Was it KINO?
Was it KINO?
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Incels btfo. Normies have even taking your cosplay uniforms now.
You have nothing left.
It truly was Kino right wing incels and lefty jews on suicide watch
What fuck is it, stop dogwhistling other faggots on here and tell me what it is.
fuck they've gotten alot of views since i saw it
it was okay, I dont know why they needed the black woman in the video
the song is okay, the lyrics are pretty typical of rammstein, its just whatever
[neoliberalism intensifies]
Black woman is Germania which is Germany personified, she bears the colors of the country and right wing cucks are triggered a black person is representing Germany
Is that actually a Rammstein music video? Jesus fucking christ you losers
wtf I love Germans now
i just assumed it was someone from the African front.
I love how this music video is triggering everyone on the political spectrum
Rammsteins new video about globalism ruining Germany
fucking this.
>Song is literally about the duality of patriotism, the chorus line makes it explicitly clear
>shows history of Germany, from the gory middle ages to the shame of the holocaust, to the failure of the Hindenburg and oppression of communism
>/pol/tards triggered that a nigger is portraying Germany
>jews triggered that the holocaust is being capitalized on by non-jews
>commies triggered they're still despised by everyone
>SJWs triggered a black woman is being exploited by some nazi music group
>trannies triggered that the dark future they portray has ugly crossdressers
So what you're saying is, it's kino of the highest order?
100% kino.
Till crossdressing are from events during the cold war you idiot, they grew up in eastern germany
>SJWs triggered a black woman is being exploited by some nazi music group
She represents germany, why would they be upset?
because they literally don't get it.
Its become extremely popular in Israel they like it for whatever reason
>German jews are bigger sooks than Israelis
>tfw no black nazi SS gf
i really liked the black germania as an artistic choice, but now that normies and nazis think it's some kind of dig against white people i wish they just used a white girl
I don't think that anyone that even halfway qualifies as "normal" thinks that
I like how the showed the middle-ages and Luther and didn't just focus on the modern events, without Luther modern Germany wouldn't even exist.
But in a way it is a valid dig against the people who have this twisted idea of a true Germany being only aryan, pale face with blue eyes and blonde hair, they are discomforted by the notion of Germany being represented as a black woman as it ruins their idea of their fascist idea of German people, they prefer to suppress the notion of a mixed group of people just like people suppress historical events
but germans were white...
They WERE white yes, not in the American sense though, i hate using white to describe people because its really arbitrary in its description
>i really liked the black germania as an artistic choice
the artistic choice would be adding a yellow and orange germania along with ensuring the black germania figure was as carbon-black as the flag is and not african-black. then the group would be used as a triad which symbolizes the lost and corrupted pegan beliefs of native germans as a black sun radiating orange rays on a yellow field psychadelically morphs into modern political symbols and ideologies until it all pulls out to a pre-history setting of a german tribal shaman awakening from a shared hallucination about the future of europe BECAUSE EUROPE IS FUCKING DEAD INSIDE AND IS COLLAPSING UNDER ITS OWN INSANITY
> just make germania a black woman, that's just as good and relevant
apparantly germany was triggered by that teaser they released
i don't understand how? the band is known for repeatedly mentioning how they always aim to trigger people with their music, how can an entire country still fall for the bait?
>nigger representing the personification of a European people
>y-you’re the cuck
Articles write this, articles are all about revenue
don't take things literally and out of context of time.
Im sorry for your mental state if you get frail by the idea of a black german, perhaps you should find one of those hugbox reddits that can support your worldview i heard a popular one is You can join them writing fuck niggers and discord trannies etc, join the hive
I love it
>Rammstein has been triggering people ever since their first album
>fast forward to today, more than 10 years after their last album
>release their first new single of their new album, everyone gets triggered again
How do they keep doing it, bros?
>from the gory middle ages
It starts in Roman times though
It's shitty bait. Everything about the video is obvious bait but people still fall for it.
I mean people also got triggered about Mein Land
Next you will tell me (((Angela Merkel))) or (((George Bush))) is white.
Nice try Fritz, you are the cancer that keeps on trying to kill Europe.
(((keep playing fascist identity politics while whining about brown people and jews)))
>dark future they portray has ugly crossdressers
They were cosplaying as RAF.
yes reddit is so supportive of talking about jews and race differences
so many reddit boards about those subjects
reddit definitely doesn't ban people who mention those things
oh wow you didn't even get the joke
Jordan peterson reddit is very jew and race talk friendly, they hate jews and minorities though
no youre totally right. pol is very similar to reddit, reddit just doesn't allow discussion of anything pol talks about
theyre basically the same thing
also pol allows any type of person to post, even communists or anarchists, which is exactly what reddit does, the communist boards on reddit are very forgiving of nazi posters
we wuz Romans n shieet
Germans are white though, like all European peoples.
You're wasting your time, nobody's white any more according to people who have redefined white to not mean the color any more.
We wuz German Kangz ent sheeit
Oh there are white people, but the line is arbitrary and mainly used by burgers because they cling to their ancestors because muh culture
>he thinks George Bush is Jewish
Are you retarded?
Shut up, Nancy, at least try some new lines.
Blacks are as German as I am a Pygmy if I move to the Congo.
cause regular jews don't go all OY GEVALt when it comes to the 6 gorillion
fake jews in america however love to overact on that topic
kind of like the closet homo that is overtly homophobic
You're already halfway there, you fucking manlet.
there he goes against with his bullshit identity politics
learn Deutsch
Hea right you amieridog, only amerisharts are that obsessed with being "white". No one in Europe identifies as "white" but rather as French, Spanish, Danish, Polish, Romanian, etc, you amerisharts are the ones trying to unify everyone in your identity politics
Epic burn
>identity politics
learned a new word today?
>you amieridog
>you amerisharts
Citation needed.
t. Roach
Wish i did when i went to school, its not too hard to understand though, alot of EU languages derive from germanic
I think the majority of germans would agree that blacks can be german. It's our right after all what we define as german.
Fuck I reeeeeeeally wanna watch Nazi Blaxsploitation movie now with Big Mama Hitler
So are you saying Arabs are an entire different species of mammals?
>identifying by your nationality isn’t identity politics
Based retard
lmao look at this whiteboi leaning in for the kiss
No, it’s not. I get that you think it is, but when people describe someone as german, they’ll be picturing a white person, either in leiterhoosen or an SS uniform for the next century or so.
False equivalence
There’s a difference between citizens of the state and ethnicity
idk man, to be honest their stuff used to be a lot more creative, sophisticated and edgy (which I am sure some of the other songs from the album will be as well, usually the singles are just there to attention-grab).
Something like "Mein Teil" was a lot more provocative than this.
desu would be weird if the woman was the one leaning in
do people really listen to this? it’s fucking gay lmao
valid distinction but i would argue german is someone that lives in the land and consider themselves part of the nation
> but when people describe someone as german, they’ll be picturing a white person, either in leiterhoosen or an SS uniform for the next century or so.
Even if that would be the case what truly matters for the identity is what we think here in Germany
Glad to hear you can relate to it.
Then you’ve been cucked by Burgerisms.
That’s nice. It doesn’t matter what people say as long as you think otherwise. I guess that’s an ok sentiment, but don’t expect everyone to agree with you.
The majority of germans would prefer for Germany to never have existed, because then Hitler would never have killed those Jews.
This isn't open for discussion, it's just an objective fact. It is the prevalent Zeitgeist of Germany nowadays. Barring that, the less German we can make Germany, the better.
It’s sad what’s happened to them. A little bit of national pride is ok, but Germany can’t do anything in moderation apparently, so now they all hate themselves.
oh gee it's almost as if people have different tastes.
Literally more kino than 99% of television
>The majority of germans would prefer for Germany to never have existed
Bs. We are for the most part still somewhat proud of our nation but don't glorify the past. See how it will turn out if you insult german engineering or beer. Almost everbody roots for Germany during the world cup and waves the flag.
I like GGG
>no comment section
>not even a disabled one
jesus christ this cuckolded mindset
i feel sorry for you country
This. Preach brother, started 2 WW. Only reason germany is still a country is geopolitics in coldwar.
t. (((kraut)))
its been that way since forever with Rammstein.
Maybe. If they were born in a barn that'd make them a horse.
>reddit is the fascist racist neonazis
>4channelers are progressives like me
well done discord tranny you are reaching new heights of stupidity every day
Polish :)
Arthur, Arthur, Arthur.
They did one thing right; Even the woman representing Germania was black, she portrayed their culture through the ages.
I would agree with the nationalist if the culture, past, present and future were islam or some shit.
Pretty cool video, lots of shocking imagery including Germany being shown as a black person. Violence, anger and niggers, it all works on a visual level to repulse the viewer, pretty intense, good job lads
Predictable may be the word you're looking for.
tread carefully Jacek you wouldn't want the Yea Forums Council of Racial Purity to revoke your license for being a Slav
>have a black woman represent the entire history of germany
>dress her in a nazi costume on top of that
>/pol/ loves it and cannot stop talking about it
I always knew that stormweenies had a repressed jungle fever and that the whole "muh white race tho" was just a defense mechanism to stuff their shameful fetish back into their subconsciousness.
>they are discomforted by the notion of Germany being represented as a black woman
No you see, everyone is discomforted by that, as this video highlights very well. Even OP pic looks very unnerving, does it not? This video just underlines how strange it is to see Germany getting blacked. But as the video suggests, Germany does deserve whatever is going to happen to it. It's only unfortunate that it's dragging the rest of Europe into hell with it.
That's what's so kino about it, all their bait and imagery has always been predictable and yet they never fail to trigger everyone and spark discussion
>No you see, everyone is discomforted by that, as this video highlights very well. Even OP pic looks very unnerving
t. Petersweden
I mean how do. you think a white dude representing Africa would go down?
If the woman looked white they would scream racism
But for Germany in particular it works. Germs are the barbarian horde that destroyed Rome. They tried to destroy Europe many times since and EU is their best attempt yet. Truly the nigger horde trying to ruin Europe
6.6 million views in 18 hours. marvel BTFO.
t.leaching Pole
that number is exaggerated, it can't be more than 300 000 views
I'm right though aren't I? They were the barbarian horde, they're the ones trying to replace Europe out of existence in current year. Only a red eyed nigger can represent a country this evil.
youtube never misses an opportunity
500k+ likes
another KINO clip
>what are music videos
People play music videos over and over again in current year so as not to buy/torrent songs, grandpas.
I'll fucking kill you, zoomer. Rammstein is the best band ever, don't you dare say bad things about it.
it's just rammstein's typical edgy/controversial stick. they've been like that since their debut album, always toying with nazi imagery and then denying it and claiming misunderstandings. they are literally trolls and should do a song in pepe costumes.
they're lefty antifa and have been that since the inception of rammstein
I guess I am the only one that finds the synth beat to be unbearable on the ears. It makes it sound nothing like a Rammstein song.
that's a slur
>background synth
>sounds nothing like Rammstein
do you think rammstein himself is a jew? the name fits guys
The overwhelming majority of the refugees were taken in by Germany not Europe in general. I see no point in arguing with someone who views taking in refugees as more immoral then creating them.
>They were the barbarian horde
yes 2000 years ago, the same kind of tribes that migrated throughout all of europe. They are hardly the same as modern germans.
Recomended videos are based on your viewing history retard.
So raising a wolf with your dogs makes it a dog?
sauce on whiteboi?
me :)
>i believe everything people say on the internet
nobody getting the joke
>they are literally trolls and should do a song in pepe costumes.
i don't think they would be against that idea if they knew it would trigger a large portion of the internet
>all this imagery along with the lyrics
>it's very well shot to boot
>people left and right foaming at the mouth
Yep, the krauts still got it.
I liked it, but my inner Lindybeige is foaming at the fact they depicted Romans charging with ther pilum instead of throwing them.
The song sucks.. Nothing special. We need more Ramm4
and how exactly is that different from the sóî-males who watch the latest capeshit trailers 50+ times? a view is a view is a view.
>Nothing special
>more Ramm4
Tbh they died after Mutter. Mutter was the last goat Rammstein album.
no they are not, you shitchunk. they run on a social engineering and brainwashing algorithm to spread as much libshit-leftypol trash as possible.
google was even caught with the hand in the cookie jar, but no one cares.
the germans carried on the legacy of rome when they became unable to sustain it themselves
>Romans charging with ther pilum
they really put that in the video? man, now I'm triggered too and I haven't even seen it
What's your favorite Rammstein kino?
For me, it's Haifisch
i gotchu senpai :^)
Portraying a black woman as a murderous nazi who hangs Jews must be very confusing. And then showing a black woman give birth to about 10 dogs, implying they reproduce like animals.. things they make you hmmmm
>replies 160
>posters 77
Busy day at discord
Stop basing your entire knowledge of history on /his/
Also, if Germany had wanted Europe including itself dead or replaced in current year then none of us would be here lets be honest
Same, I assumed they picked a Black girl for both aesthetic and to spark controversy. It's like they looked at the paintings depicting Germania and decided to do the complete opposite by casting a black woman.
>Market yourself using the holocaust
>Replace a german with a black girl
>uninspired text that just says the same thing over and over again
>mediocre music
>Pretend its all some "W-Woah so deep you just didn't get it"
Its literally we live in a society bullshit from a band trying to stay relevant
shit bait
And then literally vomit when they see it IRL like the Japs vomiting when they see what Paris is actualy like.
Could shitting on Germany give space for Bavarian or Saxon identity to rise?
full kino
serious irony going on here
I'm sure I just read in this thread that north/west Europe wasn't white.
I think the evolution of the human race would like a word?
Being a different skin colour isnt magical - its not like 'oops you're black'. If two white parents have a baby ... its not going to be black.
There are literal biological reasons for skin colour based on evolutionary factors.
Gosh I sure do hope the black culture from old Iceland is kept intact. Oh. Wait.
is it dare i say, kinoesque
are the comments off ?
i didnt see anythign yesterday and neither do i see anything today.
nvm just seen that jewtube put it in quarantine
I live in Germany and I'm not German, nor will I ever believe myself to be.
An user correctly pointed out that had it been a white woman a lot of video distributors would refuse to play it if the woman was white.
Even if they would still play it, it's not all that bad of a choice from an artistic standpoint. It shows her "character" is kind of supernatural or spiritual.
>You know what she's exactly like...
Rammstein's videos always had comments disabled
This. Rammstein are based but bluepilled.
not really.
Links 2,3,4 is literally a fuck you to the lefty conformism.
yeah the video would be torn to shreds if she were white.
But its also an aesthetic decision, she got black skin, wears gold and usually got some red accentuation like red pupils or thick red lipstick.
Her skin is just part of the national colors.
eu here, absolute kino
>Im sorry for your mental state if you get frail by the idea of a black german
What about a black Chink? Why do those not exist? The thought is as absurd as a white Nigerian or a Japanese nigger. But seems this "everyone can be German so long as they are born there" is only relevant and only pushed onto white countries? Why is that?
It's constitutional law you fucking moron. I'm german because I have the german citizenship.
/pol/ is in peak seethe mode right now, incredible
Jesus was a horse?
>think the song is anti-/pol/
typical leftie brainlet
She's black, her eyes are red and the crown is gold. You get the idea
I didn't say that it's anti-/pol/. I said that /pol/ was seething about it. Which they are.
>comparing nationality with species
no u
>10 fucking minutes
I wanna fug black Germany
I only people that are seething are the jews and the media
*the people
>>think the song is anti-/pol/
It pretty much is.
>Negress NatSoc
>le Holohoax
>le trannies
I fail to see how it isn't.
That's somewhat embarrassing.
>she bears the colors of the country and right wing cucks are triggered a black person is representing Germany
that kinda just proves the right correct though...
t. I just made another thread over there, they're sooo mad!
what did you expect faget?
Oopsie, this post was actually intended for
Apologies to mr
>literally 1 thread about it on /pol/
>60 posts
yeah, they're really mad about some boomers' music video...
>show the video to a couple friends
>Christian metalhead female friend is too busy saying "Rammstein is a secular band and it's demonic" to talk about the political angle of the music
Am I in the wrong?
niggers can't be german
They’re based on viewing history
And yet the song is lame and not very catchy
Rammstein has always been for gay redditors.
Check the other videos on the channel.
Its normal for Rammstein
Yeah, it sounds lame.
>female friend
They also have a cold war era tank in the WWII segment.
>being this wrong
prove me wrong
It's probably more that it would cause less controversy if she were white.
Other races live in China too. Russians are a protected minority in that country.
White woman would also cause cintroversy in sense there would also be click bait articles.
Yesterday the threads got over 400 replies
I like that. I don't get what it's about or what the deal with the negress is, but the imagery is threatening and perverse and the music is fantastic as expected.
black chick is germany, black skin red eyes and yellow clothing / armor and she is there throughout history
criminally underrated
> twisted idea
nice definition of truth, discordtranny
stay mad incel
Germany at different times throughout history. Germanic tribes, HRE, Nazis, DDR and the future of Germany.
>Rammstein video
>It's hilarious garbage that takes itself too seriously
What's the big deal, they've done this so many times before. Pretty sure the only good video they've made was "America"
>But as the video suggests, Germany does deserve whatever is going to happen to it.
It's always ignorant white people are so ethno-masochistic. If you want to start compiling a list of the sins of different folk, the Islamic Invaders into Europe are ten times more barbaric than the damn Germans.
wtf I love nazis now
>creating an efficient way to kill +3000 jews every single day during 4 years
I don't think so
Germania a cute, cuttteee
almost at 8mill white people are extinct
Not everyone sees every issue as hyperpolitical. Especially if they don't spend all day on the internet.
>excutive producer
>some turk
youtube really needs to remove that premiere shit its giving people massive egos
Someone get the webm where Merkel throws away a German flag
>unironically calling something demonic
You should murder your friend.
You can't top the evilness of Hitler, it's impossible. He was literally the most evil man in history.
A future that is giving birth to literal mutts in the video.
Germany is lost enjoy your morning prayers soon
whatever nigger, i don´t care
>because then Hitler would never have killed those Jews
What about all other nations, 20 million slavs for example?
>And then showing a black woman give birth to about 10 dogs, implying they reproduce like animals.
all the dogs are mutts too
>black people are nazis
kino af.
>Angel giving Till a blowjob while he eats her wings
>Angel is a black girl
They really have jungle fever
t.amerilard tranny with now concept of european identity
Extremely kino
The only thing that triggers me is that you retards keep spamming this retarded subhuman faggot band and their SJW propaganda.
Otherwise I couldn't give less of a shit about it.
t. German in Germany
cant understand a thing that nigga saying
Dont click the threads if you dont like it whiny kraut
Joke's on you, user. I love both black girls and girls in nazi uniforms.
Probably because it's in a foreign language
>tfw no dominant snow white gf
Etvas polsuro deaminda. Diras cantolemas.
fuck nazis
you /pol/faggots are just as snowflaky as the SJW you talk about
I personally thought it was shit but most of the music I listen to are mainly liberal faggots since I basically only go to shows for jam band shit like Dead and Company, Phish, Lotus, Papadosio, STS9, Umphrey's, etc. these days. I also visit /pol/ and dislike African Americans, Muslims, and those of Jewish ancestry as well.
>scene where germania is being kidnapped by crossdressers while wearing an explosive vest
>but black woman means liberal therefor bad
you people are fucking idiots
Yes, it was Kino. Every Rammstein song has as much effort put into it as the accompanying video
One must ask, where does the music begin and the kino end? Certainly not in Yea Forums
did anybody manage to dl the 1080 verison? all add ons and dl programs fail
Rammstein btfo the hollywood kikes by producing in a videoclip better scenes than everything the mutt celeb factory has given us the past 10 years
For American brainlets
Black woman=Germany
First scene is the battle of teutoburg forest
Medieval catholic Germany, post-war germany, 70's post modern Germany
kino techno priest scifi Germany
I would pay good money to see a Rammstein movie
red/yellow/black colours throughout the videoclip, aka Germany flag
>tfw early 30s boomer and only know Du Hast because I'm not a zoomer faggot
wrong post, meant to quote
I didn't know black women would look that sexy in SS uniforms.
Rammstein are working class from east Germany
They can't be faggy urban leftists like antifa but more like Baader-Meinhof chads
The name Rammstein comes from an US base in Germany, you get the idea
>the zoomer attention span
She's hot, it adds a "supernatural" dimension to her character since she looks so different from everyone else in the video, and creates plausible deniability to the band so they can dress up as nazis/holocaust victims without being accused of racism
You know nothing, Jon Blow.
What was the scene with monks eating her supposed to represent?
The Eucharist.
>more like Baader-Meinhof chads
So jihadists trained them at anti-german terrorism? Kek
Just imagine the kino that could have been.
The germans regions suffered most of the destruction
what is it like to be a german? are you in pain? do someone to help you?
The statues lit in red during the beginning was really kino
She can uber alles my dick if you catch my drift
Which Germania is more accurate, Rammstein's or EN's?
>blacks can be german
Fuck off nigger.
It's also about how the face of Germany has changed so many times it is hard to recognise her anymore.
The black girl is so fucking sexy
kill yourself
It is literally up to the individual discretion of the citizens of germanic nations of how they use their genitalia.
let's all stop discussing since a german has given his opinion. Ours is no longer valid.
stupid fucking faggot, no one cares
You forgot one thing. German nation is black because it's taboo to be nationalistic in germany. Its clever.
>triggered retards on the left
>triggered retards on the right
mission accomplished.
That said, it is fucking KINO 2bh.
Anyone's got any interpretations regarding the red light?
>oppression of communism
Fuck those faggots, they had all of East Germany for half a goddamn century.
Kino cinematography
Anyone knows the name of the black goddess?
I could do worse, t b h
One of the colors of Germany flag, the lasers shining on the medieval fights and so on is about how Germany's past and future are soaked in blood
ye they stopped just short of putting a man on the moon
>movie casts black dude as european historical figure
>Yea Forums goes apeshit
>music video casts black girls as a personification of an european country
>boundless thirst
stay triggered, faggot
kek why? Are Rammstein that big they get special coding privileges on YouTube?
Rammstein casting a black woman is entirely in line with Riefenstahl spending the rest of her life taking pictures of Sudanese tribes after creating propaganda movies for Hitler
Ruby Commey
You can just tell he feels inadequate.
everyone can disable comments on their youtube video you retard
sind halt immer noch die unübertroffenen Kantenfürsten
mother of kino
holy shit peele's muttiness is so apparent when he's next to purebreeds
Ohhhh mamma!
The outro with the piano sonne is pure kino.
Amazing cinematic shots
virgin lightskin mutt vs the chad purebreed darkskin
My reaction to both is actually the same and would be similar if for example someone were to cast Daniel Craig as the terrorist Nelson Mandela.
I like how there are some shoutouts to their previous videos. The scene where they worship her is very similar to Sonne's and the band on all fours reminds of Mein Teil
That's the thing about them, if they're not dying from dysentery or mysterious jungle diseases, at least they die with a perfect set of teeth.
I wonder if Lupita had to audition for Us or did Peele offer her the role? She was so good.
How did this bunch of middle-aged German perverts produce better kino than the trillionaires at Hollywood
I haven't seen it. Should I pay for it or would I deNIGrated by doing so?
I like the think the last thing the Romans heard in the forest was something like this;