Okay, Yea Forums. Once and for all. Is JASON the ORIGINAL RED RANGER fat or swole?
Okay, Yea Forums. Once and for all. Is JASON the ORIGINAL RED RANGER fat or swole?
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bear mode
To answer your question, would you want to start a fight with that fuck? Do you think you could outrun him if you didn't and he did?
>To answer your question, would you want to start a fight with that fuck?
Yes. I'm ripped and tall.
Superior pink ranger coming through
Obviously swole. Rounded shoulders, and his chest is wider than his gut.
Darksyde Phil wishes he's this fit.
>couldn't keep in shape after 20 years
*laughs in sic-aiyah*
We can all agree that he gained weight, right?
He gained mass and functional strength sóyboy
>According to a contest held by ABC Family in 2004, Jason was voted as the #1 Red Ranger of all time.
>Out of all Red Rangers, he has defeated more enemies by himself than any other Ranger, and is the only Ranger to beat Tommy Oliver in a fight.
>A subsequent contest on Toon Disney in 2007 also voted him as the most popular Red Ranger. As stated at the first Power Morphicon, Jason still holds this title.
will tommyfags ever recover
Based DSP. Took a shower. Had sex. Gained height. Gained muscle.
Does being a manet cancel out the swole?
The guy has a good nostalgic posture to me. When i think oh him. I remember opening my chocolate milk and kindergarten and saying the national anthem, he also reminds me of early morning school days where its ok to eat other kids breakfast.
That's no surprise desu, he's the original red ranger, and Tommys time as red ranger is not thaaat awesome, he's more than that now.
>he's more than that now.
Is JDF butt-chafed by ASJ because writers actually wrote that Jason won against Tommy?
I think Present-Day ASJ can rock the Magna Defender suit. He's filled out enough to make it work.
Will there ever be another comfy PR Marathon?
>puts on cringy tattoos around 40 years of age
Austin Saint John is fa-
>Power Rangers
Shameful fat whito pig gaijin.
Literally who?
We can fix the Masked Rider franchise by adapting Mask Rider Black.
It's dark and edgy enough but not too much.
I personally like Jason more than Tommy. Tommy just so played out. He stayed on the show for way too long and they keep bringing him back over and over again. Jason, meanwhile, isn't over-saturated in the Power Rangers series. He was pretty much just in the best portion of MMPR, and got out as the show turned to shit, and they don't constantly bring him up whenever they're trying to play on nostalgia. When he actually shows up in later seasons, it's always a treat, not "oh, here's fucking Jason again." Plus his Gold Ranger was so much cooler than anything they've done with Tommy.
To be honest, I'd think Jason was also played out if he were as over-exposed as Tommy and I wouldn't mind Tommy even if he's all over-powered and shit if they didn't keep bringing him out as though he were John Cena.
Just do a storyline with all the rangers involved. Let each have their shining moments. Something like the Z-wave kino.
The Red Ranger costume would look sick if it had thicc armor like that.
Definitely. That's the thing about Jason versus Tommy: Jason is not over-exposed and over-used like Tommy is. If he were, he'd suck. Same with any other character.