Post your favorite actress and recommend their best movie

Post your favorite actress and recommend their best movie.

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Ellen Page-Inception

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Jessica Biel
The Illusionist

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This post

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I've always liked Catherine Bell. I'll bet her pooper smells really nice.


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Fun fact, in JAG her character was a Marine, not a sailor. Why she's wearing that hat we'll never know.

Spring Breakers

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Fuck movies, just watch Xena

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Ghost World

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Emma Stone.
For me, it's the following

La La Land
Easy A
The Favorite
Crazy, Stupid, Love

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Wow Emma Stone got really ugly

>Emma Stone

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Ivana Baquero
Demonios Tus Ojos

Yes, Emma Stone is my favorite actress.
Yes, I'm aware of who I posted. Ya seethe?

You're a fucking retard

That incest scene should have been longer for sure

Shut up and post her feet

The Peanuts Movie

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I've seen that movie. Particularly I didn't find it that remarkable and have a hard time thinking of it as someone's favorite
You really think it's that good, or do you like it that much because she is in her?
Fun fact: I watched it on a film festival with the director being there and on the Q&A slightly implied that the incest plot came from some feelings of attraction towards his own sister

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I assume The Favourite is her best but I haven't seen it. I like her in the tv show Bruiser the most I think. She's pretty good in Hot Fuzz.

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it was pretty grotesque, guess they didn't want to overdo it, not that type of movie. glad they didn't lewd her too much honestly, she stayed mostly intact as a pure waifu
i just like it because it's her. and yeah, i'm sure you're right about that accusation, seems a fair enough one to make

marion cotillard
love me if you dare

goddamn shitposting titplebs

>caraposter caraposting
>why did he post a pic of Cara?
You're the ding dong.
I even clarified "Emma Stone" because I knew if I didn't include it I'd have retards like you responding.
Maybe if you asked nicely

>ask for feet
>talks about shitposting

Where do you think you are? Goddamn tourists

>you will never see one of them peg the other
why even live

>Where do you think you are? Goddamn tourists
link me to a thread on /tv that reached 310/150 without being deleted recently

>Demonios Tus Ojos
I'll bet that car smelled great when they were done.

>Ghost World
Why didn't you post a pic from that movie instead of the garbage you did?


haven't seen her movies

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It should be illegal for an underage to be out of the house with milkers like that, it's unwholesome

>OP is obviously fishing for those pics of cute wine aunt and her hideous pubic scar
>anons play it straight and stay on-topic for once

not sure what to make of this

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Quantum of Solace, I guess? She's really more of a TV actress.

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is that a rare cara?

Who's that floptart?

Ashley Benson

Post her real nose.

Molly is hotter.

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She hasn't been in any movies.

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Why isn't Lawless in movies? She's pure mommy, willing to get nude and seems to be capable of actually acting, why is she relegated to television?

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Mostly tv genre actress, but if a movie must be, then I guess it's A Nutcracker Christmas.
It's comfy af

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She is in mobies

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By how she sits, I can tell that she spends a lot of time on her phone.

Jennifer Jason Leigh. Pic related. Also happens to be Kathy Bates best kino.

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Are you AMAJenniferJasonLeigh?

Imagine if those promo pics were made today lol

Bell is like a thousand years old now. Nobody gives a fuck about her nudes.