Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Healing Edition.
Previous Thread:
Feeling better already
fuck your robowaifu
Re-posting some photos from the Alita Experience
If anyone wants to add this logo to the OP images just to give a signage, here you go. Also, let's try to get more variety of images. I think we've used that pic a couple times. But thanks for new bread!
guys I told myself no more
I've seen it twelve times already, every day and sometimes multiple times
I miss her
I'm gonna miss out tomorrow cause doing the Experience
NGL I just kinda baked cause nobody else was, i've never baked before
Will shoop up something with the logo if I ever bake again.
So seriously speaking, how would the sequel be handled? Alita's obviously using her berserker body at the end since she channels plasma, but that body wouldn't fit the criteria of the motorball league. If she uses it in the movie, Jashuagan is going to wreck it. Is that really okay?
She already has a different body for motorball. Honestly if I was her I'd just have a high-power conventional body for most plebien-tier missions, and save the berserker for the final mission.
>She already has a different body for motorball
Why can that body channels plasma like the berserker body?
He made the wrong choice
i guess we'll find out in the seque
KEK good edit user
uwu umu
>experiencing the complete mommy-core
state your business
What is this "Alita Experience" thing everyone keeps spamming these threads with? I hear vague mentions of "teams" and "winning" but it just looks like the Kansas Bar with an attached museum.
whos the nigger
>wrong choice
>Sofia Boutella
What happened to you, man?
its an escape room challenge thing with team games
My own reasons...
Judge Alita is sho kyoot!
Alita cute but mummy is a wife material.
this is the healing edition, where's the screencap of all the HEALED
She looks like shit if you ask me. I don't see the appeal.
Because the scene looks cooler if the blade glows. Coming up with an explanation is an afterthought.
Like, you could explain that Ido crudely reverse-engineered that part of berserker body, so this motorball body can use Alita's near-limitless power supply to generate just enough plasma from her hand to power the blade.
If Edge of Tomorrow, Alien Covenant, Mad Max Fury Road, and Pacific Rim can get sequels on equal budgets and worldwide returns, I don't see why Alita can't.
VERY reasonable point my friend
Mad Max isn't happening. Edge was rumored but seems to be stuck in development for years. Not sure about Alien. Pac Rim was the only case... and sequel sucked to be fair. They could not make it at all.
Fury Road's sequel will happen eventually, it was legal issues that held it down for so long. Edge of Tomorrow has already been confirmed to be getting a sequel, this is recent news too. Fox and Ridley Scott have already said they're doing a Covenant sequel, despite disappointing box office numbers.
Fox doesn't matter anymre and Ridley is crazy anyway.
Miller is on war with WB so Mad Max is out. Edge was 'confirmed' years ago and still nothing but more rumors.
It's interesting, each of those films' sequels are either delayed, or in development "limbo" for different reasons, but it's not like a sequel was ever cancelled or ignored. I wonder if this happened to Alita, what would the reason be.
I would be amazed if jim let a studio fuck him out of a good sequel since PR was an actual universal studios owned IP
Reason: Cameron is busy with Avatar 4,5,6,10 and other dirrectors are busy with x-men capeshit x y z
Jimbo and Elon Musk will collaborate for the sequel 30 years from now. We have to wait until Elon makes full replacement cyborgs real and gives Jim a new body first.
Based Elon, making the URM real.
Love her helmet!
That's the only thing I could think of, the script. There are tons of notes and a trilogy laid out already, but the script would have to be finalized by Cameron, Rodriguez, and Norton.
Do you guys believe we'll have Alita-tier cybernetics some day? I wish I could have a body like the berserker. I have more sports injuries than I can count and I'm at the point where I have to take care of my joints like I'm sixty even though I'm in my twenties. If I had the change to be a full replacement cyborg, I'd take it.
what i wouldn't give to be able to read that script
Well good night anons. I won't be able to post much this weekend, but after my big shoot, I'm free for a long time, so much more then. Keep the threads comfy as always.
In less than 50 years, yes. I mean look at the replacement arms they gave that girl for the movie, she attended the premiere.
I think we'll get there, though I think it might be as long as few hundred years. Nanotech is not in the realm of pure science-fiction anymore, once we have production processes scaled down enough we will be able to make micromachines that can do anything.
I think first we will see nanotech used for treating diseases and injuries and life extension, and as it progresses the military will lead the charge in using it for purpose-built supersoldiers.
Large defense budgets and fear will always be a winning combination for bleeding-edge tech development.
All that said we will not see anything like Alita in our lifetimes (born too early.)
Sleep tight fren.
Once the military irons out the bugs with the basic tech, I think a collaboration with the medical and porn industries will lead to more...aesthetic cyborgs that come closer to being what Alita is, i.e. a relatable human form you could picture walking down a street like a normal person and conversing as such.
sleep well peachy and good luck with the shoot!
Never thought this little screencap I got of her face here would be used so much, prevalent.
He didn't deserve her
Every screencap of her is gold right now, it's not like all of us have the means of making them.
See picrelated.
Sorry for that
I fucking WISH we'd gotten del toro's bizarro PR2
mfw i make a shit ton of OC, but don't trip myself
Alita is a very interesting case of a movie, since the rights are owned by Jim and both creators of the movie are proud of it. The only thing that could hold production of the sequel back is, any doubts about it's box office, from Jim, Robert, or the studio, and/or Fox now under Disney not wanting to bother distributing it, and/or development could go into limbo because of both parties being busy with other projects and the script taking awhile to finish. But everyone has said they'd love to do more, so it's obvious if they wanted to, they could fast track to get one made sooner rather than it get stuck. Rodriguez came along, swept up Alita from Jim, and got it made in less than 5 years. A sequel with the current crew could get made in less than 4 if they started by the beginning of next year. Let's just hope for an announcement.
I hope you people are ready for some heart because it's incoming soon.
God i wish i got the chance to go to the Iron city experience. Sucks being an ausfag. Hopefully they do something similar for the sequel.
DO IT user
I eagerly await
Does anyone know what song the three-armed guitar dude is playing at the marketplace?
didn't RR do that as his own part of the OST?
Correct. It's a nameless piece RR composed himself. Same with the song that plays at Kansas.
I don't think we will. Not because we can't, but because I think we'll get better at replacing limbs and organs with cloned parts.
just stumped Akinator with Vector lmao
Just in time to give something me to look forward to when I get off work.
This is almost pure fluff but I hope you people enjoy. Remember to take care of the people important to you.
Thanks writefag, these always put a smile on my face
Shooped this up just for this
Keep writing user I love your stuff so much
Thanks friends. I've got at least one more in me over the nest couple of days but this idea was just so good that I had to go with it. Thank you based heart-poster.
Knew this would be a story at some point. Your writing never fails to get me.
you're a big cyborg
Surprised there hasn't been more Alita and Bane crossover memes yet.
For Dubs
what is this screenshot from?
One of the Half Life games, probably Opposing Force or Blue Shift
God i kinda want Aiden in the sequel, want role would he play?
I've took a break from alitaposting and alitawatching and I'm so happy to see that it's still going to be playing in my town this weekend. Going to watch it again at least once this weekend - I'll see if I can bring someone with me.
I'm going with a whole group of colleagues this Tuesday, and looking forward to the motorball announcer hamming it up about NO RULES TUESDAY.
Gosling and Aiden Gillen would be amazing to get in the sequel. Any role really, but Gosling has to be Alita's love interest.
We should make one with the PS1 game
It's true, this general has kind of made it a canon ship, even if it wasn't before...I hope Jimbo is paying attention
Holy fuck I didn't know I wanted this until now. Any kind of undercover person would be perfect
>Maybe we'll see some motorball break out in the middle of all this fighting
>Gosling has to be Alita's love interest
>She must have said something in the locker room that these guys did NOT like
nice paste there fren
Fluffy erotica, dayymm. 5/5
very sexy vector
Not even once, user. Don't get me wrong, it would be funny - but shipping is pure cancer. Look at those absolute assholes stalking Adam Driver and wishing for his wife to die so he could get together with Daisy Ridley.
I thought it was funny how Disney are forced to pander to the reylo shippers, since they're the only remaining nuWars fans - but mfw
I found the Fourth.
I'm just more memeing whenever I bring it up, I don't get invested in shipping much. It would just be the ultimate collision of what most here like, K posting and Alita.
This isn't even LEWD user we can do much worse.
Who will play her?
obscure meme time
Ellary Porterfield
who is this guy?
All these people who haven't seen night owls
is she a pornstar
Guess I should watch it then
Ouch my heart
Oh yeah check out this one if you like this.
it's a great film, amazing acting by rosa and the guy in it.
Ty for the recommendation
These colourings are so good
Thanks for this
>I had a lot of fun today, user
>We should hang out tomorrow too. Ido won't mind
>You can take me to that place you call "beach" and we'll have one of those bonfires. Just you and me
Cute and checked
Goose would be great to have. Totaly agree.
I've actually been thinking about writing a beach script. I love the sea, and I'd definitely take her there.
rewatching the camrip, god i feel comfy. Its still amazing to watch because Rosa's acting shines through any video quality.
Goose improves all sci fi
We were lucky to have her as Alita
DonĀ“t count on it.
Just see the shit show currently happening with the crazy bastards getting told theyĀ“re girls.
It doesnĀ“t work on ALL levels and weĀ“re dealing "just" with cut up own body flesh bits that start festering and leaking puss.
Adding actual metal or any other foreign material into the mix is simply a recipe for disaster.
Heck, even wearing glasses can lead to problems when youĀ“re not watching it.
I myself couldnĀ“t use contact lenses anymore because my fucking eyeballs got infected after a while.
The human body is complex, DIFFERENT for EVERY single one of us AND gets very icky very quick.
If I were you IĀ“d look into alternative treatments ASAP, from bio electrification to various eastern medicine traditions.
Western medicine, if you can call it that has degenerated to butchery and drug pushing.
It is now ONLY about making money, NEVER about actually healing you.
As this would dry up a revenue stream.
Based conspiracy schizo
spoiler that shit
Yeah, sorry I forgot.
But thatĀ“s reality for ya, not for the faint of heart.
At least I didnĀ“t post the one with the actual axe wound.
Honestly if we do get any form of cybernetics in my lifetime I'm gonna be as fit as I can for them to help with interfacing well
ThatĀ“s what I was trying to explain, it WOULDNĀ“T help one bit.
YouĀ“d get bacterial, fungal infections and who knows what else at the interface points between the open flesh and the tech.
You will see in your lifetime unkillable super infections again as, ALL our antibiotics will be useless.
Life always finds a way, to stay on topic with a well known movie quote, heh.
No worries though because the inherent bug killing properties of silver and copper will be remembered again, out of sheer necessity and actually used because of the panic.
Mutilating yourself in order to follow a delusion is entirely different from applying science and engineering to correct and improve the physical limitations of the human body. The methods you suggested cannot cure osteoarthritis or reverse the signs of worn ligaments. Herbs wont magically stop two bones from grinding with each other. But through trial and error we are developing prosthesis that can outlast and outperform the ones we were born with and it only gets better from there. Cybernetics are the next step in human evolution. We are creating the improvements that our defective bodies need and that would otherwise take nature millions of years to develop.
You're forgetting the most important development
I recon we could eventually get there but i suspect we will actually bypass the need for this technology and go for cloning human parts instead.
I reckon there will be a split in those who choose flesh and those who choose cybernetics
inb4 phyrexia
Nanomachines might actually be a vital ingredient in the recipe to insure a harmonious meeting point between synthetics and real tissue.
Gross but not unbelievable. Trannies are mentally diseased and through the enabling of the left are a growing social cancer. Human biology was never meant to work this way.
This guy gets it. For some people, any risk would be worth the potential improvement.
I dispute ALL of that.
ThereĀ“s MUCH more to ancient healing traditions than some fuckin herb teas.
My whole point about the tranny mutilations is that it SHOWS how useless and incompetent our western medicine is in just the VERY same scenario that would apply to cyborg augmentations.
Yeah, and THAT will surely work out of the box just as well as all our current tech does, for example nuclear reactors.
The problem is real tissue is in no superior to cybernetics and in many ways inferior. Once we get past the current issue of servos and such still having a very electric/mechanical feel and movement, there won't be much reason to hang on to that mangled arm or whatever.
>Human biology was never meant to work this way.
Neither is it meant for a steal arm to get grafted onto an open wound.
What did she mean by this?
>Im getting the hammer
By the time we have the tech for that kind of interface to really work it is doubtful any steel will be involved. High strength polymers and alloys are the future.
Stop it with the edition shit. We agreed not to include that shit in the OP.
She was one or my favorite characters from the manga
>tfw the electrical shock button was heavily used
>Poor Ali...
I like editions. Other generals have editions all the time. Why are you so uppity.
No one here is talking about tranny surgery but you. The original point was to discuss technology as the means to improve the faults within a biological design. Whether or not you want to dispute everything we have achieved is irrelevant. The facts are there for everyone to see and your homeopathy cannot produce the results that actual research can. Go try to cure decaying discs with your magnets and see it you have any success.
>we agreed
Who named you the voice of the council?
How did your eyes get infected by contacts? I've been wearing contacts over half my life and have never had issues. I just take them out every time I sleep and disinfect, no exceptions.
I've heard of people having issues before but it seems like most of the time it's an issue with care and maintenance.
Probably, for the patrician class.
All YOUĀ“LL be able to afford is it the 7/11-mart Hugo stainless steel leg.
I'm really interested in the materials side of it
The base tech needed to make it work is far more expensive than the materials involved. I forsee the gap being far more extreme, i.e. there will simply be the haves, and the have-nots.
And let's not forget that people able to successfully do the procedures would be in high enough demand that they'd be able to basically name their own price, likely making getting such augmentations even more expensive and unobtainable for the average joe.
What this ultimately means is that rather than being a means to augment grunts/keep them alive, you're going to see most augmentees being the super rich who want the life extension benefits.
Meanwhile meatbags will still be born and die in unimaginable numbers to help the elites reach their goals.
The future will be much like current society, but even more extreme. Think Elysium.
That film had promise and the shorts of the actual Elysium ring were amazing but goddamn if it wasn't a mess of a film
It was a bit of a mess but I thought it was great anyway
>Edge of Tomorrow
>Alien Covenant
Established successful franchise that everyone knows
>Mad Max Fury Road
Will it? Also well known cult films
>Pacific Rim
Vanity project, also shitty sequel
It's a tougher sell I believe it will happen though
Alita teir cybernetics is centuries away , going full brain spine in a jar piloting a cyberbody requires so many jumps in tech im not sure where to even start speculating on it, the medical implications alone are staggering
Cloning is already here.
Head transplant -> new cloned body
Cheaper, more effective, just have to find a way to rapid grow your own clone. Future generations will have multiple clones grown from hyper expensive insurance policies from birth.
Prosthetics will have a place but only for people that didn't have a clone (likely a future requirement from birth for wealthy people, ultimate self donor insurance policy.)
Now excuse me, my flan is getting warm.
If the tech was limited to only a select few then the cost of production, facilities and staff would simply render it unattainable even for the most elite. Some of it has to trickle down to Joe and Jane to offset the cost. Mass production, or production in volume has always been the answer to making a process more efficient. It also means that more research can be made because there are much more users to collect data from.
Think about this. The elite can either own a sustaining market that extends to the entire human population, or one that only a handful have access to due to nepotism. If you want to control the masses, you'll pick the former.
Alita isn't a tough sell at all, it literally had to build a following from nothing because almost nobody knew about it (not counting the 1% that were manga fans.)
Even then, in the face of non-existent marketing, a turbo smear campaign by Disney and shill critics, it still clawed its way into semi-prominence. That's a rare feat today and it would be stupid not to take advantage of it.
>No one here is talking about tranny surgery but you.
I already explained why I use that obviously relevant example.
>cure decaying discs with your magnets
Guess you will never find out then if it works or not.
Well congrats then, I did everything right too and it simply doesnĀ“t work for me.
Which is my WHOLE fucking point, human bodies are DIFFERENT for almost everybody.
The reason that one "medicine" seemingly works for us all is because our bodies are such amazing self repair and self healing machines. Something WELL understood and utilized in eastern medicinal traditions and basically ignored by us.
Even treated as a hindrance to our super-duper modern drugs and surgeries.
The Island called, it wants its plot back.
That might be the case, but I tend to subscribe to a less optimistic view of humanity based on how we have acted so far as a species.
Even assuming the rank and file do see some benefits, if it leads to substantially longer lives we're going to accelerate our overpopulation problems and it's going to force our hand in colonizing space, simply so we have somewhere to put all our people without having to resort to wars/genocide.
Except it is not relevant. I already told you this. You are comparing literal mutilation to real medical procedures. Tranny surgery is creating an open wound. A wound that you intent to keep for a lifetime. You blabber about that simply doesn't translate to medical procedures done with real medicine in mind. You are just delusional.
Bioengineering is much more feasible. Why cybernetics when you could have an insectoid chitin exoskeleton arm through genetic manipulation for a simple example. With enough DNA manipulation and a vat grown clone your arm could be stronger, and you could glow in the dark for fashion.
Unironically kill all these who think human augmentation is "cool"
It's literally concentrated Judaism, and I'm not saying this lightly, I'm saying it philosophically and cosmologically, you just have to understand the unnatural twisted world view abrahamic religions enforce compared to humanity centered paganism and naturalistic philosophy
>The year is 41234
>Through millenia of voluntary bioengineering, humans have become the Tyranids
>nothing in the universe is safe from this scourge
If you weren't a complete retard fucking brainlet you would understand that the Alita manga is a warning against human modification, cyborgfication and blind trust to "science", "technology" and "doctors" and "pharmaceutical' companies
But you are a big fucking retard that sees the kewl cyborgs and thinks it's a cool thing
Retard, read but since you are a retard you won't get it
Shartlo Copley is an incredible actor and was by far and away the best part
History proves that all technological advances eventually hit the masses, especially if it's a product you can sell. With this, you are literally selling health, the most sacred of products.
Forget about the third world in this scenario. Lets focus on developed nations that are already indulging on things that can prolong life. The same people that will reach the stars will be the people to have access to this health technology, but it will be entire developed nations instead of a very small group of only a few.
>You are just delusional.
Is that so.
Go to your favorite doc and tell him that Tranny SURGERY isnĀ“t a real medical procedure.
Se how that works out for ya.
WeĀ“re back to the whole transhumanism stick here.
Also why I LOVE Alita so much.
The Trek Borgs are already too old fashioned for the normies to get what a nightmare scenario it is.
Maybe this flic scares enough people out of their complacence towards the problem again.
Is wh40k actually good? I never got invested enough to find out
>this general has kind of made it a canon ship
Fuck I'm gonna find clips of him to watch what a great unhinged man
Good? No. Fun? Yes.
I never played it at all, I just study the lore because it's fascinating. I'd really like to see some big budget movies based on it, it could be Starship Troopers on the most extreme steroids imaginable.
>yfw just a basic guardsman holding the line against so many Tyranids it's completely hopeless, but at the last minute an entire chapter of space marines does an emergency drop to save the planet
The universe of 40k is some of the darkest shit imaginable, but that's what makes it awesome.
Doesnt seem to be a problem for Rolls Royce or Gulfstream aerospace
Manufacturing and "installing" advanced prosthetics/implants will be extremely personalized and highly dependent on labor of highly qualified surgeons and specialists.
To be scalable, a technology must go through a massive procees of simplification and streamlining, which might not be possible at all with prosthetics, or will come with massive drawbacks.
But user none of those people you mentioned are involved in the goose ship do you need help with your reading comprehension
Irrelevant. You did not refute a single point I made after I dissected yours. You are paranoid and you cannot argue.
Real medical procedure =/= medical procedure done with real medicine in mind. What is the purpose of a tranny surgery? It serves none. On the other hand, what is the purpose of lung surgery to repair a puncture? To save a life. There difference is right there. If you're going to try to quote, do it right.
>saving a planet with tyranids on it
No that world is getting nuked from orbit, the guardsmen will die gloriously FOR THE EMPRAH
Is there a good place to get in to the lore from ground floor?
This guy is right
I can't objectively say this guy is right but I agree with him
Kill yourself transhumanist faggot scum
Kill your self
You fucking retard fucking brainwashed by tech and pharma fucking companies and their fake jewish god
You twist the science, you hate humanity
Kill yourself you fucking faggot
Go choke on your magnets
Humanity is going to degrade due to an environment were natural selection no longer cleanses the genepool. Technology is the way to fix that.
If the planet has an intact STC on it, you'd best bet the Emperor is gonna send everything available regardless of the threat.
Exterminatus is reserved for less meaningful worlds.
This guy has the best series of lore videos on the subject I've ever seen.
Also I wouldn't say kill tranies because they are already dead after mutilating the bodies but kill the doctors, politicians, journalists and everyone who enables this faggotry in the nane of "science", acceptance and progressivism
Kill them, hang them
Time for some evening comfy
There are problems with this. Foe2 example, armor that works with animals one inch long will not protect people 6 feet tall. Volume, and thus mass, grows much faster than the return on energy investment on locomotion. There are limits to how powerful biological muscle can be. No protein based organism will ever be able to surive the forces and pressures that metal can.
If humanity reaches this point it's the end
I believe in paganism and nature not your fucking fake jewish god
Based and Ted pilled
Whoa dude calm down
Machines are unironically tougher and harder to wipe out than meatbags, and that's a fact. Which is why most prominent futurists believe that we will eventually reach a point of at least partial cyberization.
Both of those are subsidiaries of international corporations that coincidentally produce machines for the entire world to use. Their low volume of production is exactly the reason why they had to merge with companies that have a wider reach. You can argue that a Rolls Royce is better than a BMW, but the fact is that they share a very robust number or parts and a Rolls Royce cannot be made without the backbone of BMW. Like I said, technology has to trickle down if we want the market to be sustainable. I won't argue the the elite wont have access to more refined, guilded cybernetics, but better technology always makes it to the public once production is streamlined. It's the reason why we have phones with more computing power than what NASA and the Pentagon had at their disposal at one point.
Not sure what's happened to this thread at this point...
>Real medical procedure =/= medical procedure done with real medicine in mind.
Absolutely illogical construct, medical procedures are medical procedures.
>What is the purpose of a tranny surgery?
Totally irrelevant to the discussion.
You seem to have been lost in your feelings again.
This whole discussion is/was about MEDICAL PROCEDURES, their effectiveness and how beneficial it would be to graft robot parts to human bodies or not.
IĀ“m simply trying to point out how IMPOSSIBLE it fucking is and will be for the FAR foreseeable future.
A bunch of Jews
Only the Jewish God hates the human body
Only the Jewish God hates nature
Because their fake God is ouside the universe
Judaism is a cancer upon humanity
It must be cleansed and return to paganism
Humanity first, nature first
Fuck technology and the corruption of man, nature, science and philosophy by the agents of Judaism
What in the fuck are you even talking about at this point, I never even mentioned Jews or Judaism
You've gone fucking bonkers lad
>Whats it like to hold Alita's hand? Interlinked
>when you arent wage cucking do you watch Alita? Interlinked
>beneficial it would be to graft robot parts to human bodies or not
It's not beneficial in any way
Maybe if it's made as the last option and even then within limits, living in the mercy of machines and computers is not life
Human augmentation is completely disgusting and wrong end of story
Tranny surgery is exactly as twisted and messed up immoral as human augmentation
Now fuck off with your tricks
t. avatar blue nigger
This guy is mad.
Paganism would never support human augmentation and cyborgfication
Only Judaism because Jehovah is a God outside the universe and creator of universe and this gives him the right to rape nature
Judaism it's the dragon that must be slained
>Machines are unironically tougher and harder to wipe out than meatbags, and that's a fac
WATCH ALITA AGAIN and repeat the fucking barfight scene, specifically Dr.Ido showing up and STOPPING EVERYBODY COLD.
What did he say again?
Meatbags donĀ“t NEED any Dr.Idos to survive, they do it all by themselves.
Survival is more than just having strength.
Self-healing AND self-repair are much more important actually.
Something inherent to meatbags, totally for free.
You just have to eat, drink, then shit&piss.
>most prominent futurists
Are satanic scumbags that are either clueless fucks or actual evil scum.
Nature was created by God, idiot.
This, fuck the brainwashed cyborg supporters in this thread
>"I can read with you now that Ido is out of the house"
>"How about you 7th Panzer division mu Rhine"
Lol wow this general really goes places in midnight hours.
You deviated from my point and failed to proofread. When you started arguing about medical procedures, it was because you assumed that I called tranny surgery "not a medical procedure". That was not the case and your ego is not letting you see that. The point is that there are procedures that serve a purpose and there's procedures that don't. It makes no sense to call them the same because they fundamentally different in what they are trying to achieve. I have already explained time and over again how prosthetics can enhance the human body and correct wear and natural defects. I did not bring tranny surgery to the table. That was someone else. The constant caps lock makes it seem like you are the one lost in your feelings as well. It makes you lose credibility.
Spotted the Jew
Nature always existed faggot, in pagan tradition Gods were created inside universe
Gods are equal to human
Only in Judaism God is above nature and Man
That's why Judaism is fucking cancer
Yeah dude this is better than the doomposting I love this
Shoot a person in the heart
>they die
Shoot a cyborg in the "heart"
>they go on backup power, and carry on, or shut down for later salvage
Cyborgs ARE stronger, because of their capacity for redundant systems. In addition mechanics that can repair cyborgs are likely to be much more ubiquitous/cheaper than surgeons.
Would Alita enjoy starship troopers
Asking for user to make OC of Alita looking through the front view of a Panzer III well saying, "Panzer Kunst"
What the fuck are you talking about :DDDDD
That is a scene from the movie. We are discussing the potentials of real life. But to follow logic and movie canon, think of this
>be hunter warrior
>it's a tough job, get constant cuts and bruises and many die
>the doc that patches you up and gives you medicine for free threatens to stop doing it
It also applies to meatbags. Control over health is the same no matter if it's organic or cyborg
Eat shit and die
Depends if we are talking early Alita or later bloodlust Alita
fukkn saved
>they do it all by themselves.
until they don't and you just die or have to live in pain for the rest of your days
Yes, she is from URM so I would say so.
That's quite an argument right there.
>x y z
whats your problem pal?
>what's going on in my thread, user?
This guy gets it
Humans are also more likely to die faster after major trauma than cyborgs, due to redundant systems in cyborgs.
>would you like to know more?
>Alita: Heavy breathing
People are having a 'rousing philosophical discussion'
A bunch of people have decided you are an abomination, Alita. But you're the most human person I know.
>"Nothing Ali, go back to sleep"
In the manga you fucking gay faggots cyborgs are ALWAYS in DEBT to pay the JEWISH Zalemite doctors who cybernize them in the first injury and therefore they become THIEFS
But you are either toi stupid to realise or too Jewish
Either way kill yourself
hahahaha i love you guys
I think of it like this:
As meatbags we can choose to take care of our bodies but eventually we will have to see a doctor for a sickness or injury.
Similar to this, hardbodies can chose to maintain themselves to the best of their ability like we can maintain our own cars. Eventually we have to take them to the shop for serious problems though. Just my take on it.
I'm not sure if you sound more like a Nazi or more like a Jihadi
The manga and all works of fiction cannot be presented as factual evidence. Jesus, did you sit on your tinfoil hat or something?
At least I'm not a Jew or a Jewish pawn unlike you
>this entire discussion
This is only an issue until you upgrade to NANOMACHINES, SON
>"What did I telll you about talking to Alita"
Wow, nice OC? Have you been making that this entire time?
retard pagan larping
whining about transhumanism
what a ride
anyone else like the manga but hate the movie?
This is an alita thread you idiot
You started promoting cybernazation because of Alita and now that I proved you that Alta manga is against cybernization you say it's not an argument?
Kill yourself
>Alita: Brap Angel
>Father, I'm scared
there's literally just one joke strip in the manga where this happens
you sound a bit upset, maybe take a time out from the internet champ
b-but this guy is anti-kike tho
just really, really heavy handed about it, and paranoid
>tfw born too early to have a hardbody
It's a really rough feel, man
Who cared if a manga is against a concept? It's not relevant. Don't blindly follow works of fiction like that. Real life discussion has to be handled with real life facts.
>Weebshitter general discussion
Fuck off
All the Ido reaction pics have been used already
sorry, i only have rosita: brap angel
This is Jerome. Don't try to talk sense into Jerome.
>alita thead
>Who cared if a manga
Your nose is showing Jew
This is the best content we've had in ages
Relax and enjoy sunshine
>Don't worry, I just calibrated the hammer.
Fuck no, i lifted it off /pol/ ages ago from a rare transhumanism discussion thread
Unlike this thread, people there were mostly just memeing
>I shouldn't have made that original post about cybernetics in the first place
>it's hammer time
that guy is a bit extreme, but he is in the right
>Control over health is the same no matter if it's organic or cyborg
>Eventually we have to take them to the shop for serious problems though. Just my take on it.
VERY good take.
ThereĀ“s a VERY big difference between maintaining meat bag health and cyborg one.
Should be pretty obvious too, as you can do one with good hygiene, even various natural herbs, surgery and bone setting.
Roman Gladiators had pretty much the SAME MODERN medical procedures performed on them as we have nowadays.
How many cyborgs would the Roman Empire been able to maintain for the Coliseum bloodbaths, how many can we?
Meatbag maintenace is much simpler, THUS CHEAPER than cyborg one.
It really is all in the fucking movie already, when you start watching it properly.
Great discussion guise(even(especially) the pagan jew hater and the tranny surgery smartass), but I have to move on and get something done today.
Does anyone have a good high-quality screen rip of Nova from the end of the movie? I need it for OC purposes.
Not a problem, for Alita its the least I can do
>implying a technologically advanced civilization from the 26th century is the same as the Romans from the 2nd century
If cyborgs are a common thing, the means to sustain them must also be there.
Doubt it. This sounds like a differend kind of autism and it is a whole lot more entertaining.
>you guys promised not to fight in my thread!
Peaches does but he's away doing secret things
Damn I was going to paste Nova's head on a jug and hit it with a hollow point.
Of course.
But it will be MUCH more expensive, for obvious reasons.
Low class poor cybers WILL be either soldiers for life or simply slaves.
Meatbags will have to still be enslaved by conventional monetary Jew means and still pose a constant threat to the slave masters.
i have this
>implying Alita does not love battle
Oh no save me tripfag
How did I imply that? Did you reply to the right guy? Alita would love some pink mist
End of July?
>your waifu flopped
>no she's a daughterfu, flipped
>cyborg maintainence issues
>motoroball hooligans
I'm fine with this progression.
Wrong guy
>when someone thinks steel is stronger than flesh
Luckily i have a camrip that has decent audio and visual quality, the audio is phenomenal in this film, makes for almost half the film, the score lets me visualize the scene whenever i hear it.
Why would jim do this :(
You must learn the riddle
It must be a test user. This general is, what 5 weeks old? If we are on thread 260-something, then that means we have to sustain for at least 3 more months just to make 999 anyway
Stop shitting in my replies, you weeb shitting faggot
More than likely? Disney fucking with distributing.
stop this
I'll make new thread
New bread when
Sounds like we've got a hard fucking 12 year old on our hands guys
>guyzzz he's le 12yo tee hee Xd
>*proceeds to drool over weebshit*
Please neck yourself at the earliest convenience
Fuck of er
Those last 5 seconds are the only ones worth watching.
Actually, it's not worth watching at all