How come this is so popular at the cinemas if it was one of Marvel's least popular comics?

how come this is so popular at the cinemas if it was one of Marvel's least popular comics?

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this movie has several things going for it
>manufactured controversy
>social protocol
>popular brand
>lead character plays important roll in sequal to insanely popular infinity war film
>generic inoffensive escapist schlock

for all those reasons the film would be popular EVEN IF it sucks

Because Disney bought their own tickets. They have a lot more riding on Captain Marvel than just one movie. Marvel Comics has lost millions shilling for Carol Danvers, and everyone should have expected Marvel Studios to do the same. Buying back your own tickets is the movie equivalent of overshipping a comic. You flush your own money down the toilet just so you can appear on a chart, with the expectation that eventually people will start buying your product just because it's a "top seller."

I think the mouse fears if manvers fucks up, Endgame's profits will be damaged. Better lose a hundred million shekels than lose a billion shekels.

>Because Disney bought their own tickets.

pretty easy when it was the only thing playing at a lot of cinemas

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the most popular movie nobody has seen

Two solid weeks of it being the only big new film.

I still have yet to meet a single person who has seen it

It's not just Endgame, she's supposed to be the Tony Stark AND Captain America for the MCU going forward. She MUST succeed in all ways possible.

This is actually an excellent point. Marvel is expecting Endgame to be their biggest movie ever, and if they had their first flop only 2 months earlier, it could have cost them a lot more than what they are losing on Captain Marvel. Especially seeing as Endgame is 3 hours long, which means they can't cram in as many screenings as their usual 2 hour fare. The bean counters realized that it will hurt a lot less to spend $250 million to tack on an extra $500 million to the movie's box office take than it would to just let the movie live or die on its own merits.

As we saw with The Last Jedi, negative reaction to one movie can and will roll over onto the next movie. Fortunately for Marvel not as many people saw Captain Marvel as they are making it look like, because if everyone going into Endgame saw it then there'd be a considerable enthusiasm gap.

It is interesting the only leaks we have of Endgame is Capt Flatass getting her shit pushed in by Thanos. It's as if the studio knows the character isn't that great and the buzz around her movie was "Oh, fuck! Is Ms Invincible going to YASSS QUEEN SLAYYYYYY all over this ten year long saga? Endgame's not worth seeing if that's the case. I don't care about this cunt in the slightest to watch her trample over all the men and save the day."

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Guardians of the Galaxy was never a popular comic and the movie was a huge success.

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Shes in the movie, just like spiderman is "important" in Civil War.

>she's supposed to be the Tony Stark AND Captain America for the MCU going forward.
Shit, guess I’m done after End Game lmao.


People fucking love trannies

That image is obviously fake user

Lose your virginity.

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It had a loyal cult following though, and the characters gave it a lot of potential. Capt Marvel is just generic awesome broad. Would like to see the box office numbers between the two movies. Can't remember but I think Guardians had a slow burn up, while Marvel is all SUPER BLOCKBUSTER THE CAT IS FUNNY PEOPLE GO SEE!

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what's her weakness? all superheroes have at least one

She isn't going to make a billion. She is not popular

That's cause you don't leave your house incel

Try and take it from me

The only thing that could make Captain Marvel bearable in Endgame is if she's there to get Worfed. The most powerful being in the MCU gets her ass handed to her by Thanos, and then Antman kills him by shrinking into his butthole and expanding.


they'll do the same shit with episode IX. it's not just about these single one off movies, it's about protecting the brand. disney are willing to spend a few hundred million to protect a billion dollar franchise.

This. Episode IX will be the first film to make a billion domestic, and despite empty theaters, is going to be the biggest film of this year.

I keep thinking about it and I can't imagine Endgame will be a good
>conclusion for some of the main Avengers cast
>intro for the next phase of the Avengers
They fucked up. They made Infinity War too good and Civil War/Avengers 2 too shit.

ok so they buy tickets for ep IX but people still won't like it so they'll buy tickets for ep x but people still won't like it so they'll buy tickets for ep xi and then they go bankrupt. solid business

That's not Aquaman.

Besides, according to Yea Forums, it's a huge flop anyway. Everyone knows it has to make $2B just to cover the catering budget.

the trilogy is over after episode IX. disney is hoping stuff like the mandalorian show, and the got creators trilogy will win fans back.

Was Black Panther a popular comic?

no but at least it was something from black people to relate to. capt marvel was beaten by wonder woman in the female side of things

Show me proof.

Problem: there's nothing coming after Episode IX that's actually got a good shot of making that money back. Captain Marvel has Avengers Endgame as its sugar daddy, but what does Episode IX have? No-one can tell me that The Mandalorian could actually make back all the money they'd have to spend to push Episode IX past $1b. And probably not the park, either.

How much Episode IX makes will really tell us how much Disney expects Star Wars to make for them going forward. If they just hang it out to dry and it makes a mediocre grade like $700m at the box office, then it means Disney is tired of the franchise and are just going to put it on ice. If there's evidence of stuffing ala Captain Marvel though, it means they aren't done yet and are really desperate to get some new momentum going for a future movie to pick up from.

i think it would still make a profit without the help, but disney isn't taking any chances.

no we didn't


is this one of those power point presentations?

No, Disney isn't interested in a brand's profitability. Instead they're going to prop up dead brands by pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into them, so they can continue pushing their cultural marxist agenda. That's how business works.

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Because 99% of the people who watch Marvel movies don't read comics and don't care. These movies aren't made for fat nerdy comic fans that will just pirate it anyway.

> Disney gives 1 billion dollars to various child corporations.
> Those corporations donate 1 billion to a charity that is going to give Star Wars tickets to under privileged youths.
> Disney gouge the cinemas for 60% of the cut
> Disney gets back 600 million dollars
> Child companies get back 250 million dollars on their taxes for charitable donations
> Disney are out 150 million dollars for the reward of the first film to make 1 billion domestic
> Disney share prices go up massively
> Star Wars is called 'a great success'
> They can gouge more companies for licensing fees and the like.
> They can get people writing articles about how whatever the GOT guys do is going to make more billions
> They are sitting on their piles of cash

Got to spend money to make money.

What is Guardians of the Galaxy?

I took my gf out on a movie date to Capt. Marvel and we fucked afterward. It's a retty good flick.

There is none. Incels are just making excuses for get BTFO by the movie doing well