What are some shows that start off with an amazing pilot and quickly fall off the rails in terms of quality?
pic related, what a boring disappointment
What are some shows that start off with an amazing pilot and quickly fall off the rails in terms of quality?
pic related, what a boring disappointment
Dude...give it a rest, nobody is buying your shit Ladderbro.
Walking Dead
Solid Kino season so far, Op are you a homosexual serious question?
You must have the mental capacity of a potato
The shilling is strong in this thread!
OP is correct though, the first few eps were kino, but quality has decidedly fallen off a cliff. Similar to Titans (only a few good eps there as well, mostly shit).
seriously, why don't you Yea Forumsfaggots just stay on your board? honest question, please answer
Cyborg tanked this show. It's a shame.
Yeah why did it go so downhill so fast.
based and redpilled
I like the actor but he doesn't fit in the show, shoulda just had him on Titans from the get go, would have done both shows a favor.
It didnt though, its pretty consistent
I actually like it.
The actor who plays cyborg completely gets outshined by the others. They got so many great actors for all the other characters and he is the only one i've never heard of or seen in anything else. He is getting better but is still the weakest part of the show.
This is the best capeshows ever made by far and away though, episodes without Mr Nobody aren't as great but still solid
>The shilling is strong in this thread!
Yeah marvelshills are disgusting but they have a losing battle on this one
fuck you. doom patrol keeps getting better and evolving as it goes.
I only watched the first two episodes, but why did they make Larry Trainor gay? Did this have any impact on the plot at all or was he just jkrowlinged?
It's part of his self loathing. He was closeted for a long time, and was afraid to come out to his wife and kids while he was having an affair, and he feels he ruined their lives, as well as the man he was sleeping with. He hates himself, which tortures not only himself but the negative spirit he's bonded to inside him, which in turn knows only torture so they don't get along. The show is depicting his road to accepting himself as how he'll eventually gain a degree of control over his powers, and overcome the haze of hatred he's put himself under for the last 60 years.
Luke Cage started out interesting, with characters like Pop and his barbershop being so comfy.
crazy jane to robot man:
> terrible husbund, father, fuck you REEEEEEE
crazy jane to faggot mummy ray dude:
> absolute silence
his family had to move all over the country because at every military base he just had to take some cock but thats a beautiful love story, lets not judge.
nascar pilot fucking giselle, the hot maid? ABSOLUTE MONSTER.
so tiresome.
Maybe there's a reason she's called Crazy Jane, and that might be because she's extremely unreasonable.
It sounds like Larry hasn't shared his past to anyone really, he just stays in his room miserable, so she mightn't know about all that. Cliff treated Larry coming out as a big deal, so maybe he hasn't even vocalised he's gay to them before either.
Also, I wouldn't say Larry's past is treated as a beautiful love story given it's been the source of his misery for 60 years. All of the Doom Patrol are shitty people who did shit things, but the show is about them learning to be less shitty.
The whole faggot story with Larry seems forced and contrived. Yea gays were fucking hunted down and lynched on the reg not long ago. Who writes this shit? People were more honest and blunt about your abnormal behavior if anything. Gay kids are oppressed! Give me a fucking break. Fags are byproducts of abuse and aren't natural.
lets be realistic here: what are the chances of crazy jane learn about the guys past and drop some "HEY YOU FAGGOT"? something below zero.
and its not a love story, its the story of a guy who fuck dudes all over the coutry, the "love story" element was done with that diologue with his wife, the night before doing the plane test.
and i have a problem with the show about this: the characters expend years just there. no attempt to learn anything about their powers. and them it all happend at the same time. sound a little heavy fisted, idk.
It's his whole motivation and character arc, he has a creature inside him that he hates but takes control of him from time to time. Obvious metaphor for a repressed homo
i also like how they show that blob lady was not a racist, she just had a problem with people with no arms.
she is borderline getting blacked by cyborg - no reason for the presence of the character, if they wanted a black character they could just look at grant morrison comics and they would find.
the aesthetic redundancy at having a cyborg and a robot man is annoying as fuck.
>no reason for the presence of the character
I actually thought it was some minority hire character too but he's growing on me. Having an actual superhero surrounded by fuck ups pretending to be heroes works because they went full deconstruction. I thought /ourguy/ Brandon Frasier was going to fill that role and that didn't work so good for me
Literally the only good TV show on the air. Go fuck your mother.
fair, but could another character. dude, they try to turn cyborg into something since superpowers, in the 80s and the close they get was teen titans go.
i would take another minority hire - and i think there was a whole lot of them on grant morrison run.
Yeah Crazy Jane seems like a bitch.
And all the characters are sorta asshole, which is what makes the show fun.
I liked the moment though where stretchy woman in the book episode just stretched fairly normally to punch a guy. It seems like they're inching towards having them get some normal sense of their powers rather than leaping right into it, which is nice for the buildup.
I can't remember if Cyborg had always been black, but at least int he cartoon network shows he has been which would probably be the main reason for him being how he is.
I feel like it works pretty well as you have an obviously out of his depth kid that's actually competent around a bunch of fuckups who are generally more mature tho a bit nuts for their experience.
Provides a nice balance.