Greatest swordsman that ever lived killed by MERYN FUCKING TRANT?

>Greatest swordsman that ever lived killed by MERYN FUCKING TRANT?

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How is he so based?

Assbeat by a lady, and left to die begging like a bitch

Cleganebowl when though?

reminder if you havent figured out that he is azor ahai/prince that was promised you are a gigabrainlet

I hope the Mountain fucks him up.

Doesn't mean he's not B&R.

Brienne of Tarth is a goddess to be honest.

He survived the beating from a god.

You guys forget that was seriously injured and had an infected wound slowing him down. She probably fought him at 50% of his real strength.


Reminder that brienne has never beat an opponent at or above her level who wasn't either 1) Starved 2) injured 3) sick

He is the kryptonite to The Mountain.

The Viper had the speed and agility to beat The Mountain.

Sandor has enough strength to resist the Mountain but is faster and smarter than his brother. Will fuck him up even more now that his brother is just a zombie.

His brother is literally a zombie now, his IQ is 0

but he has retard strength buff

I don't get this zombies are stronger meme. Wouldn't dead flesh be weaker

god I hope he says something about this when he sees her again

He won't. Just from the way he's already spoken about it to other characters in the show it's clear they're pretending as if she beat him fair and square and he acknowledges that she's straight up a better and stronger fighter than him

They already did meet again

He already had that buff before the zombie mode. Zombie mode is what you get when you let buff stack.

Fairly sure the mountain is animated through some form of Necromancy so It has that copout.

I fucking forgot about that. God season 7 was not that memorable.

This show should be called the hound and the rest

I'd fuck her. You'd fuck her, wouldn't you?

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I fucking hate what they did with Arya so much. Her story should have ended when she sailed to Braavos then maybe she could return in season 8 as a faceless man who doesn't recognise her friends. Instead we get this cringey anime shit

Flesh is weaker but it doesn't feel pain or get tire
Therefore every hit is at 100% strength

I was a bit annoyed they didn't focus on the fact that he was sick and wounded, in the books it's several chapters of just him being a pile of germs but it's very much glossed over in the show to make it more empowering for wahman to have him beaten by Brienne.

They brought him back, but the way they did it was really retarded.
Like a fucking hippie wellness commune in fucking nowhere?
What the fuck, show writers?
They try to hard to mix in comedy into the plot.

Her story follows the books pretty well.
The only retarded bit about Arya is that she can face a knight head on and still hold her own. That bit where she spars with Brianne is retarded as fuck.

imagine being this /pol/ NPC that you think everything is hippies and sjws in a fantasy universe

people literally building a church in a small patch of land not ravaged by war is now hippies

Nice try but I'm as leftist as they come.
They should have suck with the monastery trope.
Communes in medieval times do not make sense.


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In the book it was a monastery where the few monks there are practicing a vow of silence

>tfw /got/ discussion was killed by leddit around season 4

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I hate Reddit as much as the next user, but don't give D&D that scape goat. Discussion died after season 4 because they lost their damn minds and went OFP on the reg