How are black people and tornadoes the same?

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they both suck

They both destroy and ruin anything in their grasp?

I’m totally stumped, how are they the same?


They're fulla hot air!

Theyre both dark and fuck everything up


They like to randomly appear in nice neighborhoods and fuck it all up?

everyone runs from them

they're a huge bummer?

did you know that black holes are named like that because they steal everything around?

People insist on living in areas that they destroy and the federal government has to foot the bill?

any tornado i've seen has been represented as being white so i don't really see where you're going with this OP...

It only takes one to ruin a nice neighborhood

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finna BASED

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He's fuckin cute

Fuckin based

undeniably redpilled and unapologetically redpilled

lmao, absolutely BASED

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first of all I hate niggers.
reminder that racism threads came from china and russia to stir up trouble on our home. look at twitter and facebook.

it's a pathetic ploy by the chinks to divide us.

Well played. How will the jannies ever recover?

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That's it, i'm calling SPLC

good, id rather have this spammed rather than the thousandth BLACKED or sneed thread


There's never been a good movie about either of them.

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I love 4chin
Don’t evar change guys.

Checked. fuck niggers and especially fuck china.

yeah, im thinkin hes based


this reminds me of something back on high school. me and my friend just survived an tornado. saw a young girl with torn clothes and within inch of her life. he fucked her.

Black people already hate white people without incitement. What good would redpilling whitey do?

Don’t Be A Menace
Scary Movie
Meet the Blacks
Space Jam
Susan side squad
Madea Halloween
Must I go on?

your friend did?

imagine being the janny right now lmao

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The ghost of bill paxton will haunt you forever.

this but unironically my dad is a chinese psyop team leader and they use memes as a weapon.
you might have a chinese pepe in your computer right now.

Alright fella, this was a funny post so I gonna let you off just this one time. But don’t make this thread or I’ll have to take action. Have a good day based fella.

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ill be sure to save a picture of winnie the pooh to ward them off

yes. I was gonna. but he creampied her. I ain't sticking my dick in her. she died from soon after from her injuries.

WTF I love niggers now! And trannies! Fuck Chinese people and fuck Putin!

>dont be a menace
literally niggers cutting up everything about niggers for the entire movie. how can the wayans brothers be so based?

okay, this is epic

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>thread is still up
What are some movies where heroes persevere against all odds?

Based and Redpilled



Why so much racism...

Monumentally based

Based pewdiepie

finna slaw
SLICK E m p t y

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