loving nigger to shut the hell up
So why is it when someone points out that Jews are over represented, suddenly Jews have higher IQs and better work ethic? If we come from the same genetic stock, that doesn’t check out.
That’s hollywood — 30 years behind the times but projecting themselves into the forefront of societal evolution
Go ahead and segregate yourself, you dumb fuck.
What does that has to do with anything I said?? All I'm saying is certain artists envision their art in certain way.
Look I aint even seen Get Out, not even a fan of the Key and Peele stuff (Chapelle did this better years before) but you wypepo are falling hard for (((their))) bait, making some big scandal out of this shit, can't you see that?
Rusty Cundieff made 95% of his movies with BLACKS ONLY. Nobody gave a fuck. Why is this any different?
Full circle
More like Leftplotation. He’s just making money off retarded liberals.
is it me, or is there one retarded motherfucker (you) shitting up this thread with some of the dumbest wrongest shit I’ve heard in a long time?
>You Can’t cry about the Oscars
Who said anything about the Oscars? This is a conversation about Peele’s comments. I thought OSW was kinda dumb anyway since that kinda encourages undeserved handouts, and the years that the Oscars did have all white directors and actors up for awards were years where there just weren’t any movies with black directors and leads (that hit the mainstream enough to contend for the Oscars anyway) that were that great.
But this is about Peele’s comments, and I’m just saying, that I see where he’s coming from.
No, a white director wouldn’t float about only casting white leads, because white people in lead roles in horror films is already the norm.
Peele is just saying, since at this moment, black people are underrepresented in mainstream horror, he feels like he should seek out black actors in lead roles to change that. I don’t see anything wrong with that.
If he were to say it in some type of future where black people are properly represented in mainstream horror that’d be a different story, but in the current landscape of horror, there’s nothing wrong with this.
Also, he did say that he’s still going to cast white people, but in more supporting roles.
>They are over represented already.
Name 20 mainstream horror films from the past 20 years with black leads.
It was a different time
>Blacks are allowed to be racist. Whites are not allowed to be racist. If you notice this you're an "incel". Also racism is bad and Equality is good and I'm not racist.
This is status quo for leftcucks.
They never believed in "Equality". They want special treatment and double-standards.
Good. Let the whites cry, the booty blasting gives me a hard on.
Can't you /pol/tards, SJWs and anti-whites just leave this shit alone? Let the short, fat, ugly mulatto make all-black movies for fucks sake. I wouldn't want whites to be prohibited from making predominantly white films.
I want to make a movie with only whites and blacks. I don’t want any Jewish producers, writers or actors. Where can I go to do that? Certainly not Hollywood. See what I’m getting at?
Probably you because you don't even know what white/caucasian race is.
>Peele is racist
that’s right
>I wouldn't want whites to be prohibited from making predominantly white films.
That 99% of films faglord
ooga booga haha
Na bro, please elaborate
lol this is funny tho I remember you dumbasses saying this shit in a million threads
I guess you need something to psychologically compensate for realizing that you're a shit-tier race.
Beta uprising!!!!!
Leftists want to be heroes, which they will never be, so they’ve infantalized blacks in order rescue them from imaginary white oppressors — a simple side effect of superior white society depriving its more affluent members of real life struggle and rites of passage. It’s annoying as fuck. Peele is essentially a virtue signaling upper crust white who gets bonus points for technically having some black genetics.
If you weren't dumb you'd have seen that I was saying that I don't want racist white people to set a precedent that backfires on them.
>I wouldn't want whites to be prohibited from making predominantly white films.
They literally already are.
Sorry these people look like buttblasted liberals kvetching about trump. We’re calmly explaining to you your own racist tendencies. Now go cut your dick off and dilate.
Slavery was a mistake. Huge mistake. Imagine if there was no slavery. All blacks would live within their tribes in their Africa and we wouldn't have to worry about them, listen to them and pander to them. At all.
How is it full circle? SJWS always claimed it didn't matter if you married person of shit color you were still racist.
Didn't they already prove 1/3 of twitter is bots anyway? A lot of those likes are probably soros bots.
Holy shit, dumbfuck. Tell us again your definition of Semitic and what it’s got to do with caucasians. Better yet, just kys.
cope hard white boy
No one is getting booty blasted. If anything I hope it red pills more whites. Especially the younger generations.
why don't they hire more white basketball players and rappers
>All blacks would live within their tribes in their Africa and we wouldn't have to worry about them
They'd be trying ti immigrate to our superior societies and Liberal Politicians would be letting them in, just like this timeline.
cause they're parodying the racist apologists not SJWs you imebecile.
You are dumb fuck.
>term Caucasian has also often been used in a different, societal context as a synonym for white or of European, Middle Eastern, or North African ancestry.
Hopefully they shoot up more minority owned places so they can see how violent whites really are and create more race traitors since women are they easiest to be manipulated.
It would also mean no southern plantation owners, hence no democrat party. Good idea for a twilight zone episode. “The Utopia That Could’ve Been”
Maybe he's just a director who wants to tell a different story.
>he’s leveling the playing field
That's literally just way to rephrase "discriminating".
Libcucks and their newspeak.
cry more
stop projecting, faggot
Why would casting blacks allow you to tell a """"different story""""?
I thought "all races are equal"? Which is it?
women actually find mass shooters hotter dumbfuck. Nice guy syndrome is the issue. Keep in mind people like guy shot up theater got love letters in prison.
You already have your shit rappers that your kind lap up no matter how dog shit fucking up the craft. Eminem was good but he fell off a cliff. Go listen to G Easy or w/e youtube rapper you whites listen too.
A single race has killed ever genre of guitar based music with their selfishness. Incredible.
Literally who?
Imagine hating your own coal burning mother that much
>pretending to be nigger
Discord tranny genocide when?
Twitter Likes have been proven, over and over again, to not reflect reality.
Twitter inflates and tanks Like-counters at the behest of Dorsey.
whatever third world shithole are you from?
I haven’t watched his crap and never will, but I get the impression he’s got absolutely nothing new to bring to the table
It's true. Black people virtually never had lead roles in horror movies
There are different cultures all over the country, all over the world. I personally like to see different perspectives. This kind of generalizing but why do you hate things that are different? His movies are good.
How the fuck does 13% of the population produce a $70million dollar opening weekend? If people weren't so fucking stupid and understood what capitalism was, Jordan Peele would be working for Hallmark right now. Don't fucking give money to people you hate, it's that simple. But marketing is literally a pleb filter and faggots are so glued to their phones now that the human race is truly hopeless and getting fucked up the asshole by the Jews on a daily basis. Peele is a piece of dog shit, but the people that payed to go see his movie are fucking mindless zealots.
In the United States, the root term Caucasian has also often been used in a different, societal context as a synonym for white or of European, Middle Eastern, or North African ancestry.
Based gay communist Naruto
>Why don’t the hire more white rappers
What the fuck are you talking about? There are plenty of white rappers. You’d know that if you actually listened to the genre. Also, people choose to be rappers, and the genre itself originated from black people and the experiences black people go through, so black people are inherently more inclined to want to become rappers.
>Why aren’t there more white basketball players
I don’t really know enough about Basketball, but I’m pretty sure it’s just because more black people are attracted to the sport.
This analogy doesn’t really make sense because there are barely any mainstream horror films with black leads, despite there being black actors, and black actors in supporting roles.
Also, there isn’t a stigma that black people don’t pull in as many numbers with basketball or hip hop. Nor is there a stigma the other way around.
I axed you to define Semitic, nigger, and don’t tell me they’re white again. The state of the American education system. Yikes.
Blacks can exercise in-group preference. Jews can exercise in-group preference. Whites cannot. In Ireland, they never had slaves, but I've seen recently Irish politicians using the word "afrophobia" as the original sin card be played in that case (unlike here where Whites are guilty of slavery and of oppressing jews even though it was Whites that saved them from oppression from other Whites). Now, as a rational person, ask yourself how long do you expect us to put up with this shit in our own homelands? We will put up with it until the very last minute. Then, you will see, almost overnight, people being shipped into death camps.
You're a fucking idiot. Like most liberals.
>Minorities have been excluded for decades in cinema
imagine actually thinking that. if anything blacks are cast at higher percentage than other non-jewish races
>race = culture
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Someone's skin-color should have zero impact on their "perspective", unless you're a racist that thinks that being of a certain race makes you think a certain way. Are you a racist?
>Blacks can exercise in-group preference. Jews can exercise in-group preference. Whites cannot.
This. 100% this.
Funny how SJW's never address this double-standard.
Let him cast whoever he wants, stop acting like SJWs
>marries a Jewish woman
>instantly turns the white hatred up to 11
really makes u think!
Jews and other Semites don't really cluster with White Europeans (Ashkenazi are inbetween due to big European genetic influence, but half or more of their DNA is still of non-European origin) unless you shoehorn people into 2-3 races instead of a more natural, larger number of races that better reflects the reality of genetic clustering.
I'm perfectly fine with it. What I'm not fine with is the double standard. Imagine a white director saying this in 2019.
not a single person on Yea Forums complained about the casting of this movie, and Yea Forums complains about everything
He's pretty open about hating white people, so I think it's only fair as a white person I hate him back.
> a simple side effect of superior white society depriving its more affluent members of real life struggle and rites of passage.
>Let him cast whoever he wants
The problem is the fact that this attitude is never allowed with a White director saying they will only cast whites.
This. Fucking double standards. SJW faggots cant play by own rules.
I'm assuming you're in America as well. The cultures are different here because of the history of racism in the US. It has it's good and it's bad. I understand what you're saying but it's incredibly more complicated than that. I'm just not really into hating stuff for the sake of hating it. He makes enjoyable horror movies and if he wants to use African Americans as leads it's for the story telling hes doing.
Except that is the exact opposite of his life, he comes from an upper class manhattan white upbringing. He has as much ghetto in him as Trump.
The left would be outraged and Yea Forums would say he's a hero. So the same as this, but reversed. Seriously, your main argument against the SJWs is now "Yea, we're retarded, but they're equally retarded so it's okay."
Made me chuckle.
>Don't fucking give money to people you hate, it's that simple.
not everyone's a retarded mosque shooter like you.
because for a white to say this would be unthinkable and I'm supposed to believe were all "equal"
>literally just compared a whole ethnicity of human being to a species of animal
I honestly don’t know how you guys can say shit like this and still think you are the good guys, lol.
This was when you were probably 10 years old you newfag
you don't deserve the right to be an American versus your black 10th grade classmate just because you have the same skin color of the colonialist revolutionaries, you fucking cracker.
Suck my cock lol
Im gonna say it!!
Heree comes the airplane :))
>Peele wanting black leads in his horror movies is him pushing for equality not the opposite.
Night of the Living Dead did that back i 1968.
seething nigger
Funny the amount of mental gymnastics people go to justify this shit, he can cast whatever he want, but doesnt change the fact he's a racist piece of shit.
Great, don't coddle me. Just don't expect me to ever pay for your movies.
based and redpilled. no forced diversity, just actual diversity in film.
>t. white dude who loves his black brothers but also loves his own people
man it is straight retarded no matter what colour skin you are. If you have a functioning brain you can see it's the most moronic statement ever
>White men played every race under the sun during every time period in history
So....you're forgetting the gigantic Islamic uprising and development of their own culture completely throughout history? Just because white people had their own culture and had white people acting different parts throughout history doesn't mean they had a monopoly on it.
I mean shit look at how massive Bollywood is. Do you see us complaining about the lack of white people involved there? No. Because white people are the only ones that seemingly know how to respect culture and it's becoming out downfall.
they're a separate race from all others. Jews are their own thing separate from other white races fundamentally. or rather there are different lineages, even if today we are all mixed up in North America
At the risk of looking like RTD I am going to say that this nigger is based and redpilled.
I'd have no problem with this if sjw's and virtue signaling cuntbags didn't glorify every single thing a black person does when it revolves around black power.
Get out was mediocre. Black Panther was mediocre. Us was mediocre. There is nothing wrong with that. The problem lies in all these assholes proclaiming these are the "best works of all time!" just because niggers are in it.
The reality of the fact is that the white race is a myth. A dutchman looks nothing like a frenchman who looks nothing like an italian who looks nothing like an irishman, and they all have wildly different cultures and upbringings.
Once you point that out the discussion switches to "well italians aren't white", "well irishmen aren't white", "well spaniards aren't white" (amerilards hilariously think that spaniards and spicks are the same thing too KEK) until the only "white" people are germans and nordic people. So it definetly does not mean caucasian. It doesen't mean fair skinned eithet because slavs are pale and yet they're not considered white. It doesen't mean shit because pretending everyone who isn't black or asian belongs to one collective ethnic group is fucking bonkers. It's like stating a philippino and a taiwaneese all belong to the "yellow" race even though they look and behave nothing alike.
Adolf Hitler had a better understand of ethnic groups than modern day american college students
Holy shit how can someone be this retarded to write such a dumb thing like this? there's no such thing "leveling the playing field" when comes to art, dumb shit.
Never understood the meaning of this. Lack of diversity does not equivocate racism. What’s happening is minorites doubling up and telling whites “here’s your comeuppance, now we exclude you becauae you were trash to us before”.
Please tell me how the hell this actually achieves change? Rather than working together to create representation for all? This just creates more racism.
Yeah but if you start dividing up those "pale" races like that you quickly come to find out that those "pale" races are even more the world's minority than what they are combined and Jews can't fucking have that fact floating around.
And why can't Jews have that "fact" floating around for, hmmm? Which of your schizophrenic conspiracy theories are we going to use today, sweetie?
I don't disagree with that clear statistic reality. But grouping everyone together is what led to the institution of the EU. I'd much rather keep my national identity and be a tiny minority than be associated with a faggot frenchman out of principle
I understand it's different for americans but they shouldn't push their retarded notions onto us
Russia also has a miniscule population (especially compared to china) but you never see them claiming ethnic brotherhood with people who have fuck all to do with them simply because they live on the same continent, just to inflate their numbers
People choose to be actors...you make zero sense dude
Nom nom nom... More black goodies danke!
Only people online care about shit like this.
Maybe he said that but OPs quote didnt mean that at all. Hes just saying hes making black led movies
But this is bait, you give it away with the word sweetie. I unironically want to know, why do you people do this; is it really that fun to get people to insult you and then going "lol hes MAD haha"?
current germans are cucks like this? holy shit.
You think any of this is about positive change? You think anyone's actually aiming to achieve true equality? It's about revenge. It's about payback. White people now are being held responsible for white people of the past. This is about power, not equality. This is a struggle for control. I'm Jewish, so I get to sit back and laugh because ultimately my people actually hold the power.
if you used the internet before 2014 you'd know that yes that is fun
I myself posted as three different people arguing with one another in this very thread for that same purpose
you know for a race that has spent the last several hundred years pillaging and raping everything in their path white people have pretty fragile egos
no you don't retard, trillionaire oligarchs hold the power, unless you're rich your ethnicity is irrelevant
I too claimed my place as an ethnic minority just to get out of the upcoming race war but in no way it will make me rich and powerful out of principle, it changes nothing of my personal situation
tldr gas yourself kike
Of course only whites did rape and pillaging and literally no one else ever. Kill yourself
What he said is absolutely fine. What people are pointing out is that there is a double standard and if a white man had said the same there would be hell to pay. That is also fine.
If the dude wants to make movies with only black people that's fine. The problem is that it's a hate crime if you want to make movies with only white people.
Peele is a fine director and I don't have anything against him.
I don't understand you /pol/types.
>blacks should make their own movies and we need to stop this "forced diversity"
fucking Christ.
Yeah? Make me gas myself faggot
Is there any scenario where you wouldn't complain about (literally anything) a black director does?
Read this
Yeah, the only problem is how vocal and pushy SJWs are, and their counterparts. They are like the new popular religion i. america, knocking on your door (social media and newspaper) every chance they get. I truely hate how popular they are
Actors are hired based on what directors and producers want. You choose whether you want to aspire to be an actor.
Music is a much more open field, and is based way more on people’s choice.
They aren’t really comparable fields
I'm actually a chain smoking jew myself so I'm too busy contributing to my own personal shoah
Yes. The situation where I don't watch shit with niggers directed by niggers. I'd rather watch paint dry.
...which is bullshit crying. There is no hate crime law stating you can't make movies with all whites. You people are deranged.
>waahhhh wahhhh
This is America, you have all the right to cry about blacks. Enjoy your miserable fucking life and all the movies you refuse to see I guess.
What the fuck does the law have to do with any of this? Who said that he should be arrested for this? What the fuck are you on about.
Not that guy, but He Got Game, Do the Right Thing, Bamboozled, 12 Years a Slave, Sweet Sweetback's Badasss song, Get Out, and to a lesser extent Inside Job and Us are all pretty good movies with a black director.
You're being willfully ignorant if you don't believe that there would be widespread backlash to a statement equivalent to Peele's about white actors being released by a director anywhere close to the mainstream.
They couldn't post stuff like this if Twitter was forced to acknowledge the rampant amount of hate speech on its site.
>Creating imaginary enemies to one-up in a tweet
The resemblance.
Holy shit, a hot take that's on point and accurate. You don't see that every day.
Reminder that anyone who uses the phrase "white dude" is your enemy, and at no time should be trusted.
They are race hustlers and social justice fanstics of the highest degree, and if you consume any of their products, then you are as guilty toward the extinction of white people as those who stood under the lynching tree.
Please stop being racist towards ANY race. Equality doesn't mean you suddenly destroy the majority to make them the same level as the minority.
>but there would be backlash in my scenario that hasn't happened
So fucking what you dumb /pol/nigger retard? Some idiots get mad on Twitter for a week...whoopdidooo.
Also, forgot to say, that was besides the point. The entire point I was trying to make with that is that way more black people want to be rappers because rap originates from the lower class black experience, and the black experience in general.
Because that other retard literally said that it would be considered a hate crime to make a movie with all whites?
how come we never notice this shit?
>"j-just make y-your own m-movies"
>they do
how convenient this happens when you become a director! and when does this payment of past grievances end? OH I KNOW - when you are dead!
dude stop projecting.
Fuck you faggot
Is there anything more pathetic than a white liberal? Black people think youre pathetic for suckig up to them and white people who dont hate themselves think you're even more pathetic
Imagine being black and voting anything other than Republican.
What is this email?
>In addition, please be open minded
Kill yourself
>is there anything more pathetic than a conservative teenager who posts on /pol/?
fucking this.
Yes, you.
you realize it's true though right, literally nobody respects you, no matter how much you grovel
>some idiots get mad on Twitter for a week
You left out the part where there's constant news coverage slamming your character as being racist, demonstrations and boycotts against your newest film, and the black cloud over the reputation of anyone who would dare to violate this double standard.
I abhor /pol/. I hate how they think that a visual depiction of something is equivalent to an endorsement of said behavior. They're reactionary, narrow minded, and stupid. But on this specific matter, I share their belief. If you base what you believe on what other people believe about an issue, you're an utter fool with no critical thinking skills of your own.
accurate post here folks.
If anyone has the right to cast black actors in movies, it's a black director. Who gives a shit, man.
You guys just can't wait to produce more retards like that guy in NZ for your own personal entertainment. They should shut this whole shithole of a website down.
He's giving the next generation every reason to become racist by acting like things that happened before they were born can be attributed to them.
>Minorities have been excluded for decades in cinema
this is a lie
>I myself posted as three different people arguing with one another in this very thread for that same purpose
My god this man cant be stopped
>the (politics I don't like) is le strawman teehee
Moreover, it's an antisemitic trope
At best, it would be TMZ news for a month. It's tabloid bullshit, it never lasts. It's never real news. Who talks about Gunn, Roseanne or even Gibson anymore? Unironically, how old are you?
Based Peele. He is discriminating against white people now because blacks have been traditionally discriminated against. Despite the fact that the people he's discriminating against played no part in his own people's discrimination, he is still turning them into victims and oppressors at the same time. If it's reasonable to discriminate against people who have traditionally discriminated against your own people, he is setting up a never ending cycle of each competing race vying for the position of authority who gets to determine who is or isn't discriminated against.
Where does this lead? After this cycle repeats itself enough times, people will naturally come to the conclusion that there is no sense in trying to force these different people with different histories and different interests into the same market.
Literally promoting white genocide
>it's your fault I'm racist!
He is not discriminating anybody you retarded faggot, he doesn't wants to keep telling the same shit tier story about how a white faggot did something.
it's from gen powell about hillary
These people honestly need to grow up.
Of course it's discrimination, he is excluding a race of people for a position specifically because of their race.
he should tell an authentic story about black people
like how every single black city on earth sucks
"You are responsible for these things someone who was the same race as you did" is the mantra of the average white guilt movie. By this same token, every white kid can also believe they are responsible for civilization existing, along with every major invention of the last 500 years.
Sins of the father is not valid. It's nonsensical to try to make an Irish person apologise to a jamacan person for practices of slavery that neither one person, nor any of their ancestors, nor their whole countries ever partook in. It's just as invalid to act like you can justify racism because of things that happened to people who aren't you, like Peele is trying to do.
>Despite the fact that the people he's discriminating against played no part in his own people's discrimination
the absolute delusion
Its an amerinig dresses up like a criminal wondering why people cant trust him episode.
>people actually care that black director man won’t hire whitey for a lead
Roseanne Barr lost a hit show overnight for a joke that honestly works on the surface level and is only racist if you are a racist yourself.
Gibson had to do a decade plus of penance and have the endorsement of Robert Downey jr. to even get into low budget exploitation films again.
Gunn was making pedo jokes when his career was based on being a Troma edgelord and shouldn't have been punished in the first place.
Do you believe Bob Saget is a pedo?
The white actors that he's discriminating against have not contributed to his own people's discrimination. They are taking on the responsibility of other whites or jews that have traditionally discriminated against blacks.
Obviously he wants people to care that's why he's virtue signaling his wokeness in articles. If you don't want people to respond just make your overrated black movies and be happy.
>White people already aren’t excluded from horror films, so by casting only black leads, he’s leveling the playing field. There’s nothing wrong with this.
This is your brain on "social justice". "Social justice", not even once.
It's so fucking stupid. White people have done the same forever. Fucking dumb racists, dumb tribalists.
You're exclude because you a minority. If we hadn't gifted you this society you'd be shitting on rocks.
>White people have done the same forever.
Percentage wise, how many whites star in the movies of majority non-white countries again?
Absolute madlad
>(amerilards hilariously think that spaniards and spicks are the same thing too KEK)
as awful as our education system is we learn about this by the time we are 12 years old you dumbass
So right, nobody talks about these people anymore? Got it.
Yikes you're unhinged if you think Peele is doing that.
>op is a faggot
who woulda thunk
This thread is a joke.
How often do you complain about Jews?
He's obviously not trying to level the playing field. If he had good intentions he would say something like "I grew up not seeing enough black representation in media, so now that I'm in the position of authority I will try to have more blacks represented in my films". Instead he is specifically targeting a race of people and saying "You don't have a place as a lead in my film".
The fact that you believe America is a white country shows your ignorance. It never was and never will be, whoever is majority simply is. It's pretty irrelevant on the whole.
peele can't even make a decent movie, who gives a fuck what he has to say?
>Alternately known as the Nationality Act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted citizenship to "any alien, being a free white person" who had been in the U.S. for two years.
You know, when leftist teens talk about white fragility as a meme, you make me think it's far more real than I did before.
try saying literally anything negative about a black person and then get back about 'white fragility'
That's just a whatabout you dumb faggot.
You misunderstand, I'm happy that Peele is making these comments. Whites have been complacent for far too long, and these kind of attacks are exactly what is going to change that.
Are you niggers a literal fucking babies?
Also why are you trying to strawman us with your "you dont like black people making movies with black people". No one gives a shit about some nigger only casting other niggers but he needs to shut the fuck up about about white men.
it's actually a sign that everybody gets annoyed when you attack them, and blacks much more than whites, making 'white fragility' a retarded term
you also shouldnt say faggot your friends wouldnt like that
Whites have been "complacent" about flicks having blacks in them? Kek what, you going to shoot up a church or something now?
>triple exclamation point
Bait must be subtle to work.
yeah 'shoot up a church'. Whites have certainly never done anything more dramatic than that in history
It's not a retarded term when you spend literal hours crying because Jordan fucking Peele of all people, made a tweet you didn't like.
No its a comparison that shows that compared to whites blacks are crybabies while whites usually dont give a fuck unless some nigger movie director tries to shit on their entire race
I explained to you why it's retarded, it's ok that youre too dumb to get it but refrain from shitting up the thread
>it's not a whatabout, it is a comparison
So it could leave out indentured servants, slaves, and women. 1790 retard. Times change, America doesn't own slaves anymore and everyone has rights and a voice.
Whites have become completely atomized, especially in America, and have no sense of collective identity. When you put everyone who isn't white one side against whites, you make the lines perfectly clear. That in addition to becoming a minority in their own country is going to completely change that. Who knows where it will go, but Peele is directly accelerating that.
Who gives a shit if you explained it? Who the fuck are you? I don't care if some aspire thinks dumb bullshit makes sense in his head.
>Half-white man in trouble for sucking up to black people.
Isn't that what 14 year olds white kids do every day?
His movies, his choice.
You claimed that America was never a white country, that Act directly disproves that. The founders fully intended it to be a country for whites.
>Adaptations require some rethinking of structure, plot, or visuals to make sense or be better on screen.
>Blackwashes/genderbends any character she can.
Yikes. The absolute stupidity of you people.
Youre so dumb that im suspecting you are actually a nonwhite and not just a lefty
>everyone who disagrees with me is my political opponent and strawman and I'm a genius who says smart things
You need to be 18 to post here, mutt.
its ok if he just wants to cast black people. but outright saying "i will not cast white men" is just being aggressive for no reason.
they're just that good
You are arent you? Youre some ethnicity whose country is just complete garbage
Its pretty obvious that hes double digit iq nigger
Idk how come you havent realised this yet
Whatever meme strawman you need to tell yourself, underage /pol/nigger. Sure. You're crying about Peele's no no poo poo meanie words regardless.
>outside America the movie Us only made 23 million
How threads have there been now? About 30?
>it's your fault I'm racist!
It literally is what Peele was saying.
It's targeting the mutt audience
At least put some effort into your b8, this isn't even fun.
I didn't do shit user.
Blacks who think the country will be a paradise without whites should look at Rhodesia and Haiti. Not that I particularly like whites, I just hate self-satisfied negros even more.
>calling ethnonationialist posting retarded is "bait" now
Excpet it isn't.
Yikes. The absolute stupidity of you people.
I had no hopes and yet they were crushed.
I'm not the one overreacting about a tweet that a B list director made and championing white nationalism...
What do you mean? Those people aren't white.
Like I said, I'm happy that he's making these statements. There is also literally nothing wrong with ethnonationalism. I'm particularly fond of the Israel model.
There is literally nothing wrong with white people having self-determination in their own countries, free from coercion by racial aliens.
>over generalize white people
>says they are dumb racists/tribalist
>is racist/tribalist in turn
This is why we as a people are never going to make.
>There is also literally nothing wrong with ethnonationalism
This is what Yea Forums has become now.
>Yea Forums
What's that? This is 4channel, where we fully support the right of Israel to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people.
Israel is not an ethnostate you dumb ass memer.
They aren't "aliens", they are citizens of your own country. You retards want cohesion within your own isolated groups and not as a nation as a whole. A national identity supercedes your petty racial bullshit. Maybe try to actually go out into your communities and build bridges with minorities to set up that national identity instead of crying when blacks do (literally anything). What do you contribute, faggot?
>supporting Zionists now
Why are people so angry that the nigger wants to make movies with niggers in it? This is snowflake tier crying.
You're right, it's the only democracy in the Middle East and muslims there actually have more rights in Israel than they would in their home countries.
Muttistani definition of the "white" race is pretty retarded already though. You can't even get that out of the way let alone prove your purity. You're an amalgamation of random European poorfags that had barely anything in common to begin with.
Zionism is based as fuck. Jews get to create a state for their own people, pretend that it is only about religion (while still giving citizenship to anyone who is ethnically jewish), all the while denouncing whites for even thinking about forming a hypothetical state for themselves.
/pol/niggers became the inverted-SJWs
Literally the only explanation.
>you now realise that the 56% number includes arabs and afticans
>The fact that you believe America is a white country shows your ignorance.
Now count to 10 and read my post again. You seem to have misread/misunderstood.
>whoever is majority simply is.
Great point there buddy, truly saying a lot.
> It's pretty irrelevant on the whole.
How would the make-up of a populus ever be irrelevant to the visibility of actors from different etnicities within that populus?
There are periods because those are two different thoughts.
guess she doesn't want to work in hollywood then
Ok fair point. But still, times change. We don't have slaves for a reason, we actually uphold our values of freedom for all, and basic human rights for all. Whatever happens to the population going forward is up to fate and determined at this point. So, no. America is not meant to be some forced white dominated land. And it won't be in the future, whites will eventually slip to a minority and the world will keep turning, America will keep going.
White people were never united to begin with, retard. There were literally gangs of Anglo-American terrorists in the early 20th century who’d go around killing Irish immigrants; they saw no distinction between them and blacks.
Do you think the fathers had a clear definition of what “white” meant? They considered Sephardic Jews to be white. And on top of that they clearly wanted to maintain an Anglo majority in the country, so they restricted immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe until the 1900s.
I think what he said was fine. Also, the reverse should be absolutely fine to say and do. I just tend to hate the justification of "well in the past it was the other way" rather than "let people tell stories they actually know".
They were united within their own countries. They certainly had conflict with other whites, and dehumanizing them by comparing them to blacks is not proof that they weren't seen as white.
"White" is such a vague term and has obviously changed over time. Still, saying that they were more restrictive than simply only allowing whites in isn't really an argument that it wasn't intended for whites. They may not have wanted to allow all whites to be citizens, but the only people who were allowed to be citizens were white.
They were united within their own ethnic groups, not within the white race as a whole.
This is why white nationalism is so retarded; you perceive whites to all be interchangeable and all have the same interests in mind. It’s how you end up with Anglos larping as Pagans and Irish potato farmers trying to take ancestral credit for the accomplishments of the Roman Empire.
Centrism is best applied in scenarios like this
Jordan Peele is doing the exact thing that racist people want and is making his own original films with black people in them and that should be respected, however it is fair to question why hollywood keeps shitting up castings and why white directors with films surrounding white cultures have the heavy expectation of slipping some brown person in there
Blacks were granted full US citizenship in 1868. That’s literally before most Italians and Poles were. You’re arbitrarily cherry picking from history to suit your agenda and you look really stupid doing it.
>full citizenship
>but couldn't vote, marry a white woman or shit in the same bathroom
I agree, and I'm really not a fan of the pan-european mindset. Places like France and Britain actually have a leg to stand on when wanting to keep Britain British and France French, for example. "White" is a catch-all term that is definitely used too loosely, and there is certainly a lot of larping going on, especially when it comes to American politics. At the end of the day, though, there is an obvious core to what people would consider "white" and most people can instinctively recognize it.
Oh what are those poor minorities going to do if they can't watch a movie
Citizenship is still citizenship.
I mostly watch Asian films. I dont want to see foreigners in movies
Just don't pretend it was "full" citizenship until the 1960s...
>Blacks were granted full US citizenship in 1868
Can you imagine what the founder's would have thought of this? They certainly would have been among people raising arms against the Federal government to not allow such a thing.
I agree, but I just don’t think whites really have any kind of shared identity that’s explicitly racial, so there’s nothing really to build off of there. That’s not to say “white people” don’t exist though, I’m not trying to argue that.
Adams was against slavery and Jefferson argued for voting rights for blacks for years.
He can make whatever movies he wants...but What he said was definitely racist by definition since it implies that he wouldn't hire a white person on the basis of skin color. If he made 100 films with all black actors I dont think anyone would care or question it.
So you want to return to pre-1868 society? Alright, the first step is to get rid of your internet connection. The sooner the better, please.
kek this is getting pathetic
Why weren't blacks granted citizenship in the Naturalization Act of 1790 then? Are you really going to pretend that they wanted them to be citizens of this country?
Go share your grievances with Andrew Johnson, buddy. You can’t just pretend the past 150 years of history are invalid because you don’t like brown people.
Okay? This country was still founded by whites for whites and you have provided no evidence to dispute that.
>why weren't slaves and the backbone labor force for most of the surviving union after the Revolution, made into full citizens?
Gee, must be because of those blasted niggers!
>wants to write stories about black people
>is a racist because he wants niggers to play them
fuck off sjw
>I have to be beholden by the standards of what our founders thought and did over a century ago
I bet you really seethe over that Amendment process then, right /pol/faggot?
It doesn’t matter what it was “founded for.” That policy changed a long, long time ago and you’re not gonna rewind time back to the 18th century.
You should go back to the original claim that was made that started this tangent. Someone claimed that America was never a white country, and I provided evidence that contradicted that. I don't know where you're getting the idea that I'm saying that's what it is now. You are so desperate to argue against a position I am not supporting or advocating.
This is such bullshit, whites stopped caring about German, Czeck, Polack or Italian when they come in direct conflict with blacks.
When white people are around eachother alone they will fragment into ethnic neighborhoods but when blacks are involved it literally becomes black or white only. This is why the North and the South were so culturally different until WW2 when the black sharecroppers in the south migrated enmasse to the major northern cities and ethnically displaced all of the whites into the subburbs.
>goal jumping
yeah, you lost