Be dunston

>be dunston
>check in

Attached: 1390262169881.jpg (580x847, 79K)


>He's about to the the twin towers into a smoldering heap of rubble.

I thought this was a kids movie.

>be dunston
>check out

Attached: 1436639629809.jpg (1200x900, 220K)

Bump for best thread all day.

>pull shit out of ass
>fling onto wall

>be Dunston
>check 'em

check em

>be dunston
>check em

>two dunston threads in one day
yeah... that's gonna be a BASED from me...

alright, which one of you dropped these

Attached: 1493925747998.jpg (934x625, 60K)

when will we be getting the criterion collection remaster?

silly white male, you dropped something

Attached: CHECK-EM-WHITE-MALE.png (1075x824, 1.13M)

repeating digits and women are property
i mean they are already but it'll just confirm it

I didn't know Raimi had a part in the advertising

how did a monkey get away with this?

>nigger as protagonist
I've already seen that movie

Fuck this made me remember this almost sixty year old guy I used to work with.

His son was my age and died of cancer a few years ago. This guy told me he vividly remembers watching this film over and over with his son when he was sick as a kid and hated doing it. Now he wishes he could relive one of those times.

But he never checked out

based and redpilled


>be dunston
>fucking kill a bitch and put her body parts in a black garbage bag and put it in the freezer

>tfw became your life long dream to live in a 5 star hotel with a based Orangutan burglar as a best friend
>tfw 23 years later and you haven't so much as stayed in a hotel

(._. )