Mass shooting scene

>mass shooting scene
>I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE starts playing

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Kino also based

Did this ever actually happen?

Wow you’re so topical and edgy


Sound pretty based (maybe redpilled?) What movie?

You didnt watch the mosque shootings in new zeland? Fucking noob

Holy fuck, can you /pol/tards fuck off back to Yea Forums and stop shitting up this subchan with your edgy regressive bullshit.


I heard him playing GAS, GAS, GAS driving to the second one. I never heard him playing any Arthur Brown.

>school shooting
>pumped up kicks play

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very nice reference

>mass shooting scene
>"help me! me!.." starts playing

Attached: 1464243737677.jpg (258x245, 79K)

How is hating muslims regressive they are so below us

>r/4channelers hate muslims because they put women in their place
Where were you when you realized muslims were actually the good guys and /pol/cucks were actually the white knight SJWs all along?

But they love mudslimes

No? I was on /pol/ during the shooting and they were fellating themselves over it. They hate Muslims and they hate them because they're white knights, same goes for Yea Forums and every normalnigger conservative on the internet.

wow, what's with the anti-semitism?

No u

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Yes they do

Attached: 1553430792622.jpg (1242x1229, 736K)

oh shit we got this backwards
I thought you meant that /pol/ loves Muslims, not SJWs
Yes, SJWs love Muslims because their brown. They wouldn't love white male Muslim-converts putting women in their place, nor would /pol/ who'd absolutely seethe over women not being treated with respect

go back

He puts two in the talking speed bump and then turns around the corner, before getting into his car you can hear "I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE!".

kino af

such obvious bait

>sailorman starts playing

this is still Yea Forums

They disabled video comments on almost all videos of that song now. :\