2019 Year of the Spoony

Finally, Spoony's first new content in years: Noah runs a red light, hits a woman, and lies about it to the police.


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As if the "tortured artist" type wasn't insuferable enough it's somehow leaps and bound more pathetic when it's a fucking youtuber. This guy should stop swirling it and kill himself already.

He is never gonna make it, he didn't even try.

Fucking kek

Are these his punished years?

It's good to see new Spoony content. I am disappointed by the filming style though, Spoony doesn't appear enough on camera and his mic didn't pick up his voice enough. I feel it also ran a little long and didn't feature enough of his humor. Overall a 5/10 vid.

April 15th will determine if it is the year of the spoony or the year spoony goes to jail. Mark your calendars.

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That YouTube comment
>dont tell me how to drive

>*vehicle occupants are in obvious pain*
>You got your drivers license and insurance?
>*driver is moaning in pain and is having trouble breathing*
>Do you have your drivers license and insurance??
What the absolute fuck is this officer's problem?
Does he have no empathy?

his brother is a policeman with confirmed minority kills. surely he could have gotten our boy out of trouble?

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I hate when people take costumes and try to wear a suit or a fedora or something wacky and zany along with it

normie detected

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I hope that Noah uses his prison time to write his autobiography which will become the source text for his made for tv movie.

>Mein Verrat

>Noah goes to jail
>very next day, he receives a call at home
>no one is there to pick up since his GF already left him
>answering machine picks it up
>"Hey Noah how's it going. It's me, Jimmy Fallon host of The Tonight Show. I just got around to seeing your boardgame submission video and I want you to be a regular on the show. Please call my people so we can set this up *BEEEEEEEP*


Will he ever finish the other FF 13 games?

>Noah goes to jail

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What else is he really going to ask, that's just how the adult world works and he's a cop. Plus the guy goes back and says 'I got the wind knocked out of me but I think I'm alright.'
I mean seriously dude that's the way it always goes, you can go to an emergency room and it will be a really long time before someone even treats you unless you are literally violently dying.


He's a cop not a doctor, all they can do from that perspective is call am ambulance.


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Wait what the fuck is this real?

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>Guy 1 says he's in a lot of pain
>Cop asks what sounds like different guy, Guy 2 what happened (can't see who he's talking to)
>Also asks for license+insurance from those involved
Seemed to handle it well, to me. He mentions how it was his 3rd accident that day, so obviously he has some experience with wrecks.
Plus, I think he says something like "the car's replaceable, but you're not," to Spoony.
He also quickly and thoroughly investigated the accident, insuring that Spoony was at fault, and the other parties won't be held accountable.

I wonder what happened. Was it his medication or just not paying attention?

I'm laughing so hard.

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April left him?