Dialogue from Dragged Across Concrete

>Being branded a racist in today's public forum is like being accused of communism in the '50s whether it's a possibly offensive remark made in a private phone call or the indelicate treatment of a minority who sells drugs to children.

>The entertainment industry, formerly known as the news,needs villains. There's certainly nothing hypocritical about the media handling every perceived intolerance with complete and utter intolerance.

Damn we really do live in a society

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That's all true though, go dilate.

I never implied it wasn't it just didn't sound very natural in the film. Came of a bit heavy handed


Sounds kino

It's a fucking movie and they are acting, of course it won't sound natural. "Realistic" conversations are filled with mumbling, pauses and confusion,

All true
Zahler's dialogue is always that way though because he's a novelist first

Sitting in the Car the movie starring: unrealistic dialogue

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There's plenty of films with natural sounding dialogue. People don't talk like they're reading from a book in real life. As I understand though this is the directors style and is pretty consistent across his films maybe it just takes some getting used to.


Someone explain the "we live in a society" meme to me I still don't know what it's supposed to mean.

seemed very deliberately heavy-handed, fourth-wall shit. vaughn's mlk day joke then caps it off nicely and back to the movie.

Ending was dumb. Gibson’s character and the black guy should have buried Vince together. Then just as they are about to leave Mel would say, he one more thing. This is my wife’s address, give her my share please. The black guy would be like, yo wtf I’ve it to her yourself bro. Then Mel coughs and a little blood comes out. He lifts his shirt to reveal and undisclosed fatal gunshot. He’d been bleeding out the whole time but held on long enough to bury his friend, then cut to the black guy living it up. And then the scene where Mel’s family gets the gold

i like the part where mels wife is sitting there bitching about living in the city, saying that she wasn't racist, no more than any other ex cop, but living in the city, she tells mel we need to get the fuck out now, yesterday, day before yesterday. Because she is racist.

stop trying to ruin the movie you fucking faggot


>not wanting to live in a decrepit neighborhood where your daughter gets attacked every other week is racist
>tfw Mel says he'll handle this I thought he was gonna go off and murder some black kids instead the just goes and gets himself killed

>formerly known as the news,needs

OP you clever fuck


It means we live in a society.

Lol you ((whitoids)) are really fucking scared of literally anything.

This is awesome! Have you thought about writing on spec??