What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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i love this pic, it just screams late 90's for some reason

the first season is kinda slow but picks up afterwards.

A post-watching depression after you've watched all of the episodes.


All I ever hear is hype, I better not be disappointed Yea Forums

Just be sure to complete the experience. Make a big pot of pasta and stuff your face as you watch it. Pour some vino. Get a cigar going, maybe two or three. When your mom comes downstairs to yell at you just keep scraping your plate and shovel that shit into your mouth, only looking up occasionally to stare blankly off into space and breathe heavily through your nose.

You will find yourself talking like a wop after binging some of it

please dont watch more than 2 episodes per day.

Why not?



this but unironically and it happens again if you watch it again

season 1 is good
season 2 is ok
season 3 is snoozefest
i didn't watch the rest and neither should you

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posting tux pepe doesn’t make you cute, white boi

A timeless experience

Seriously, it’s a good show that speaks to American society in a way that only a few shows ever managed. The fact that this board still talks about it religiously says a lot.

as tempting as it will become once it gets rolling, youll get burn on it and need a break after which you wont remember half of shit because you watched it in a week. that happened to me n my first run it is better to take it slow.

also it gets better on every rewatch

What rough beast slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?

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The opening song is gold, you won't get tires of it.
You will start acting like a gangster , even just a little.
Also gabagool.

This. It’s not a casual watch, there’s a lot of happenings in even the most seemingly unimportant episodes and you’ll miss out on stuff if you don’t pay attention. A minor character can become a main character in just a few minutes.

Obese Ninjas

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my dad picked up tons of their mannerisms and it was pure suffering

tell your old man to go fuck himself


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Just finished the first episode. Without spoiling anything why did Tony and his mobsters care so much about his uncle killing the guy in Arte’s Restaurant?

Artie was Tony's closest friend outside of the mob, and he knew that a hit going down would hurt his business. Junior should have respected Tony's request and done the hit somewhere else, but he was too busy resenting Tony's success


6 seasons of mostly kino. there are some filler episodes and a lot of unanswered questions and cliffhangers that go nowhere. if anyone asks, Adrianna is the best mobfu

Nah, the Russian goomah was best girl

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I always point with my pinkie out like Paulie
I started doing it as a joke but it's turned into a subconscious thing

It's surprisingly comfy for the subject matter.


you're insane if you think that russian, disease ridden who-ah is sexier than my girl la cervix

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Infinite rewatches.

quads of truth

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I just can't stand girls with hooker nails

very entertaining soap opera


Show's not as good as people would have you believe.

You'll like it if you enjoy mafia movies. Back in 2008 my wife and I watched it. We got a new DVD every Friday from Netflix. We were both pretty disappointed when it was finished. Nothing else we ordered from Netflix came close to Sopranos. We started watching Deadliest Catch instead.