what are your thoughts about the ACS
What are your thoughts about the ACS
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haha tits (I'm a BIG fan)
I stopped listening when Teresa left. Adam is a cranky spoiled boomer now.
ugh he’s such a blow hard these days
he turned into al franken
yummy titties
He's been doing the same old schtick for the past 20 years. It got old around 2009 or so. And let's not forget that he's a total hypocrite in the way he raises his kids with his own actions not matching his advice for the rest of us. And lastly, he's a functionally illiterate junior high graduate and it comes across. He thinks he's got it all figured out. When Drew brings up Dunning-Kruger...he's talking about you, Adam!!!
is that his wife?
>total hypocrite in the way he raises his kids
no but she's carolla's type
His constant rants on family and education. Apparently his own kids are solid D students, and just barely and he's resigned to excusing it by saying, "They're going to be fine." I suppose that's his way of saying that Adam is going to be Daddy Warbucks throughout their lives. He's content to raise them as typical LA rich kids.
Aren't they young as fuck? you have to basicaly be retarded to get Ds before being 15 years old.
Love adam and Bryan. Don't like the girl. She can't go 10 minutes without reminding us how Jewish she is. She has chased me away from the show
What do big bouncy tits feel like bros?
I think they're in middle school now.
Bag of sand. Also, like lumps of squishy fat that happen to be on her chest.
he badly needs to be paired with someone who disagrees with him, it was great for him to be a voice of reason when idiots would call into loveline, when it's just him going off for the 10,000th time about the fall of society it's just trite and boring, even though I agree with him
Just another jewish talk show host. Everything he says should be ignored, even if it reflects your politics because it will eventually be found to push the jewish narrative. Just like everyone else in the MSM.... Controlled opposition.
I agree with a lot of his ideas too especially about the importance of family and education. But it's that he's also so neglectful of other forces affecting change that turns me off. He's awfully pig-headed.
Grab your ass. That is how it feels.
>his ideas
Looks like my dad. I haven't seen him in ten years
His perception, i should say.
hurr durr real conservative comedian
hit fag on dancing with the stars and celebrity apprentice
he's just like me!
Dude west coast best coast lmao XD lel.
does she have a whole litter of jewish babies?
That's what you get for being a Mexican.
>dude libtards lmao
>*le epic still live in LA*
>dude wtf i hate this place lmao
MOMMY baby want suckle suckle on those hard little AREOLAS MOMMY
Dude shit in street fuck drump lmafo lel XD
Squishy and warm yet supple with a nice bouncy elastisity. Nipples are slighty springy and smooth. Sensations felt playing with them have been etched in my mind, to the point that my dreams have exactly replacted what they feel like. Having said all that, busty girls like you to pay eons of attention to them, to the point of boredom, and titty fucking is overrated. Nothing beats breaking the seal of a wet slit and eventually exploding inside it.
I thought the exact same thing.
I remember playing with a tit when I was younger and it was like fondling a water balloon that was 3/4 full. That was about as far as I got with a lady.
Gina's twitter feed is a fantasy. All the pics she posts are when she was 100 pounds skinnier- or at angles like fatties do on dating sites. Just exercise you lazy bitch.
Missing Alison (expect that side profile schnoz view- YUUGE) as she is superior to Gina.
Adam Corolla is as interesting as he looks
Everyone on the podcast is downright scared of him. I love it when he gets annoyed at one of their minor fuck ups and you can see the OH SHIT OH SHIT in their eyes. That is why I think he loves Dr. Drew so much- I bet one day Drew laid into him (and earned Adam's lifelong respect in return). No one respects pussies, boot lickers and sycophants.
He was such a hard ass about raising kids and how to not make them spoiled. Smash cut 15 years later he’s exactly the kind of parent he railed against.
Gina Grad. She reads the news and adds a few chuckles and gets mad at bald brian (who sucks) for making her look inept.
It gets old hearing him whine about his mom, how poor they were, and how his sister asks him for money. I partially dropped AC after he bragged how much money he now has (I'm richer than Dr. Drew!).
He is redpilling people on the homeless (i.e., street camping, problem).
>Bizarre how it keeps expanding.
>Where are all these hobos coming from? And why have no vigilantes or whoever done anything to them yet?
There's absolutely no segment of society more pathetic than right-wing boomer podcast/radio hosts
it's a tie between boomer right wing podcasts, and lefty shit. I prefer non political podcasts
They are Generation X ya libtard. Baby Boomers are senior citizens.
Adam has view points that pertains to this made-up world spinning in his head. To actually use that "logic" in the real world is asinine and he knows it.
Watch the movie Under The Silver Lake. Then go here reddit.com
I listen every day. Gets me through my stupid desk job.
I subscribe to Compound Media.
Jumped the shark years ago
I want those milkers now
>it's a Bald Bryan