Cast it

Cast it.

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Really hard to prove honestly would have been a PR nightmare for everyone involved but now MAGAfags will not shut the fuck up about this for the next 100 years.
>muh guys in MAGA hats

what's especially dumb about this is that while I agree he was being a stupid cunt and could have gotten some innocent people in trouble, the place he said the incident happened literally had nobody around at the time. They had nobody to pin it on which is a big reason the cops were suspicious in the first place

john boyega

Finally /ourguy/ is free, i hope he and Jacob Wohl team up to clear their names...
>Innocent people

/kino/ so far.

>he's being sued by the city for the cost of the investigation. $360,000 .
>The mayor put in action , that any film or tv he's cast in will not have the tax incentive of shooting in chicago, which would force Empire to fire him, since that would cost the studio millions
>Its an open knowledge amongst chicago people that he's a lying sociopath.
>Right now the dirt is at the DA shoes and on Smollet and questions are being asked about the two brothers admission of guilt.
>words like "minority priveledge" are being used ore frequently in msm commentating
>But now that the feds are probing not just into the letter, but into the circumstances of the charges dropping abruptly before he entered a plea, his DNC handlers are running for the hills.
>The FBI are in a low optics state for not delivering on Trump Russia boogaloo, so once again the left will have to eat their own.

whats funny is his smugness about the whole thing. As if he thinks this is over...and he somehow is gonna come out of this without offing himself in shame.


>words like "minority priveledge" are being used ore frequently in msm commentating
I know all you fags larp as nazis but, this is so fucking retarded.
This dude is not getting out for being black or a fag, jails are full of black gay niggas.
He is getting out because he has fucking money, you fucking bootlickers are worthless.


You forgot that lawyers everywhere and the IPBA are saying that dropping 16 charges like that "doesn't happen".


Even normies are seething over this lol

Me as angry incel #3.

Easy to prove as the 2 brothers would testify against him and the cancelled check he wrote to the brothers. The video surveillance of the brothers buying hats and equipment for the "robbery", phone call and messages to the brothers and of course Jussie's idiotic story and non cooperation

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He's also Jewish.

>msm commentating
I saw their law experts trying to damage control it as "people enter into these deals all the time because it's a non-violent crime" then the host asks them about all the people arrested/locked up for smoking weed etc, they look like a deer in the headlights

And deals like this ALWAYS include an admission of guilt or whatever Latin they use for not contesting the charges. None of that happened. They were dropped completely in return for 16 hours of preemptive community service

Still not really a lot to go on frankly. Unless Jussie made a confession they'd have a lot more to prove. Brothers could be framing him since it's already been shown they had a prior connection involving money and the water was already muddied.

Jussie, all roles.

I think it's constructive. Race has been less important than socioeconomic status for decades. It's time people realize that.

Don't be stupid dude. The police had a 61 page report of evidence gathered and a grand jury unanimously decided to indict after only seeing a small fraction of the evidence. On top of that the brothers literally told the police Smollett paid them to do this and were willing to testify. The evidence was so stacked against Smollett the trial wouldn't have been pure comedy as to how badly he would have been fucked. The fact they they did a secret plea deal behind closed doors to drop the charges even Smollett knew he couldn't win in a trial.

>knows he did it
>gets off due to two tiered justice and cronyism
>swears on his mother even though he knows everyone knows he's full of shit
Very dishonabru

obviously that means that the social currency of racial victim hood is being degraded retard.

neither the black or gay community want him as their problem. but neither will give him jew title.

Idris Elba

Nice buzzword, rabbi.

forgot that's he's nominated for an NAACP award and will probably win

The prosecutor is on record saying they had a guaranteed conviction if it went to trial.

The sad part is that they'll successfully bury this whole incident quickly, as the idiot sheep move onto the next outrage.