
What are the best kind of zombies anons?

>Virus/science shit

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Fast zombies are far superior and more threatening than classic Romero slow dumb zombies

28 days later zombies are the scariest and deadliest

Best kind of zombie is no zombies because im so fucking tired of zombies already

The kind where there is no reason offered. There are simply dead people walking around and no one knows why. Trying to explain them is pleb-tier.

Best kind are biblical cast-out-of-Heaven kind.
Worst are vampire minions.

The ones that are in good movies. You can make slow zombies intimidating and you can make fast ones just so. A shit movie will be shit regardless of how its zombies were created or how they move.

Slow but smart zombies that can open doors and solve puzzles

>What are the best kind of zombies anons?
The kind that don't die when you destroy the brain, like Return of the Living Dead.

>it's another episode of showrunners are so dead for content and desperate to keep their own heads above water they visit a uzbekistani basket weaving forum for public consensus and ideas

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Ambiguous zombies are best. I'd post some recent examples but this is the wrong board.

Supernatural ones.

Or like that one film where they're caused by a failed military experiment via gas, qnd eventually it reaches the surface and starts falling as rain. Basically scenarios in which zombies are not only incredibly difficult to kill - maybe even almost impossible - but also where you get a sense of just how utterly fucked everything is going to get for the whole world.

Supernatural. Atleast they are honest about the bullshit reasons they are there.

>that film where a zombie explains they eat brains because it staves off the unimaginable, maddening pain of being dead

Supernatural or unexplained. 28 Days Later is the only good virus one I can think of.

>slow zombies intimidating
Only by making the protagonists retarded

The ones where you can knock their block off.

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depends on the type of movie you want to watch - supernatural feels like the more voodoo horror movie angle and a virus or artificial deal is in another apocalyptic genre of its own

i'm in the middle on zombie speed, somewhere between a brisk walk and a run is the most eerie, something about them shambling as quickly as they physically can towards their prey creates the best feeling that they're ravenous and unnatural

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The Crossed if you don't try to overplay the edgyness and present them straight like a serious threat. The way they appear is even more unsettling because it's never explained what the fuck happened, they just pop up all over the world on the same day.

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>The one in a video game.
The infected from the last of us are the best.
They fix every bad aspect about modern zombies.

The slow ones. Fast zombies are scary.

Fast to Slow ones.

Zombie start to turn only half dead, people filled with insatiable uncontrollable hunger that feeds on other humans and is conscious all throughout, they start of screaming in pain and constantly crying and apologizing that they areabout to eat or are eating their victims (imagine a smallzombie girl with blood on ehr face saying "i'm sorry mommy" while eating her corpse), they start of very fast, they dont get tired,but as thevirus mutates, they become dumber and slower

okay, now this is epic