Anyone else think that Tarkin was the best villain in the Star Wars saga? He was brilliantly acted and had commanding presence on the screen.
Anyone else think that Tarkin was the best villain in the Star Wars saga...
Shame that Disney completely missed what made The Empire good when they made the First Order.
Shame the First Order exists at all, why can't we just have splinter groups of the old Empire?
Tarkin is really good and does a huge amount to sell the first movie. But Vader beats him with his performance in Empire (Vader in this movie is 100% the greatest film villain) and the emperor beats him in Jedi and Sith.
Role was well casted unlike most of Disney Star wars characters
all true, they don't make them like Peter Cushing anymore, great in SW, so was Guinness, Lucas was lucky to get them
>He was brilliantly acted and had commanding presence on the screen.
I agree, but can the same not be said for Vader, or Palpatine? Seems odd to put Tarkin top.
>Seems odd to put Tarkin top.
but that is exactly the point of his thread, he is making just that assertion, oh autistic one
I think he's still #3 for me.
When I was a kid I was pretty pissed that he never got an action figure. He had such a major roll in ANH. It wasn't until like 20 years later they finally gave him one after the Special Ed Editions came out.
Huh? I'm aware of his assertion, and called it an odd one.
I think his gravitas is what carries the movie and makes the Empire feel like a real threat. Vader isn’t truly established until ESB and the Emperor doesn’t appear except for a few scenes in ROTJ.
oh, you're the seemingly very autistic guy that hits every thread here on Yea Forums with "you know it's just a TV show, right?" and "I think it's extremely odd that you'd make a thread asserting that X is the best when I personally don't believe X is the best"
Tarkin wasn't an frothing, angry, zealot like that ginger in The Last Jedi was. He was just doing his job.
thanks to that uncanney cgi now i fucking think this guy looks like gci all the time? i was gonna say its laughable fake from the thumb but i opened it and maybe this real? or computer?
I mean, Vader nowamsayin he be all PSHOOO withcha candy nowamsayin, and Sheev be all like NOW WHEN IT IS TOO LATE DO YOU UNDERSTAND nowamsayin, but Grand Moff Tarkin he a real grand MA'F Tarkin NOWAMSAYIN?
>I think his gravitas is what carries the movie and makes the Empire feel like a real threat
this, an over-emoting ginger fairy and the tension would have been negligible
Villain? Not even, he acted exactly as an experienced, senior military officer would, with maybe a touch of arrogance in his interactions with Leia, who was a bitch for the most part.
>Respects Vader's skills and talents despite being skeptical of the force in general
>As a young captain, led his men from the front and acted as a tough but fair commander
>Kept abreast of the galactic politics without getting involved
>Correctly removed the death star designer from his position as he recognized the man wasn't appropriate for the role
>Was otherwise a compentent and highly skilled commander in space and on the ground
We'll never get a character like him again, sadly
that's too many nowamsayins, like 1 or 2 times is cool but you're saying it like 6 or 7 times that's too much
Sheev had Tarkin, Thrawn, and Vader. Snoke has Gaylo Ren and the ginger spaz.
Scary red man with no character gets in two fights and dies. He should have lived been given a character and Anakin should have killed him at the beginning of 3 instead of Dooku.
Well yeah, it's fucking Peter Cushing.
you countin' my nowamsayin's now?!