Who would be a good Best of the Worst guest?

Who would be a good Best of the Worst guest?

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This guy

sam hyde

This guy.

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I'd love to watch Mike break Chris Stuckmann.

Anyone who would beat Rich Evans to a bloody pulp.

Dave Chapelle

Nick Cage

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This is the only right answer and you know it.

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fpbp, get this guy on the show ASAP

he doesn't watch tv or capeshit

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But he already did

Brad Jones

Kevin Feige so those two fat faggots can slurp his dick for two hours.

I feel attacked.

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Jenny Nicholson

Idris Elba

>you can see ryan during the couch segments

Why hasn't this happened yet? Surely they can just pay him. and fly him over.

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You just know Rolfe would be even worse than Beardfat, trying to recap the plot beat by beat and not really saying anything funny unless Rich made a fart joke.


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Frankly I'd be worried for my safety if I were in the same room as Breen

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He doesn't seem like he's be as willing to laugh at himself as Len Kabasinski.

This would either be the best episode or the worst episode.

Damn I would have never considered Gavin but I could see him adding a pretty good dynamic

If he hadn't made himself such a pariah with his politics, I think he'd make a great guest and he and Mike would get along.

Good shout.

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then dont make fun of him, they usually dont make fun of their guests. just watch shitty movies with him and listen to his take on bad films.

>t. zoomer

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Sam Hyde

They’ve literally made fun of every guest they’ve ever had on. It’s good natured, but they definitely poke fun at them.

oh look another zoomer

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the only correct answer is George Lucas

Who cares I just want Rich's fast food reviews to become a reality.

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I would rather Rian.

Bruce Campbell

>ywn enjoy a nice dinner at Culver's with Rich

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He's too pure for this world.

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