They literally made a horror movie about a black woman letting teenagers drink in her basement

They literally made a horror movie about a black woman letting teenagers drink in her basement

And it looks scary

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They should cut it out with those posters

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Not a single one of those is a memorable movie though.

>glass breaking effect in poster
Is this the fourth film in the unbreakable universe?

>Octavia Spencer as crazed black woman stalking teens
Looks like kino's back on the menu, boys.

>The Social Network
>Not memorable

looks like a jordan peele movie

Memorably boring

How fucking dumb are teenagers now that they’d hear this weirdo invite them to her basement, and they say yes?

Also, do American teenagers seriously ask random people to buy them beer?


On one hand, it looks like a trash horror movie aimed at teenagers. On the other hand, it doesn't seem pozzed. Maybe I'll watch it on a lazy night.

shes a good actor

Probably the point.

So what’s the twist?


fuck you, I don't discriminate



She used to be the most popular kid in school, dated on of protags' dad and now she is washed up and clings to the kids to feel like she's young again. She may or may not have a grudge with some of the parents.

>now i'm old enough to see Juliette Lewis play mother to a 17 year old

seems like NBK was just yesterday

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What is with these short titles?
>coming soon
>the story of a community of darkskinned blacks rocked by a hate crime
>produced by Blumhouse

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>do American teenagers seriously ask random people to buy them beer?
teenagers are really fucking stupid. to any boomer, anyone under the age of 25 is basically retarded. not that older people are inherently smarter, of course not. but i mean jesus. the decision making skills are just not there yet

In my town it was well known that the high school girls would literally suck and fuck grown ass men for buying them a six pack.

These dudes were in their late thirties early forties too.

Why did they spoil literally every character's death in the trailer?