What would you do in this situation?

What would you do in this situation?

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she actually looked super fuckable in that scene. like a skeletal emmy rossum.

was she talking about the moon landing?

What so special about this scene?

I would not have a gf and I would not be at a party

Probably make her a sandwich

Is she anorexic, bulimic, or does she just do insane amounts of blow?


dick stare


>does she just do insane amounts of blow?
This is her boyfriend.

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probably got hooked on coke from the guy that plays her bf in st


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How smart is he?

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>10 amazing pictures taken MOMENTS before disaster
How many people are going to be victims of attack buicks before we make that breed illegal?

They look like cute couple tbf

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Kill her, stuff the body in my trunk, show eleven my big dick and become her daddy boyfriend

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>dick stare
what episode is this? whuddafug bros

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Agree with her. I mean, come on. 6 million? What the fuck. Wooden doors? Get out.

Watch out for that car!

>vinyl Axis: Bold as Love

>not Max

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>Sartorius got to smash this

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Burn the coal, pay the toll

Sprinkle coke on my dick and fuck that pretty little mouth.

reminder that he was caught with cocaine before the ST2 preimere
she's definitely with him and the way she is because he's a coke dealer


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those eyes, she looks super adorable there. I'd just hold her tight.

>tfw Jonathan is turning into 2cool4school bf to match the actor
>tfw Steve is becoming a wholesome mentor to match the actor

They've been together since mid way through filming season one. So yeah... Cokes the secret to a long relationship.

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For some reason he has an actor vibe about him

They're both cute

Me on the right.

winch ah m8

Nah the holocaust

Force feed her some eggs, of course.

>daddy boyfriend

finally someone says it, this "daddy" bullshit is weird as fuck. i don't know if it's just the language barrier, but seriously, what the fuck

>but seriously, what the fuck
Ask that to chicks, senpai. They're just as kinky

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kys casuals Imma do it whether you get it or not

>have sex
>literal virgin posting

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She's the female version of him. She's still pretty cute despite being flat, I'd fuck her anyway[/ spoiler]

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choke her

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>crown molding in the bathroom

That's a yikes from me.

The same thing I did the dozens of times this exact thing happened to me with my first girlfriend in high school

so you imagined yourself slapping her but never actually did it cause you're a pussy?

>you will never be a balding cokehead b list actor with a skelly gf
confusing feel ngl

choke her and probably rape her

I'd probably fuck her. Look how sexy and cute she looks pretending to be in charge.

Max's hair is so lovely

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>muh natalia

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I mean, she's not my favorite, but I still would.

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If she looked at me like that I'd kiss her although I forgot the context

Yeah same, would too, but obviously not my favorite either

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Who is your favorite?

Definitely not Millie. Who's yours?

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Nah I tried bargaining until I finally learned it was useless then just told her to fuck off

MBB already has the thousand cock stare.

I'd actually call it a cute stare, not sure how you mixed them up

From the show? Sadie
Shes so cute

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Do you think season 3 be any good? I dropped season 2 half way through tbqh.

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Can't blame you senpai, she's a pretty close #2 for me

I know I'm going to watch it intently

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I hope so. It doesn't look terrible.
Hopefully there will be plenty of Max and 11

reeee so who is your favorite?

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No she was talking about the final report on 9/11.

I'm really liking the Max/11 friendship they're playing up in the trailer
(It's Millie)

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"i told you the numbers don't add up. nowhere near enough ovens, and even if there were more, the time it takes for full cremation, multiplied by the supposed number of people over such a small period of time..."

I like this picture. It's very wholesome.

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post millie feet

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Ironic since it’s one of the most unwholesome pics of Millie

That does look promising. Lots of cute scenes ahead.

What is your favorite thing about Millie?

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They're cute together

>muh feet

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"And there's more that doesn't make sense too. Zyklon B isn't even a very toxic substance, in fact it's more suited to removing lice than killing humans!"

For legal reasons I must answer "her acting abilities"

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How is he going to play a high school student with that 45 year old hairline?

yes of course

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>Women want to be with men who would make good fathers


Is Millie doomed to be one of those insta slut celebrities that has her nudes leaked when she turns 18? She's already going down the wrong path

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I "admire her acting" a lot

Ah bloo bloo

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It's a ruse my friend, I can't wait for the leaks...I mean great acting career

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Kek got me

Damn it she is so hot in that scene
Imagine how hot she would be with normal weight

Based thread

Anyone here fucked a drunk girl? Its could be really bad? It may result on false accusations of rape right?

No such thing exists.

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Her lips are very admirable imo. They're so full and curvy and pink.
I'd so love to kiss her just once

Are millie threads back on the menu?

I feel so bad for this poor fucking kid
If the pedophiles on this board are this bad, imagine what's going on in Hollywood. God save her

Lmfao what. Its because all women have electra complexes, and everyones ok with it.

>What would you do in this situation?
Give her a sandwhich

Same, they're so perfect and soft looking. I want to kiss her so bad

I wish, but this is probably a fluke. They'll be back come July though

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Haha wouldn’t it be funny if they kissed hahaha it’s be so weird

I’d say June, Godzilla drops at the end of May and she has a fairly sizable role in that

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Kaiju fans rightful hate Millie

Sometimes the simplest and most intimate things are the best

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Haha but as a joke. It'd be so funny if they had a 5 minute makeout scene in their underwear

We'll see a few threads then, but nothing in the actual Godzilla threads. Those people hate her


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Yeah, if you believe we went to the moon, then uh, you're just retarded basically.

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>It'd be so funny if they had a 5 minute makeout scene in their underwear
I'm dying of laughter just thinking about it

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Yeah, I'm laughing so... hard... right now

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me on the right

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I thought Guilliani cleaned out all the hookers from NYC

You’re her dad? I knew you were sick


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So I would imagine Millie would be the aggressor in this scene

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yeah shame about the coke addiction though i fully blame whatshisface, women dont have the agency to make good choices for themselves especially when they're fucking junkies

>make natalia thread multiple nights in a row
>suddenly becomes millie/sadie thread and jannies don't realize it and don't delete it

atrocious screenwriting desu

head seems too tall, would still kiss desu

he cute

i bet drake actually did it desu

.t drake



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black dude is pure kino.
would judge movies with/10

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the hollywood jews really did a number on this poor girl holy fuck


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he could play me


What ASMR video is this?

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It's called "muh dick asmr"

I would eat her out for ten hours a day for minimum wage

look at this retard.


they turned a thirteen year old into a sex symbol i honestly don't know what you're trying to get at

She's 15, she's old enough for kisses.

Why do you think anyone here is going to agree with you? Do you know where you are?

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It's not like she's a twelve year old, calm down.

That's not very romantic how you're turning an intimate act into something motivated by greed and hedonism.

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She was 13 in

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At least she wasn't 12.

She was 12 in

Fine, there's no need to pay.

At least she wasn't 11.

I'm not judging. It sounds like a good job to have

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Kek, wish I could keep playing along

Maximum sleezecore

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It's all arbitrary anyway.

>Tfw I literally masturbated to the scene of her kissing the niglet and the scene of her ass when she is the underground cave
Am I beyond saving?

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I want to switch bodies with her

I too unironically wish I was a cute teenage girl like Sadie

I would too now that you bring it up.
Being cute and youthful would sure help me find the companionship I desire.

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>You know we can't do that, you are my sister.

I'm so lonely

can't wait for this manlet to over dose

I'd rather be Millie desu

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high metabolism

dude had hard nipples

>Doing this in a public bathroom
Imagine how embarrassed she must feel when someone walks in.

>pink shirt
>pink shoes
>rock-solid nips
>ruined jeans
do Brits really do this

They didn't do anything some 13 year olds are sexy, get over it!

It's an unforgiving world.
At least you have us I guess.

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Could always attend some sex offender grou therapy classes

But he didn't offend anyone.

god I wish that was me


I dont want to leave my house so I just go to Yea Forums instead

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She looks like she's in her mid-thirties at this point.

They're gonna lez out in S3 right?