Easy on the ice, toots

>easy on the ice, toots

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I ask for a Coke, bitch behind the counter says “is Pepsi okay?” I mean, if I wanted a Pepsi I woulda asked for a Co— a Pepsi, if I wanted a Coke I woulda, if I wanted a Pepsi I woulda asked for a Pepsi, so...

based junkie

Is this legal?

tim heidecker joke

Go fuck yourself

but it's an icee...


It's amazing that some people get genuinely angry when places don't have muh red-label sugar water. Pretty sure there some research that showed that, in a blind taste test, most people prefer Pepsi, but that most people prefer Coke if you show them the label. Really shows how powerful marketing is that some people will refuse a cola drink if it isn't Coca-Cola branded.

is this that youtuber?

>that'll be $19.99 for your corn syrup flavored ice, sir

when you get off work baby

me on the back

>in a blind taste test
how can you not tell whether you're drinking coke or pepsi

Cocacola isn't even cola. It's formulation is unique enough that it's best classified as 'coke'

its says ice on the label you fucking mong

lmao what kind of retarded tastelet nigger are you? i can literally tell the difference between coke and coke zero. you're fucking telling me you can't tell the difference between two DIFFERENT brands?

and no i don't drink soda anymore and i'm not fat

What if she accidentally puts her finger in your drink?

>and no i don't drink soda anymore and i'm not fat
t. Fat retard

i prefer coke because its red and therefore redpilled

>drinking cola
>or pop at all

Idk, I don't drink either. I just remember reading about it. I often see people on the internet complaining that [establishment] didn't have Coke as though it's a human rights violation. It seems strange that they're so attached to Coca-Cola when the research (again, I don't really know much about it) suggests that Pepsi tastes better.

Not everyone is a soda connoisseur.

>Pretty sure there some research that showed that, in a blind taste test, most people prefer Pepsi

That was back in the '80s, it's partly what lead to New Coke in fact.
The funny thing is that the only reason Coke ever got so popular is because it was bottled (which the company themselves didn't even come up with) and was shipped to soldiers fighting abroad, and they just basically got used to it so they bought it when they came home.

Easy on the ice on an icee? Come on bro...

>you can't tell the difference between two DIFFERENT brands?

See . I don't drink either one

McDonalds Coke >>>>>>>> Coca-Cola

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Tell me about it. All my friends liked the Mexican Coca-Cola with real sugar less in a blind taste test.

Based and cokepilled

this is that youtuber isn't it?

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I'll have a burger, salted.

hes being intentionally obtuse

People "like" pepsi because it has more sugar in it than Coke does so it taste sweeter.

>getting ice in your drink where it takes up 30% of your drink container

What's the going wage to be a pepsi shill?

Hmm I wonder who did this ((((research))))

Pepsi tastes sweeter and lighter. Can of Pepsi has 10 more calories than a can of Coke, but coke tastes heavier to me. I usually get coke, but Pepsi's good too.

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I'd like to molest her gently while watching Shazam together

what the fuck is with americans and HUGE fucking drinks like i get huge amounts of food but who the fuck wants to drink a gallon of coke

look at her Danish pig nose

“I’m sorry sir, but new Kinoplex employee guidelines stipulate that all fountain beverages will be, at minimum, 75% ice. If you prefer no ice I can only fill a quarter of the cup. Either way that will be 12.95 plus tip thank you.”

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What the fuck are you talking about? How can a soda taste light or heavy unless you mix it with butter?


is this the same girl?

If the movie sucks you chuck your drink through the projection booth window. The effect is lost if the cup is tiny.

>If you prefer no ice I can only fill a quarter of the cup
>take the offer
>go to her manager and point out she still technically served you a 0% ice drink
>get the stupid cunt fired

Soph doesn't have any girlish curves and her head is squarer


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For me it's Hiroshima Cola.

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I don't know a better word for it. Somebody else has described it the same way before:
>"Pepsi is lighter and sweeter, Coke is heavier but less sweet"
I guess Coke has more thick syrupy flavor, Pepsi isn't as intense.

you fatties really will defend your made-up soda arguments to the death

Deal with it.

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Are you tripping on mushrooms too?

>that will be 12.95 plus tip thank you

Don't forget the VAT.

Glass Bottle Coke > Can of Coke > McDonalds Coke >>>> Coca-Cola


Sure are a lot of fat fucks in this thread


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Mexican coke>>>>>>>>>> any other coke

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McDonalds actually puts more syrup in their Coke.

he fat

Who /drpepper/ here

Yeah I'll take a 7up thanks

I'd drink whatever she poured between her tits for me to slurp out like a thirsty dog

In some parts of the Deep South they call every carbonated soft drink "Coke."

>hey mom can you get some Coke from the Publix tonight?
>sure user what kind of Coke do you want?
>Get some Pepsi

>tfw only go to the local Starbucks because a qt barista girl who works there smiles to me
I don't even like this capuccino garbage, but this is the most female attention I can get

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But Pepsi is better than coke

Based pepsi poster

You're making yourself more miserable by falling into that habit

this tbqh

Ahem, step aside cola virgins.

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Yurotard. Go drink a Looza.

icee's are a blessing

Pepsi actually has a flavour to me, coke just tastes like fizz

So get tea or whatever instead, chum

Excuse me maam I would prefer if Robert prepared my Icee

The coke bottles are always branded any way. So a blind taste test involves putting the drinks in a separate container. Which makes the coke lose it's carbonation signature, which turns its taste profile into a more pepsi-ish taste. Plus Pepsi tastes sweeter right away.

Just my two cents.

I like water

I prefer fountain Coke over Fountain pepsi.

Also, Coke has a nice soothing feeling in the stomach, since it was originally developed as a means of combating indigestion.

I don't know what level of autism you're operating on, but Coke is way sweeter imo


Coke and Coke Zero have a much bigger difference in taste than coke and Pepsi

Pepsi is too sweet only diabetes babies like that pepsi shit.

>not the peach mango passion fruit lemon-aid

lmaoing at ur life

Then I can finally stop bringing in my dummy to get around the singles policy

.5 Pepsi cans have been deposited in your account

>Coke is way sweeter imo
you're defective

Ask her out user, l believe in you

>easy on the ice

1. Diet Dr. Pepper
2. Cherry Coke Zero
3. Coke Zero

>Drinking sugar

officially the gayest post i have ever seen thankyou

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Thank you. Where can I collect my reward

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>drinking soda
*tips fedora and teleports away*

Ask for the drink and when she gets you the reciet ask if she wants to hang out somewhere. If you can't think of anything ask for her number. If she says no, or she's busy, never go to that store again

In some parts of the Deep South siblings have children together as well. Should tell you something

>"WhOOOO!!" every 5 seconds in any live event or performance
Why do women do this and how can we convince them to stop

I thought you liked basedcafe though, Joshua?

Would you delineate her angles?

mcdonalds coke is slightly better than can

Pepsi is basically just coke with a weird laundry detergent after-taste. I can tell the difference immediately, coke simply doesn't have that weird fucking taste to it that stands out so much.

lose weight, fattie

Who knew people felt so strongly about soda brands.

I'm pathetic but not delusional, you know. She's just a professional worker, and smiles like this to everyone. Asking her out would be pointless, she's several leagues above me.

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just ask her out
if she refuses throw acid on her face then ask again several months later
she won't have any self steem so she'll probably accept now

Get a life fsggot

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coffee time haha don't talk to me until i am done haha

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wtf even is this thread

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Based Kiira.




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>The chad research based statement vs the virgin cope

yeah , it's because their containers are made of stainless steel


user... I don't know how to tell you this... perhaps you should take a seat

pepsi objectively tastes better. there have been hundreds of studies on this. coke syrup is made in india from sewer water, according to my research. pepsi is made with pure mountain glacier water.

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Still drinking high fructose corn syrup

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I enjoyed this post more than I should have

glass bottle coke > can of coke > good fountain soda coke > plastic bottle coke > average fountain soda coke

Oh fuck, an image macro that doesn't cute any sources or research studies. We should take it at face value.

cold, clear water > restaurant coke > glass bottle coke > fountain coke >can of coke >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just not drinking anything and being thirsty > plastic bottle coke

You're so concerned with health you must get hours of excersize daily, have a vigorous social life, eat the proper balance of veggies and vitamins and not eat too much red meat. Good for you.

>drinking soda
Fucking pathetic

what is restaurant coke?

Seconding this question. Or what is "fountain coke"? One of them is probably coke made out of powder+water, but what is the other one then?

Pepsi is shit

Coke they serve in a restaurant. It's like restaurant coffee, but instead it's coke


Don’t listen to those anons telling you to ask her out, it’s part of her job to smile and be friendly to customers. Asking out girls at their place of work is generally not a good idea

Floridians do not do this. It’s soda here

I’ve officially gone too long without female affection, this pic finally got me. Fuck, bros

fountain coke is the one that comes out of soda machines, typical of fast food restaurants
it's made by adding water and CO2 to a concentrated syrup

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>tfw there is a scientific proof that coffee makes female breasts smaller
>Chestlet gf is addicted to caffeine and can't quite

I can always tell the difference between coke and pepsi. I used to not give a shit but after my dumbass friend convinced me to try mix pepsi with vodka I can never forget the taste. Anytime I have pepsi now it just reminds me of that mixed drink and I have to throw it away

looks like an aryan Ariana Grande

I stopped drinking full sugar sodas in 2010 and stopped drinking diet soda last year and I don’t miss the diet soda at all. It’s fizzy water, coffee or tea now. I’ll have coffee or a low-sugar rockstar recovery if I need a caffeine pick me up at work. Don’t miss the soda at all, and I urge everyone else to do the same.

With that said, coke is better. It’s more acidy and less sweet.

Soda is supposed to taste sweet.



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pepsi > coke

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>cola drink

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>her live action squirrel girl was cancelled
>beat out lena dunham for it
>fuck the world
>fuck marvel

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>tfw fully grown americans still eat fast food and have "cravings" for certain fast foods and sodas.

Corn syrup is a hell of a drug


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do only kids eat fast food in your country


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is there a greater argument in existence for genetically modified children than hot red chicks?

without science the hot red chick, nature's crowning achievement, will be a footnote in human history

Amerifat franchises in Japan are worse than the dropped bombs. Gaijin, quit fattening up my future waifuuuuus!!!!!

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OMG user I work as a Barista girl and have this dorky guy come on to my workplace alot of buy the same garbage capuccino, he looks pretty cute GOD I wish he would ask me for my number but he probally have way to good maners to ask me out

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based retards

If you ask any person who doesn't have an opinion or who rarely drinks cola, they're always going to go with pepsi and they probably aren't going to be able to tell the difference. Most normie choose coke because of the advertising but choose pepsi in a blind taste test because it tastes sweeter and their npc brains automatically associate sweeter with better yet at the same time automatically associate bright red labeling with exclusivity and prestige so they think it to be a better product. People are just retarded

what's the harm, it's a learning experience

if she says no don't take it too hard, just move on

seething fatty

ask the guy out yourself

What even is this thread lmao

outstanding posts here guys

yeah? yeah? fuck you
dubs bitch

WTF? based

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ah, inbredspeak

tried diet Dr pepper for the first time last weekend cause it was the only thing that had a deal on at the place I usually shop at (baring in mind normal Dr pepper tastes like ass) and it was really good

Nigger check these digits


Diet drinks with the least amount of caffeine taste the sweetest since the corn syrup masks the bitter taste of caffeine. For this reason Coke Zero tastes way better than Diet Coke. Diet Sprite and 7UP are also based because they contain 0g of caffeine.

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what the fuck even is this thread, it's like some alien interpretation of a Yea Forums conversation