short stack edition
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i have a problem with kdramas (and sometimes jdramas, but mainly kdramas) where they always have some gimmick, and i watch the first episode, and as soon as the gimmick is introduced i have no further interest in the show and i stop watching 2-3 episodes later
even supposedly good kdramas are just bad, honestly. tried watching strong girl dong-bong-soon or whatever, which is supposed to be fairly popular, and i couldn't get over the fact that the main "cool guy" traveled via a stupid smart scooter. was that supposed to be a joke? i was not sure.
i heard a lot of korean drama's don't write out the entire season before filming.
usually they start with a premise and put all their budget into the first 3 episodes hoping to build an audience with that. then they produce the rest of the episodes on a much lower budget and will sometimes change the story depending on how the public is reviewing the show.
that's why the first 3 episodes are usually pretty solid then it diverges into random stuff later
is this considered kdrama?
that explains a lot
it's considered kino
i can't wait for season 2
Someone rec me something like Because This Is My First Life
why are koreans so bad at writing?
dramas starring iu
I'm watching Mr Sunshine and its bretty gud so far
try writing with your eyes squinted retard
I want to impregnate Hyunjin.
Fuck Kim-Chi people.
>liking kdrama or kpop unironically
this but android vivi
why does hollywood keep stealing from korean movies than
>God I wish that were me
How does it feel to be pissed by a girl?
this but heejin
that but olivia
>leave kdrama kino to me
same show
thx m8
fuck off with your kplastic drama
yea everyone in hollywood is so natural no plastic surgery...
did she die?
how do white "women" even compete
fuck off mentally ill troglodytes this isn’t Yea Forums
It’s even worse
>discussion of korean tv shows belong on a music board and not a television and film board
yikes retard
plastic monsters
just die in your sleep already you won’t ever have enough self awareness to see your level of faggotry
don't forget to dream high...
Fuck off already you pieces of shit.
Imagine being such a miserable gook loving koreaboo you dedicate your time to watching worst korea pigs
Holy shit watching this now
ah yes look at this natural beauty, no surgery whatsoever
so many roasties in this thread. Go make more captain marvel threads you sluts
Are there some actually funny Romcom that doesn't involve the typical muh family obligation and shy girl ends up the chosing one
based roastie roaster
kboos have negative intelligence. go ahead and show us a couple of cherry picked examples while korea remains the plastic surgery hub of the world and almost all of your chinks have had work done on their faces.
yes there are a few
>cherry picked examples
What? Literally EVERY. SINGLE. HOLLYWOOD. ACTOR. went through at least one surgery.
Botox monsters.
The difference is they actually improve their appearance through plastic surgery lmao
'97 was better
why are you projecting koreas overwhelming and disgusting amount of plastic surgery onto others
hehe lmao that’s why they’re all miserable cunts with the worlds highest rate of suicides amongst young people right? because life’s all about feeding an entire nation’s vanity obsession and looking like a cheap alien surgery riddled twink
Better that than 1/3 of their population being fat and indulgent lmao
roasties absolutely BTFO'd
Mr Ahjussi legit made me cry guys. I want to fugg IU
>3. Japan
That's rich coming from someone from the tranny capital of the world.
Name me ONE actor who has not had any plastic surgery. You literally can't. FYI, plastic surgery isn't even bad. Many great or fun actors have had small work done. It doesn't negate who they are.
>this form of mental illness is better than this one
stop being a faggot
U.S. thots on suicide watch
Jdramas are better
t. burger landwhale angry lipo can't remove the fat in her brain
4% seems "normal", but 10% and up is pretty alarming
who are you talking to? you don’t know where i’m from. you korean dicklet obsessed femcels cannot rub a couple braincells together at any given time. most actors in hollywood haven’t had work done, at least not until their late 40s to 50s, unlike korea where all of the celebrities get work done in some fashion as early as their preteens. seriously stop projecting lmao
>I'll die by the age of 50 of a quadruple bybass but at least I didn't get that nosejob lol Koreans btfo
Your inevitable heart disease and mental illness make a great combo = ugly on the outside, diseased on the inside :)
was thinking about watching pic related but that show also has good reviews
>reduced to angry namecalling and baseless accusations with nothing of value to say
thanks for seething in defeat
>at least not until their late 40s to 50s
Look at him moving goalposts.
Don't get so mad. I don't think your bloated heart can take it :)
you're the only one seething here sweaty
>mental illness
your worst korea waifus are riddled with mental illnesses, you really can’t stop projecting can you?
>live longer than American women
>less plastic than American women
>traditional family values
>age like wine
Korean women are the best. It's why I moved here over 10 years ago.
moving goalposts? i saved you the trouble of cherrypicking a couple of old farts and pretending the amount of plastic surgery is comparable when there’s an incomprehensible number of young people in korea getting surgery compared to hollywood. you’re literally a brainlet
Imagine being too poor to afford plastic surgery and whining about people who aren't on an anonymous Thai ladyboy massage parlor.
Sounds like you're the one projecting. I bet you've never actually met a Korean woman while I've dated several. Stick to your drug addled trailer trash women.
My Mister was pretty good
>unironically posting cherry picked images
damn you awaken all the weebs at this hour
Imagine needing plastic surgery and not naturally being at least a 9/10 lmao
>unable to refute any of my points so you just post the #1 most famous plastic surgery addicted whore in america as some kind of “point”
not that i really have a dog in this fight but that statistic means jack shit since it isnt per capita, of course burgers are going to have the most since theyre the highest population of those countries by far and the richest as well. try to find plastic surgery procedures done per capita if you want to know which country really has the most.
thats not the % of population getting plastic surgery brainlet, thats the % of plastic surgery out of the total plastic surgery performed
Can't imagine that, since I'm a 10/10 uber Chad.
that's exactly what I meant, never implied 17% of people overall have cosmetic surgery, that number is astronomical
sure you are
my bad then, misread your post and im the brainlet
Would post my dick and abs for you but I don't want to dox myself.
>not face
not a chad, abs and dick doesnt make you chad. youve either got a hot face or youre not shit uggo.
>pic related is you
>21. Mongolia
>22. US
You missed the point, Ive slayed so much pussy my dick is instantly recognized on the internet.
sure thing facelet
why do you have that shit in your computer
It's a collage of her fap folder.
its just a picture of buff ugly dudes to show that "just lift bro!" doesnt work, i dont see whats so strange
where did you watch it?
yeah but why save pics of buff dudes
are you actually retarded? see my point above. are you so retarded and such a repressed fag that you cant see a fucking shirtless dude without thinking gay thoughts?
Oh so it's your coping mechanism. That's okay fatty, just give up. You couldn't improve yourself in any way.
i can see them i just don't save their pics in my computer lol
I got it from, but it should be available in those "kdrama" sites around.
>desperately trying to deflect his point
Confirmed closet homo.
you dont know what deflection means, i addressed it clearly
i agree that some guys on there really shouldnt be there, some are just average looking not really ugly
And a dumb homo at that!
also, Sky Castle was something else too
I'm just laughing at your skinnyfat cope you silly little inceloid.
bro you save pics of buff dudes to inspect their looks
you gay
womanlets give birth to manlets
but youre clearly seething because its true that you have an ugly face and have to compensate by being in shape, otherwise you wouldnt be so angry. its ok bro trying mewing and maybe youll get a jawline?
>mother is 160cm
>father 170cm
>im somehow 180cm
dont get it tbqh
no straight guy saves pics of buff dudes to have epic debates about how attractive they are
might as well just admit it
Misaeng is the pinnacle of kdrama
>me no can discuss aesthetics cuz me too gay inside
quick rundown?
>fat and ugly
>projects its insecurities
>irrational hatred of asians
>saves images of buff men
>attention whore
It's a faggot with a roastie's soul.
Is this you?
holy shit you are fucking seething, when did i say i hated asians? youre so mad that youre actually projecting shit onto me while claiming im projecting. just trying mewing bro seriously then your lifting will be worth it cause you wont have a turd at the top of your rockin bod!
why would you want to discuss how attractive buff dudes are unless you're gay?
no but he's right
>so mad he was outed he's accusing people of samefagging
Wew lad.
>so mad that hes ugly he has to sperg out and projecting his anger onto others
Why are you messaging dudes on facebook asking how they clean their butthole? That is pretty gay in and of itself
Dream High 2 was better.
Pretty sure I'm not the one ranting about people having plastic surgery on the other side of the planet.
i havent said anything about plastic surgery bro, i would get it too if i was ugly. i dont think theres anything wrong with it.
>i havent said anything about plastic surgery
>No real argument
You were the steamed ham all along
>being called a Mongoloid would actually be a compliment to an American
top kek
is he the korean tom cruise?
he makes a show better just by appearing in it
i havent though m8, i havent been itt from the start
>i havent been itt from the start
>*to a non-white/non-asian american
i havent
that was my first post
What show is he in? Also, any K drama recommendations? Been meaning to start watching some.
Sure was.
big, coffee prince, and goblin are really popular shows he was in.
he is also in some movies like train to busan
>we need a comic relief character
>say no more
Dumbest thing I read today
Something in the rain is one of the Bette ones
No way China has an average of 100 with thesamount if them living in poverty
jesus christ this board gets gayer and gayer every time I come here, that tumblr GoT invasion really fucked this place forever
China's numbers aren't exactly reliable
How will roasties ever recover
>guys look what a pedo i am
there are much gayer threads than this retard
Do they use the same people in kpop for these shows because there is no way these people can all look the same can they?
some kpop stars are also actors/actresses but generally no
really tho?
I dont see a days of our lives thread around here, so pretty sure korean soap thread takes the cake for tumblr-tier faggot thread here bro
POO EYES...oh wait Koreans have those too
How is Canada lower than the US but the US has so many more niggers to weigh them down?
there is literally a thread dedicated to tom cruises ass and another about Steve Buscemi having homosexual intercourse
its full of canadians, funny that if you took nigs/spics out of the equation america would be so much higher
If you took nigs/spics out of the equation America would be empty
youre so original and funny
It was certainly not, the constant yelling was a bit too much for me
>guys look at how gay I am
K-Any thing is fucking lame. I came to the realization that I only really cared about K-Pop sluts because it made my peepee hard. Remove the visual aesthetic of most Korean entertainment and it losses so much value. Also Koreans can’t into acting.
>everything you post is cherry picked images
>everything I post is the standard...wait, I don't post shit? I just talk out of my butt
What did user mean with this?
>Train to Busan
Oh, was he the father? Been awhile since I saw it.
When you are poor, you have all the more time and reason to study.
t. Poorfag who didn't want to stay poor
>removing the visual aesthetic of anything ever
>K Anything is really lame