Star Wars episode IX poster is out

why is no one talking about it

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we had 3 threads about it yesterday

people already "talked" about it. There's just not enough to talk about to warrant endless threads

1. It's fake
2. Nobody cares about Star Wars anymore
3. It's just a fucking poster, how much can you even say?

People don't give a shit about star wars anymore

yeah sure, that's why there's still multiple threads of star wars each days on Yea a shit negatively about something is still giving a shit.

Movie posters are the gayest shit to discuss

why[/how] is she resting her lightsaber on her shoulder?

>dude stormtroopers but RED, please buy our toys!

Wow, that fan-made poster is truly iconic.

who will be rey's boyfriend ?

modern woman don't need no man

Oscar Íaac. Kylo Ren will die


not the nigger

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>it’s coming out this year
>still no title
>still no trailer
>poster had to be leaked
Disney really is sweating it, huh?

so she'll remain a virgin until her death ?

she already had hand sex with kylo

JJ the Uber kike is back. He will push the interracial relationship again

this thread is very slow

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it's Poe who dies you fool.

Boyega is unironically the most unphotogenic actor alive. There's not a single camera shot that looks good. Not that he looks good IRL but he looks especially bad in Star Wars.

why would anyone care about disney headcanon with bixnoods, momma jokes and slieyef dog-eaters? star wars died with disneys acquisition in 2012

Spok and Uhura were actual interracial relationship cause he's half-Vulcan. In Star Trak and Star Wars, humans of all color are one race. So technically Uhura and Kirk wouldn't be interracial, but Amanda Grayson and Sarek were, as are Spok and Uhura.

star wars ix the force falls asleep

Um, sweetie, just because a stronk woman is independent doesn't mean she can't have her boy toy on the side.

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I can't believe how awful these films turned out. I can't believe they make me miss the flawed, misguided charm of the prequels.

Are there no clickbait articles dropping to hype the normie hoard? That's surprising.

Looks the same as all the others. No progression between posters like the OT. Interesting that the knights of Ren are there though, considering they seemed to drop them completely in TLJ

Next you’re gonna want to discuss trailers or some shit like a fucking retard, fucking fag.


>”poster” comes out
>dozens of news articles talk about it
>Yea Forums blows up
Few hours later
>people start seeing the weirdness in the “poster”
>C3PO has Chewie’s bowcaster
>that thing behind Finn
>that weirdo bear BB8
>no Asian girl

It’s fake and gay, that’s why no one is talking anymore

Because literally nobody I know gives a shit anymore except capeshit normies. Me, my dad and all my friends and their dad's couldn't give a rat's ass about star wars now. It's actually a sad reflection of where we went so wrong in this industry.

Forgot to mention
>all news articles got (((deleted)))

You forgot the female Wookie.

I’m glad she’s not Landos only child.

>alienate your fanbase
>casuals lose interest

Who could have predicted this?

Dude almost raped her.

It can't be fake. Rey, Finn and Poe are in new outfits.

>dude its not shilling if its ironic
Classic counter-programming

It's either a raw first attempt at a poster to come (most likely not the main poster at that), or it's fake. Either way, there's no episode title and it's not officially released. It honestly looks like a really rough photoshop attempt judging by the cutouts of the characters.

Wait what lightsaber is she using?

oh just shut the fuck up you incel

star wars is dead, poster looks like shit too

lmao you think she's a virgin? she grew up alone on a seedy planet, she had to make a living somehow

why is threepio holding a bowcaster and wearing a bandolier

holy fuck, the Spock/Uhura thing was so bizarre. Since when did those two characters have any chemistry together?

to represent POC

Started watching the series. She sang him a song in Charlie X. Clearly wants his hafu dick.