Why do I love the Android Saga so much lads?

Why do I love the Android Saga so much lads?

I easily had a better time watching it than Frieza or anything Perfect Cell onward

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you horrible weeb.
Thank god my mother raised me right and didn't let me see these terrible japanese cartoons.

watch DB, fuck Z

Last time everyone was actively doing something. Had that early dragon ball feel to it with the whole team ensemble.

it's because of this

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wtf is it that in the original art, the proportions of A17/18s heads are ridiculously elongated? It's the same with a lot of the characters, but its just more noticeable on them.

i'm probably the only one who honestly prefers the buu saga

Cus Android gf

You're not alone. Buu saga has the best fight of the entire cartoon and the best scene (Vegeta's sacrifice).

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No it's fanart

The Buu saga gets a bad rap. I always loved how jarring of a change it was from the rest of the series. The arc oozes character because of it

>the proportions of A17/18s heads are ridiculously elongated?
So like in the show then

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It's because of the androids' comfy road trip and wildlife adventures.

Those tiny blue cells are cute little bastards.

I finished Dragon Ball last week for the first time and now I'm 42 episodes in to Z, just at the start of the Frieza Saga. It's pretty good, I was considering Kai but I can skip filler if it repeats anything and I'll probably watch GT because it's short before Super.

>Why do I love the Android Saga so much lads?
Because you have bad taste and like having 50 fakeouts occur in a row

Watch GT after super.

I watched the whole franchise for the first time all the way through a couple years ago and I regret not doing GT last.

It's finale is so definitive and satisfying that it's jarring to go from the insane amount of closure it has to more content in Super. Definitely save it for last

And each as strong as SSJ Vegeta right after he beat Cell 2nd form

I will do, I've seen over anons say the ending is good

Because you are an autistic spic, Paco

Also good call doing Z instead of Kai. imo the slow pace of Z feels like the way it's supposed to be watched. The waiting for major events make them so much more satisfying

Why would you voluntarily watch Super?

Only the first two arcs of super are offensively bad. Universe 6 is slightly underwhelming, Goku Black is while not my favorite, at least as good as the worst of Z, and Universe Survival I think is fantastic.

Favorite arc so far?

Was Super the worst thing to happen in anime?

I still can't believe how fucking stupid the premise for the android saga was set up. It makes me rage every time I witness it. There is no fucking reason for the androids to have ever been built. They knew two years beforehand about it and instead of searching for the lab, collecting all dragon balls and wishing for it to be destroyed, or asking Baba where the fucking lab is, they decide to just fucking train, when they know the androids basically destroyed humanity. How can you write such bs

Trunks introduction blew me away.

different artists

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None of the characters took the Androids seriously enough at first.

it's a saiyan. earthlings wouldn't understand.

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The Tenkaichi Tournament and the Piccolo Jr Saga in the original dragon ball. I've only seen the first Saga in Z so far

Super had a few good moments.

This. The power scaling in Z was obnoxious compared to DB. Super is just in a whole nother league of its own.

>user who likes the Buu arc is a Vegeta fag
Gee, who saw that coming

Everyone but Chioazu got something to do. Even Yamcha was there to take care of Goku.

No one asked you

Because you’re Hispanic

Its the only arc i cant rewatch. Its just so fucking ugly.

Well, at least they're aware of it now. In Super they're doing fights in segregated dimensions that can withstand the damage. In Z they should've been able to destroy planets with awkwardly-timed sneezes but somehow these galaxy-busting faggots can do their thing on Earth a-ok.

Any kinos with that roadtrip vibe?

i wish tien would have been a little more relevant. hes a cool character

No Goku.

I too do. It's so much fun even if it's too stretched and pointless

Not mentioning how it handles power-ups, Red Ribbon Arc almost mocks power-ups. E.g. Korin gives Goku "super water", Goku drinks it and thinks he has received a power boost and runs to defeat Tao Pai-pal.
Later Korin monologues that it was just regular water; there are no shortcuts for gaining power and that Goku always had the potential to defeat his enemy.

Didn't want to risk changing the future


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Be silent, dog, your master commands you.

Cause you're a faggot. Frieza Saga is the pinnacle of the Dragonball franchise.

I feel like every piece of dialogue out of Super Vegeta's mouth was gold in that arc
>Your power has made quite a leap just now. Still, what about it?
>Seems like I have widened the gap between our powers too much during my training
>You feel fear? Even though you are an artificial human?
It's mostly because of Horikawa's cool voice

Trunks was a bad ass and 18 was a goddess. They should do an Arc where 18 leaves Krillin for future Trunks.

Hi, this is Goku. His idea of a good time is to risk the lives of an entire planet just to see how strong someone else is.

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>thinks a bunch of clumsy babelfish direct translation garbage sounds cool
checks out

Lol, pleb spotted, go watch your faggy american cartoons, faggot.

It does. A lot more than the made up dubshit

its the humans trying to stop the androids while the saiyans train

also the imperfect cell arc is so fucking good

am I the only one who much preferred Vegeta's brown hair?

Anyone who has to ask strangers to explain their opinion to them should be forced to pay per post.

The Buu Saga was my favourite saga and the second-best saga was the Freeza Saga.

I liked his red hair.

t. Has never watched the piccolo saga

You're probably hispanic. The people who love the android saga the most are mexicans and brazilians.

It's the worst arc out of all of them. None of the villains are compelling, it's dragged way out, there's no sense of danger(seriously Yamcha and tien are the only ones who get hurt and they are inconsequential characters this point) and it introduces the dumbest plot device in the entire show

Fuck Z, watch Super.

I'm white. I thought Hispanics liked gt

Korin's tower is one my favorite arcs. The whole sky tower, Goku actually learning martials arts stuff and Tao Pai Pai being the first actual threat goku faces. And Goku doesn't beat him because he's stronger but because he learned how to fight

Goku is a little bit rewritten in the English version. In the Japanese version goku is shown as a bit of a rude asshole. Not in the villain way but in the "I don't really give a shit about others only about my own satisfaction" kind of way. He straight up doesn't take Trunks serious after he gets told about the androids. Instead he goes to train since he feels like that will provide a satisfactory challenge for him.

In the English version Goku is more sympathetic and actually cares about the people around him so his actions make less sense. It's why them make him more stupid in the English version to make it seem like he just doesn't understand it. Instead of him being a sociopath like in the Japanese version.

That said the Japanese version is actually inferior with worse voice acting during fighting scenes with the sole exception of Freeza which had the absolute perfect voice acting and amazing way to write a villain which was completely butchered in the English version where he sounds and acts like a cliche'd villain.

In the Japanese version Freeza talks extremely polite, respectful and with honor. Always making sure to use the right honorable Japanese words to describe things. This makes it such a good contrast with his absolutely brutal actions. When he speaks to Vegeta very politely and in a nice way while torturing him to death it gives a very eerie feeling.

This is the reason why Freeza is so loved in Japan and why he is the only villain brought back. All the other voice acting is worse than the English one.

Falconer music is also leagues above the Japanese shitty soundtrack.

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A mix of the science-fiction elements, time-travel before it was obnoxious, Trunks before he became useless, and a great start with baiting Frieza before introducing a far more menacing threat.

It's also the last time Earth created its own threat. Not an alien threat or ancient genies or Gods. One man, a human, makes multiple enemies that make Frieza look weak.

Not my favorite arc. It's 3rd, after the Saiyan/Frieza arc, and King Piccolo arc. But it's got its own charm that the rest of the series lacks.

>time-travel before it was obnoxious
I noticed this as well. I find time travel obnoxious now but I really liked it. Is it because I'm an adult now instead of a teen watching DBZ or did it genuinely become obnoxious?

>Be Cell
>Get beat up by Jobhan
The Perfect JUST.
Goku let Frieza power up to 100% just because he wanted to see how strong he was. You expect that kind of logic from him?

have sex

Even by then it had been used many times, but it wasn't trying to ape anything beyond a fun Terminator reference considering Toriyama's love for the Terminator. Considering it was written in the late 80's/early 90's, it was before time-travel became so over used, even within Dragon Ball itself. Plus, it used it sparingly. We saw brief flashes of Trunks' hellish world, we met a badass who was raised in that Hell, and we got to meet the third best villain of Z, who used that time-travel against the heroes. It didn't try to over-explain and it didn't use it more than two or three times as a simple A-B travel system. In Super, and in many stories since Z, time-travel became the focus of entire stories and fictional realms. Z just used it for the starting point, and made something else from there. That's why it wasn't obnoxious, but Super's use of it was.

because time travel in DBZ separates timelines so it doesn't feel like "lol something bad happened lets go back in time to reverse it"

Vegeta´s head is so fucking weird

So should I watch Z or Kai my first time through as an adult?

Z, of course. Get comfy with your FF key though, they waffle around a lot


The filler is enjoyable.

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the broly movie is on earth you fucking ningen


It was the buildup to Gohan getting the push as the main character. Too bad the Buu saga shit all over that cause of pleb japs

>Muh goku-san can’t roooooose!!

Anyone else here a mangafag? I've read Dragonball maybe 15-20 times but only seen a couple of episodes of the anime. It seems so bad compared to the manga.

GT is full of problems but it felt like an actual continuation of the story and the very ending was kino. Super feels like fanfiction.

I'm reading the manga now and having trouble. I just miss the music and colors

The manga is 100x more fast paced tho

This. GT also tries to bring things full circle and feels like takes a lot from Dragon ball and not just Z.

If there's enjoyable atmosphere and characters, why would I want it to go faster?

Because you don't want filler.

Toriyama is a terrible writer

Why not?

Boring. You get more time to read other good stuff.

Imperfect cell in a picture with cell Jrs trigger the fuck outta my huge cock

It's not as bad as people say it is but it has a lot of problems.
You can really tell that Toriyama just said fuck it and did whatever the fuck people wanted him to do as well.

I dunno, GT's ending has Goku appear as a literal god, even moreso than Super, that never really ages.
Also that movie with Goku Jr. was weird as shit.

DBZ has some unironically great filler episodes like the driving license one.

There's an official colored version of the manga.

But even under that lens it makes no sense. Why did Goku not train in a gravity chamber, seeing how much stronger it made him on his way to Namek, instead of fucking around in the middle of nowhere. And why didn't Bulma try to to collect the dragon balls. Two years is plenty of time. It's just such stupid writing

abridged is the best

debate me

>cuts out most of the good parts of DBZ
>creates some catchphrases and then completely runs them into the ground by repeating them endlessly
>fucking ruins the Gohan vs. Cell fight, holy shit how can you even fuck it up so badly
>isn't even funny anymore and is just telling their own version of the story at this point

DBZA peaked at the Frieza saga but completely fell apart after that.
You can tell that most people at TFS really don't give a shit about it anymore either since a few of them quit working there and just occasionally record lines.

With maybe like 3 or 4 arcs covered

Mini bosses are fun!

Why is she so beautiful bros? it hurts

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Would you include the cell saga in this? because that's the only good part. The androids dont ever do anything worthwhile

>flip flops outfit
>only wears is once
I'm still mad.

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That felt more earned. Having the dragon balls be the source of the final villain was smart. Having Goku leave with the dragon to become some mysterious watcher was cool too.
In Super, "god" forms are just powerups. They have god ki but what does that really mean anyway? Are only saiyans capable of getting god ki? Can Namekians and Humans get god ki? If they made it look even a little different from the classic supersaiyan form tier structure, it would've been more interesting.

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It had so many twists that kept you interested. Which is ironic because Toriyama was apparently just making stuff up as he was going.


Vegeta was at his best in the arc. It's not hard to see why Vegetafags like the arc so much.

There is no debate, you have the taste of a redditor

DBZA is terrible. Also I can't stand Goku's voice.

It was more about beating Frieza at his best and knocking his ego down a few pegs than just wanting to see how strong he is.

Good choice. Kai has terrible pacing and ruins so many scenes by cutting out all the tension. The music was butchered as well.

I'm white and I love Dragon Ball.

>That's why it wasn't obnoxious, but Super's use of it was.
Because they kept going back to the future and getting their asses kicked, then repeated this formula like 3 or 4 times. It got old real fast, and then Goku being a literal retard and forgetting the senzu beans and the seal on the magic jar to try and introduce some drama and humor made things worse. At least Zamasu was kind of neat at first since he was a little different from other DB villains, until he decided to just blow shit up because he's evil like the rest of them.

Have you seen the Kai dub? How do you like Frieza's portrayal there? He's more in-line with the Japanese version I think, plus he doesn't sound like a grandma who's been smoking for 50 years.

Vegeta is the only enjoyable character in the show.

Kai. Z is fucking slow. Do watch shit like the driving/baseball episode tho