Yea Forums approved directors thread

Yea Forums approved directors thread

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what is this garbage

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Where are the black directors?

Hitchcock and Scorsese should switch

>james cameron's treacle bullshit is "god tier"
>over hitchcock, kubrick and fucking bergman

kill yourself

absolute state of cameron drones

where Denis

This is shit so yeah, seems about right.

Add these to the top. These are actually Yea Forums and /film/ approved

Attached: Elder god tier.png (2100x544, 494K)

>all these hacks

coen brothers belong in god tier

Where is based Malik?

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Not putting /ourguy/ in the picture and among god-tier
How long have you summerfags even been on this board

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Now this is shitposting!

>no Zaler
Come on now.

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sub-subhuman tier

All pure Reddit.

Elder God-Tier:
S. Craig Zahler

refn should be alongside ed wood and tommy wiseau in "worm living in a pile of dogshit" tier.

Confirmed for being Reddit fag

Where is Riley

Put Snyder somewhere between the dishonest tier and middle tier.


he is worse than snyder

I honestly hope you're happy with yourself for posting this monstrosity.

>No certieifed high tiers like Von Trier, Arronofsky or PTA
>Puts mediocre (at best) directors like Cuaron, Jackson and Scott in high tier
>Kubrick and Tarkovsky mid tier

Confirmed OP’s taste is shit