Here's your Tim Goodman, bro. We're totally not SJWs, btw

Here's your Tim Goodman, bro. We're totally not SJWs, btw.

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Other urls found in this thread:

santa maria

Dios mío, espíritu del Señor, espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada. Ángeles, arcángeles y santos del Paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor. Lléname de ti. Expulsa de mí todas las fuerzas del mal. Aniquílalas, destrúyelas, expulsa de mí los maleficios, la magia negra. El Ogro de Las Tinieblas. La Luz Extinguido. El Insecto. Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica. Todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia. La enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica. Destruye al Monstruo. A La Creatura. Quema este mal en el Infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí, ni a ningún ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente en nombre de Jesucristo salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a todas las presencias del Goblino, que me abandonen inmediatamente, que me abandonen definivamente y que se vayan al Infierno eterno. El Chupa-Chupacabras no puede triunfar. El Monstruo. El Abominación debe morir. Encadenado por San Miguel Arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado por el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada. Aleja a la aberración genética. Al Ogro del Este.

Madre de dios

Oh no! What about the ton of Tim Goodman fans out there?

Por el amor de Dios, es un monstruo!

you know for a race that has spent the last several hundred years pillaging and raping everything in their path white people have pretty fragile egos

anak ng tokwa, ginoo tabangi intawon mga alaong sa inin mga americano. mga along sa ini na ga tao tana ya pildi dkan cla sa guera

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>you are your ancestors
So this is why blacks think that whites must feel guilty for slavery.

>pillaging and raping
More like building upon and civilizing
>pretty fragile egos
we’re just noting your astounding lack of gratitude

have sex


That mutt is so fugly.

Go back to /pol/ please.

I have sex, bro.

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he cute.

Americans are ugly what a surprise.

the original, I mean.


>More like building upon and civilizing
Spaniards and British did that, you murrimutts have no fucking claim to that, outside of the horrible shit you fags did in Vietnam and South America.
The old empires brought some stuff with them aside of their mindless violence, but you people are just murderers and whores.


Based and redpilled

Never been there.

Americans are not a race

>fragile egos
Everyone knows blacks have the most fragile egos. They melt when you say A WORD lol


God damnit not Tim!
Why ruin such an iconic and memorable Pokemon character as Tim? Dammit...

Based and Sayingwhatweareallthinkingpilled

>another whitoid insecurity thread

Damn how could they blackwash the beloved... Tim Goodman

Why make the character a ningog mutt abomination, though?

God these mutts are ugly. I don't understand why anyone would try to normalize them

I'm not casting niggers to lead in my movies.

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But americans are not white


Conservatives melt when you say a word too:

It's hilarious that the reaction that anti-sjws give this shit is going to make them do it untill the end of time. Autists will argue about a characters skin color for 16 hours a day for free while marketing interns will shill the movie for 8 hours a day for $5k.

wont see me catching this flick boys,

FUCK! my tim goodman tattoo is going to look so fucking stupid now.

Imagine giving a shit.

Really weird how those free market dumbasses could make a decent movie without the sjw flavor for a bit more profit and less controversy

>race is only skin color

Damn I love communism now and want to become a tranny that drinks suoylent

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what's the point in making a claim what can be neither proven nor disproven

>Y-you must be a conservative! My enemy!
I wonder who's really seething

controversy = profit

controversy is a good thing for a movie you dumb goy

Jesus fucking christ, who gives a shit?

Some insignificant character you didn't give a shit is played bu=y *shudders* someone in with a darker skin pigment??

In a movie where the nobody is paying money to see the human characters, rather than the Pokemon??

Social justice is ego masturbation.


so americans can identify with him

kys you pathetic fucking cuckold.

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ghostbusters failed because it was just flat out bad, not because of the controversy

Superb bait, user. Well done.

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sjw style race-sex controversies divide and alienate audiences, you retards

el OGRO mejicanoe!!!

omg not tim goodman, my favourite videogame protagonist
he was such an important character to me, i can't believe the actor playing him in a movie is only, like, half the same ethnicity or something

>race is only skin pigmentation
Look at that nose, look at those lips, look at those eyes, look at that hair. But yea it's only skin color bro xD

It has nothing to do with identifying with them. It's about making liberals feel superior to them. The liberal's ego swells and they feel good when they feel like they're helping the poor brown people who are less fortunate. It's elitism and racism disguised as altruism.

>tfw unironically would have risked violating the NSP to see this movie if it weren't for the ugly nigger
Feels bad man. I'll just rewatch Mewtwo's Revenge instead.

Wouldn't the pathetic person be the one who actually gives a shit about this

yeah. if anything, they should've made him asian so they could match the source material.

and make him eat rice on screen so we know he's an authentic asian.

Keep crying about your imaginary white genocide

Yeah nobody cared when it was announced /s

back to Yea Forums

Enjoy not getting any funding then retard.

I don't give a fuck about "white genocide" I'm not even white or live in in US. I'm just tired of niggers being forced into every fucking movie and tv show all for the sake of "diversity."

la creatura del el los sumbros del el mundo pokemon. donde esta me pokeball? me cago en la chinga

>implying Tucker isn't Yangpilled

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>I'm retarded and refuting an argument no one's making
Nice job

People cared because the trailer was extremely unfunny, not because they were women. Also I don't know what the fuck /s means, so I'm going to assume it's some twitter vernacular.

Just saw it actually, wouldve been so much better if it was about mewtwo and giovanni having comfy adventures together as the most powerful team doing epic shit. But NOPE we cant have that for some reason

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It's reddit speak for marking a comment as sarcasm.

When it was literally announced, no trailers nor videos, there was backlash. You fucking tard.

This. It's like they're the United States of Africa instead of America lmao

shut it baizuo

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>Also I don't know what the fuck /s means, so I'm going to assume it's some twitter vernacular.
Nice job making yourself so totally not obvious.

This reminds me of the Captain Marvel Yea Forums hate from a few weeks ago.

Wonder how many hundreds of millions this will make.

We will never go back. We're here to wage war against white supremacy and incels.

Well, can't argue with those quads.

Seriously what's the deal with Americans and casting ugly negroes? Can't they find decent ones at least?

>all the scientists getting killed
>"We sought to create the world's most powerful pokemon...we succeeded..."
>the scene of Gary getting BTFO by armored Mewtwo
>that cool ass kid riding his Gyarados
>clone fight/brother my brother starts playing
>pikachu crying
Fuck, the memories of just how kino it was are flooding back.


based and yerrowpirred

You're losing the war. Just go upvote some cats or something.


Indigo league had so much soul

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That mongrel mutt looks like one of De Niro’s ugly spermwastes.

EL monstrosiDAD argentino......

They don't even look human.

What's fucking pathetic is negroids for some reason self identify with them when they don't even look fucking black whatsoever.

>waah waaah stop whitewashing!
>blackwashing is beautiful and here is why!

Can't wait for china to BTFO the liberal chesspit known as hollywood


the only mindless violence i can think of is tribal savages bashing each others heads in because one fucked the other's favourite coconut

Keep your filthy money. I have other means to generate funds. My target demo extends past the hood and libtard sheboons.

Imagine pretending that you used to care about Detective Pikachu before the movie got announced.

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If they want to cast black cucks it's OK with me


This fucking forced diversity it's embarrassing, it seems artificial

This shit isn't real diversity

What the fuck kind of hybridization between a white person and a black person gives you gray skin? I saw another mongrel on American Idol who literally looked like a zombie. An honest to god corpse walking and talking.

I really don't see why it matters what color they are

Hey detective pikachu is a cornerstone of white culture, show some respect

Why wasn't the first one a nignog to begin with?

I don't see an issue. An actor should be able to play any role and you cast the best actor.

>grey skin but negro features
Why even live bros?

>you cast the best actor
Not necessarily. And certainly not in Hollyweird.

I can't tell from the trailer if they were making it for children or teenagers

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>scientists have determined what Americans will look like in 2050 and it's beautiful

I'll still watch it though

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It's certainly not for kids. Kids would be scare of seeing that ogro.



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That's because you're a conservative. Liberals only see skin color. Nothing else matters to them.

No casting the best actor doesnt always happen (sw prequels), but it should always happen. When you cast just for a look you get shit performances.

In this case I dont think the race of this character even matters.

fuck n-

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>In this case I dont think the race of this character even matters.
If it doesn't matter then why didn't they just keep it as it was?

Most are wtf is wrong with race mixers?

Was God angry when he made blacks? Look at that nose, Jesus Christ.

Ruega por nosotros

Lose weight.

Conservatives say "Socialism" all the time. Usually to mock it.
You get (justified) pushback when you faggots try to IMPLEMENT it.

>tfw running this through google translate

>an economic system that has been the direct and indirect result of 100s of millions of deaths, and general economic stagnation for generations, with quantitative data to back that claim up
>an insult

Yeah, I can definitely see the similarities.

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This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't blatantly obvious and being repeatedly done over and over again. At this point just have segregation because diversity is a 100% failed social construct that everybody fucking hates. White people are majority and have the most land & money, so they get the most say.

well said


>japanese people are worshiping by making cartoons of us

This is fine.

>Americans are representing themselves by using different races


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Ash is a nigger now?

holy shit, what race/age is that dude on the right? I fear race mixing has gone too far...

dont forget to thank the jews

That doesn't make any sense. Plus I'm OP and I'm not even a white American. This guy got it right:

Good job proving a simple word gets you real fucking upset

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They fell for the colonization meme.

not liking something doesn't mean you have a fragile ego, it could just mean you think its stupid jew crap

>his last name is Justice
does it even matter? The Jews probably blasted so many loads of cum into his asshole that his genes are permanently genetically altered into a discount specimen.

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Has there been a race that didn't pillage and rape? At least white people cut it out.

>playing pokemon past gen 3

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I’m not even a pedo, but i’d impregnate Misty in a heartbeat.


I completely checked out halfway trough Ruby and only bothered with pokegirl porn.

he has american culture

Roasties cant compete, so they made it illegal

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In the past - no. But when present day retarded liberals propose implementing it - absolutely.

I'm just pissed they didnt make him Japanese.
I mean sure I get you're making an American adaptation of this so put American characters maybe even a Japanese American if you can't find a white American.
But why black?
It feels forced as fuck.
Fucm the dark gritty story doesn't feel like pokemon at all. It feels like cinamtic marvel garbage.

*world culture

>This isn't REAL diversity!
>implying 'real' diversity is desirable

>dub Meowth is a literal money grubing jew who oy vey’s all the time
>James fake tits
>Misty’s delicious, tight body
>that booty shorts and exposed nave
Literally how did Nintendo get away with it?

>t. SEETHING /pol/incel

>>dub Meowth is a literal money grubing jew who oy vey’s all the time
He doesn't though.

tucker for american emperor 2020

>only /pol/incels hate negromutts

I played the games up until Ruby Sapphire because of the cartoon. After that they both went to complete shit.

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He actually does.

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I played the shit out of Red / Blue / Yellow. Silver & Gold's Pokemon already felt like knock offs and I never touched another game after Pokemon Stadium 2.

>claims Meowth is a literal Jew
>posts image that says he's not a jew

That's what white Americans look like tho

Quality thread

>mfw you're probably some dumb fuck who never cared for any other language but english

>mfw butthurt spic mutt is mad no one gives a shit about his third-world burrito language

Why are amerimutts so proud of being ignorant?

Much like Chad eats pizza all day and bangs more women than you, we are required to know literally nothing to be way more awesome than you can ever hope to be.

I'm mainly just pissed at the shitty asian representation in media and the forced black representation.
I wouldn't give a fuck if he was black in the game and they did that for the film.
Fuck I'd be for it since it was a better adaptation.

Spaniard med here
thank me whore.

They got away with a lot, it was a different time. I want to go back, sick of post ironic shit/ people whinging online about shit that doesn't even matter in the slightest.
I'll post a few more screens

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>pillaging and raping
why are you describing every race EXCEPT for whites?

I want Yang to win because I want americans to suffer in destitution and poverty.
fuck americans
eat socialism

they choose mongrels so that absolutely nobody is satisfied


Attached: 1112.jpg (307x323, 12K)

lol, I don't even speak the language and I can make out 75% of what it says.

because I hate americans and want them to suffer
have fun with hyperinflation lol

cringe. kys amerimutt

Which Asian lead would play him better Yea Forums

Well thats obviously why you want them to suffer, I meant why do you hate americans

Cry some more wittle baby

Yes. Other people enjoy life. /pol/incels SEETHE and churn over what race fictional characters are.

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I'm enjoying life, though.

Why should anyone learn mexican in the first place?

Back to plebbit

>Implying China wouldn't just put a chunk in every lead role

You fags are retarded

>black kid
>father goes missing
It's the perfect casting choice

Your mother ate my dog!

Based Nintendo.

>your ideology and /pol/ identity politics has devolved so much, that you make a fuss out of a Pokemon movie
What a timeline.

we're getting chocked by niceness. we need to go savage again

Best girl

>stop questioning things, goyim!!!!
Based (((user)))

Jesus, these mutts are hideous.

>a live action Pokemon movie is a Jewish plot
Right, you're insane people. That's my point.

>Nothing to see here, goyim! It's just a Pokemon movie!!
Based but not very subtlepilled (((user)))

>jooo jooo jooo
If you don't even remotely see how autistic you are for crying about a character from a Nintendo DS game being non-white...

Fuck off deranged racist

This has to stop.

How are they going to sell this movie to Japan with la creatura as the lead?

Japan doesn't subscribe to your /pol/nigger identity politics obsession. They don't care. They watch white lead movies all the time. They could care less the race of the actors. You're thinking of China, user.

You know I don't mind them casting blacks in the movies if they are shown as the nerdy types

People hate blacks because they're loud and obnoxious but if this kind of casting steers some black kids away from gangsta stuff I'm cool with it

There is no problem making Tim black in this movie. The source material is from an obscure spinoff so the character doesn't have an engraved social outlook of how he looks. The movie is about a kid looking for his dad which makes sense coming from his race. His dad is also a cop which is one of the highest employers of blacks.

reminder, if you are a "white" person with brown eyes, you are literally no better then the darkest black person alive.

who gives a fuck?

how could meowth be a jew? His signature move is coin toss

ash is a nigger
>darker skin
>white mom with nigger dad that left them

Attached: misty-ash-brock.jpg (334x235, 22K)

Reminder that you are a Jew trying to divide and conquer whites.

>trust me, the decision to turn this light skinned boy into a turd-faced mutt has nothing to do with politics!

>its ok to include non whites that have brown eyes because i have brown eyes
>it its not ok to include non whites that have features i do not have because i do not share those features
this is you. you are literally changing the definition of something just so you fit in it

>because i have brown eyes
kys kike

Eye colour isn't race. There are plenty of Amerimutts with lighter eye colour than a brown-eyed European.

Keep Jewing, Jew.

>eye color isnt a race
no, but pure whites have only blue eyes, if you are white with brown eyes, you are a mutt and have mixed blood somewhere in your family tree. its fact, not something you can really argue

>/pol/ boogieman
rent free, I see.


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Not even subtle

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>boogeyman meme
Literally every time from either newfags or people in denial.

Ir probably doesn't, but keep seething.

I don't give an absolute fuck about Tim Goodman's change of race. I'll still go to see this movie

Ha. WOW is this your new pasta? You just posted this trash in one of the Peele-Us threads.

Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.

The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.

For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY


You need to be 18 years or older to post here.

>gets socialism mixed with communism
>american education

Great job there, retard.

>it's not forced if characters get "whitewashed"
>it is forced if a white character is not white anymore

Unless it fails its Not True Socialism, don't you know

Except socialism is a stepping stone to communism.

And yet you still prove my point by differencing socialism and communism in your post.

One can lead to another, but both are not the same thing.

clean your room

Whites don’t need any division; they were never united in the first place lmao.

Socialism is Nazi ideology. National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP; Nazi Party

You faggots will feign outrage over anything.

You're almost there, friend. It's dangling in front of you.

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>this meme again from PragerU

I'm outraged that you would call out outrage culture like this. You've victimized me and therefore made me powerful and brave and that's a good thing.

To be fair, a black kid looking for his absent father is an idea easier for americans to digest.

Good luck convincing WASPs and Irish-Catholics that they’re the same.

Or history books. Nazis were socialists. That's just a matter of fact from history.

Yeah, unlike other races such as...
>East Asians have been warring for thousands of years
>Arabs are divided between Shiites and Sunni, killing each other on a daily basis even today. And God help those caught between them
>Blacks never really united. Then again, they never did anything of value in Africa
>American indigenous tribes had to be united by European invaders to fight the Aztecs

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the amount of replies prove ur point lol

I never claimed otherwise.

No, it isn't. It is literally wrong:

How can you expect to shill revisionist history when every retard has a basic internet connection?

I hope theres a cute white girl love interest for him

they were as socialist as Stalin or Mao, who were also dictators
the workers have never owned the means of production anywhere. There are just people that said 'hey we're socialists' while being dictators

And yet you were wrong

They weren't socialists in practice or functionality literally at all you dumb retard. As gets explained to you people constantly, the Nazi economy was a racial oligarchy of a handful of rich German industrialists and businesses owners that had their companies nationalized to an extent, only really allowing access to "ethnic German". They weren't socialists and Hitler despised Stalin, (a communist) and Marx. He went after the Frankfurt scholars for being Marxists, he had the majority of them fucking killed.

From your link:
>National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsiJzəm, ˈnæt-/),[1] is the ideology and practices associated with the Nazi Party – officially the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) – in Nazi Germany, and of other far-right groups with similar aims.

Do you even read? It was the first sentence.

i don't give a shite about him being a mutt but he is hideous, couldn't they have picked someone that didn't make the average person dry heave.

Do you?
>Nazism is a form of fascism and showed that ideology's disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system, but also incorporated fervent antisemitism, scientific racism, and eugenics into its creed. Its extreme nationalism came from Pan-Germanism and the Völkisch movement prominent in the German nationalism of the time, and it was strongly influenced by the anti-Communist Freikorps paramilitary groups that emerged after Germany's defeat in World War I, from which came the party's "cult of violence" which was "at the heart of the movement."[2]
>Nazism subscribed to theories of racial hierarchy and Social Darwinism, identifying the Germans as a part of what the Nazis regarded as an Aryan or Nordic master race.[3] It aimed to overcome social divisions and create a German homogeneous society based on racial purity which represented a people's community (Volksgemeinschaft). The Nazis aimed to unite all Germans living in historically German territory, as well as gain additional lands for German expansion under the doctrine of Lebensraum and exclude those who they deemed either community aliens or "inferior" races.
>The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both international socialism and free market capitalism. Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of class conflict, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism, and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the "common good", accepting political interests as the main priority of economic organization.[4]

But "hur durr it in da name" amirite, Dinesh?

ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. amen.


Do you even read? It literally says they're socialists. Holy shit how can you be so dumb? You must be a Nazi socialist.

theu used to get some 'exotic' people that at least look nice. took jason momoa, for example.

now, most of the time, they dont give a fuck, just take EL GOBLINO DEL APOCALIPSE and have a nice day.

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>Its extreme nationalism came from Pan-Germanism and the Völkisch movement prominent in the German nationalism of the time, and it was strongly influenced by the anti-Communist Freikorps paramilitary groups
>The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both international socialism and free market capitalism. Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of class conflict, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism, and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the "common good", accepting political interests as the main priority of economic organization.
You're baiting me, right?

Again he was as much a socialist as stalin. There have never been any socialist societies
eat a dick you whiny faggot

Stalin was a communist and I'm not even a socialist I just want you to get fucking history right. PragerU isn't even a real school, it's a blog funded by a billionaire.

sjw jew trash from the start

wash your penis

How was stalin a communist other than declaring himself one? the ussr was a dictatorship. The state owned the means of production

It was a Communist dictatorship. I know you're underage and think words are all interchangeable but read a fucking book for Christ's sake.

>socialists claim that the socialist party isn't really socialist
>guys even though they're literally socialist they aren't really socialist because it makes us look bad
Proves they were socialist as fuck. Commies and socialists have always been this evil and still are today.

i wonder who are his parents

also that will stil happend unitl YOU guys rise to pwoer and start creating art


The workers didnt own the means of production. it wasnt communist
You have literally no argument

I feel like you're illiterate and can't even name the functional application of HOW the Nazi economy was socialist.

Because they fucking weren't. You don't know how definitions work.

why all mutts have the same fucking face???

>for a race that has spent the last several hundred years pillaging and raping everything in their path

Attached: 1508781854159.jpg (882x731, 113K)

The argument is that a far-right, racial economy is not a socialist state just because they co-opted the term to trick WWI vets.

Nazis were 100% socialist. How do you not understand this? Are you a literal brainlet? It's the National Socialist party. All socialists are Nazis. Even today Antifa is Nazi as fuck. Modern liberals behave exactly as their Nazi predecessors did. Even right now you're being a Nazi.

a socialist country is, according to socialists themselves, somewhere where the workers own the mean of production
So hitler was as socialist as stalin(they both declared they were and did absolutely nothing to give the workers actual power)

Oh, you're pretending to be retarded.

1. The workers didn't own the German means of production
2. Hitler literally lied to working class people by calling himself "socialist" to trick them into supporting his movement.

You're an actual retard.

I didnt say hitler was socialist, i said he was as socialist as Stalin. It is amusing that you call someone retarded while being incapable of understanding a very simple point

So you admit you're a tard? National socialism is socialism. Doesn't take a genius to figure this out. Socialists have spent 100 years trying to pretend they aren't as evil as they are.

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He's so ugly it makes me mad. Was a total faggot in that Angourie Rice movie. That's right. They paired him with Angourie Rice.

>National socialism is socialism
It quite literally isn't.

It's like you conflated the arguments of two different user and you dont know what is being said to you.

theyre the same thing. Dictatorships claiming to be 'for the people'

Stop trying to talk about socialism with burgers, dude. It's futile.

>Socialism isn't socialism
This is what socialists actually believe.

You literally don't know what you are arguing and why.

Again, I'm not a socialist but Nazis were quite literally not economic socialists in any real way.

looks the same to me

yeah i do, youre just a brainwashed retard

>socialists aren't socialists
Says the Nazi.

>North korea isn't a democracy even though it's in the name
>Buffalo Wings aren't made out of buffalos
>Titmouses aren't mice made out of tits
woah leftists btfo

>the USSR is socialist because Stalin and lenin said it was even though the workers didnt own the means of production

Socialism is an economic model it has nothing to do with any level of authoritarianism. You can have authoritarian socialism and libertarian socialism. Ignoring this fact doens't help you at all.

I'm not the one regurgitating a literal conservative meme about Nazis to distance the far-right from Nazi ideology by turning it into "muh socialists" when they were, factually, not economically socialist in the slightest.

socialism is the workers owning the means of production :)

>it is in da name!

I agree with you, when lenin stripped power from the soviets was the beginning of the end and the slip into state capitalism. Having both of the superpowers have a vested interest in promoting propaganda that labelled the country as socialist definitely didn't help things either.

Right. That is the same argument being made to you, retard.

/tvpol/ absolutely SEETHING at this post

"the workers" can mean very different things. State holding control of the means of production state wide, the local area controlling all production in its vicinity or the workers who run the factory owning it.

good point. Just like how the nazi's started out quasi-socialist to attract leftists and then kept the vineer even after the night of the long knives.

>"the workers" can mean very different things. State holding control of the means of production state wide
yeah these are definitely similar situations. the State owning everything isnt similar to Nazis at all. Totally socialist, very emancipated workers

I don't care about pokemon because I'm not a 12 year old. But there's really no denying that mixed race creatures are truly repugnant. If you're gonna have an interracial relationship at least have the decency to get an abortion.


he's right get bent faggot

The nazis invented the term privatization, the state giving up control of the means of production for private business. You really think private business was non-existent in nazi germany?

He's right that you should get an abortion if the child is mixed raced? Take your meds.

>You really think private business was non-existent in nazi germany?
No but I think the state could order them around. Which makes it a lot more similar to the USSR than either is to 'the workers owning the means of production'


such an iconic and memorable character

Absolutely based


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BBC is the future


Yes. Why would you want a bunch of mixed race subhumans running around dirtying up the gene pool? And I find it strange you have a problem with abortion. Seems like this would be common ground we could agree with.

All the mad replies to this post kinda vindicates it

El diablo ha es americano!

Chill out user, he is only american

Go back to shitting in your mud huts

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Sux to be you my mum is a angel and awesome to be around if only I could find a girl like her

LMAO school must be out early man.

have sex incel and maybe you'll stop crying over a pokemon movie for children

whats wrong with casting a cute 10/10 (preferably) white shota?

how would casting a mutt ever be preferable to that?

did they not see how much A Wrinkle in Time bombed? nobody wants to see fugly dios mios, not even minorities

do they not want MONEY??

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