
#TheLastDriveIn @shudder @kinky_horror @therealjoebob

Within 10 minutes, Castle Freak is better written than most "horror" stories today.

Attached: drive in.jpg (1098x589, 83K)

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poor kitty

You need your thumb

Pretty bummed about the cat

Also Barbara is still hot

>Barbara Crampton is still hot

Attached: 1553128516152.gif (500x281, 992K)

Barbara Crampton is still hot

Still would

Oh shit! Barbara Crampton is 60 years old and still hawt!

Barb Crampton, in the flesh!

Attached: mommy barbara.jpg (1091x587, 67K)

I agree with the filename

watching on brettygood com

Joe Bob is right
From Beyond > Re-Animator

>60 years old, still in the genre and still hot as hell
How does she do it?

Attached: DfBf7WHVMAA44Yn.jpg (901x1200, 157K)

That's a grandma right there, my dude.

sure she aged gracefully for her age but c'mon y'all

fuck, she looks like she has hardly aged at all

I'm about to


alison brie in 10 years

Attached: yikes.jpg (928x715, 66K)

I can see that

Gracefully? There was black magic involved here, user.
Something was sacrificed to some old evil in order for this to be possible.

All the people who died playing the board game in Beyond the Gates were sacrificed

How many infant foreskins does it take to keep an actress young?


Attached: 421.jpg (1024x576, 31K)

infant male mutilation and the castle freak is real

What if they could just rub foreskins on their face without removing them

Barbara looks freaked out when she talks

The foreskins must be able to consent


She's afraid her face will shatter.

I think she's had elocution schooling

Movie is actually giving me some feels

Wouldn't be gothic horror without the feels!

Thats because shes an SJW and Joe Bob just did a 20 minute rant on SJW idiocy and the New York Times being a shit rag,

Barb's producing a new Castle Freaks with a woman writer and more Lovecraft.

How bad is it gonna be?

>woman writer
that's all u need to know

Hopefully she doesn't try to make it seem like Joe Bob was an asshole on social media later

Might be fine, it's not like Stuart Gordon is super faithful to Lovecraft either.

Not a fan of Halloween?

He's going to run afoul of the SJWs at some point, it's inevitable.

Joe Bob will drop some red pill bombs all night only to drop some blue pill bombs, then turn around and drop a few more red pill bombs and finish off with some moderate viewpoint.

Don't try to understand JBB's politics, just try to be more like it.

She's been live tweeting the whole movie, she's very fond of Joe Bob.

Can someone translate the words of the African Italian prostitute?

This hooker has pretty nice titties

Highly doubt it. They're very good friends.

>This hooker has pretty nice titties

Was hoping she'd belly dance so here chains would rattle

God you people are so paranoid that you’ve just become retarded.

This You must have missed the first Last Drive In. He went on this amazing rant about Trump that had /pol/ fighting /reddit/ on Yea Forums. Both sides only heard what they wanted to hear and both sides were convinced Joe Bob was on their side. JBB just laughed at the end of the rant and went back to the B Movie.

Ernie has his hat back on

Attached: haton.jpg (308x166, 8K)

I love that fucking lizard

Hey, @kinky_horror, will we be seeing any cosplay tonight?

More Diana “Darcy the Mail Girl” Prince
Coming up!!!!

Attached: darcy dankas.png (359x654, 595K)

Based lizard.

Bearded dragons are chill, if I got a lizard I'd probably get one of those dudes.

I have that same darkman mask since it was half off during halloween last year

Seriously I wasn't expecting this movie to put me through so many emotions. Horror with family drama is always hard for me to watch.

He bit her tiddy off.

>Horror with family drama is always hard for me to watch.

The alcoholism does terrify me

That's basically the methodology of Stephen King, his "horror" is pretty tame but it's a lot scarier because you care about and relate to the characters.

>No subtitles for the Italian dialogue


He's either had some work done or they've caked so much make up on him he can't feel anything. What channel is this on? Joe Bob Briggs got me through the 90s.

>What channel is this on?

watching on brettygood com

officially on

Attached: drve in briggs.jpg (1292x675, 122K)

Or great storytelling. Either way, I agree, user

the freak is literally eating her out

Damn, Le Freak is brutal

Metonymy is a figure of speech that replaces the name of a thing with the name of something else with which it is closely associated.

>eat pussy

Thanks, but no thanks. My DNS filter is pretty lax, but that shit sends me so much AIDS that it doesn't work and I ain't disabling that many of my scripts.

Definitely a good movie, but I think I like the other Coombs/Crampton lovecraft movies better

it's definitely the weakest of the three

If you want to understand Joe Bob's politics you have to go back farther than last yeat.

On Monstervision he made jokes that would end a career and was viciously against the left.

You and joe bob can fuck yourselves

Too bad there's no documentary on the making of of the movie that was filmed alongside the movie. It sounds comfy as fuck.

>cast were generally really close
>slept in the castle during production
>told each other ghost stories at night

Didn't he refer to a situation as "we've got a republican alert!" on his TMC show Whenever a drive in would shut down?

Joe Bob doesn't seem like the kind of person who would stand for any kind of institutionalized party line politics

ah bloo bloo

The lighting in this movie is actually pretty impressive, I love the gothic atmosphere of the castle.

I think he's mostly just against any kind of censorship or moral panic type situations, whether that comes from people on the right talking about "degeneracy" or people on the left talking about "safe spaces". He's always kind of toed the line of bad taste here and there with his satirical style and the like, so I just think people read into that he's "On their side" when he says something that confirms how they want to feel about him.

Lil blindly got a chubby tumtum

Stuart Gordon really trying to get me to try to jerk off to a blind teenager

>Gordon still found a way to get Barbara's tits in the movie
What a legend

take me

That's kind of what I mean by institutionalized party line politics. You can't really say "this is wrong and shouldn't be allowed" if you're not part of a group with some sort of generally agreed upon values.

JBB tends to at the very least appreciate anything that's subversive if not outright shocking and it's hard to be subversive if you buy into left-right politics.

Based Combs with his high waisted fuck pants

What will Darcy say about Castle Freaks?

Attached: darcy 2.png (471x600, 627K)

Something retarded probably

Have they said how long this is running for?
No way this is going to go the whole rest of the year.

I'm guessing 8-12 episodes.

"It wasn't fun like CHUD"

Something along the lines of her being sure she'll like the remake more.

>i like castle freak. it's fun.

It's only gonna be 9 weeks, but why'd you think it couldn't last the whole year?

>No way this is going to go the whole rest of the year.

Attached: file.png (500x755, 792K)

>Calling Felissa
Based Joe Bob fucking never lets up.

>it's definitely the weakest of the three
Darcy, are you posting here?

this is the best running gag ever

Pretty sure it’s supposed to be a full blown original series for Shudder from here on out, in which case I don’t think there’s any kind of definite “end” date to it. As long as they have b-movies and other more “drive in” faire in their catalog (and Shudder is run by AMC which has a huge movie catalog at their disposal) and JBB is having fun then I don’t know why they wouldn’t keep it going

Because Shudder doesn't have the budget to do things like that.

The game already confirmed it's only 9 weeks (18 movies)

Darcy looks like Kim

Attached: Kim-Kardashian-Short-Flapper-Hairstyle.jpg (730x1097, 214K)

>ywn talk about dicks with Felissa Rose for hours

I'm sure there's gonna be another season, or at the very least, another holiday special.

Classic Joe Bob.

HURRR He's on my side
DURRR He's on my side.

Politics are stupid.

Actually, I really hope he does a Halloween special this year, with 4 movies like the other holiday specials, I can see it now:
>Hell Night
>Trick 'r Treat
Now that would be a great Joe Bob lineup

A yearly series + holiday specials spacing them about 6 months apart sounds pretty manageable

I watch Trick R Treat and/or Pumpkinhead every year, I'd love that.

I really hope the service gets more successful though. I signed up for the free week using a promo code last October so I could watch the original Texas Chainsaw and have been enjoying the hell out of it. It’s like $5 a month (going up to $7 in May I think to compensate for the new originals they’re doing, but still cheap) and it’s just a treasure trove of genre movies and now exclusive stuff like JBB.

It's only like $45 a year if you pay for it annually. Totally worth it for me and the only premium channel I pay for. A lot of their originals are really good.

Oh god, staying up this late did something to me, now I'm not tired.

Just a second wind, go wind down without electronics or bright lights and you'll get tired again.