Does Yea Forums like Ozark?
I just finished watching season 2, and it think it's pretty good.
Does Yea Forums like Ozark?
Fuck Netflix and fuck shills
I liked it
One of the more kinoesque nutflix. Cruises the lane BB made, but stays creative and original. Also, Ruth.
It's pretty good.
I finished S1 and quit because of how fucking stupid I thought it was also cannot stand that fucking green matrix filter
Million times better than breaking bad but Batemans character needs to grow some fucking balls
Season 2 is much better
I'm utterly in love with Julie Garner and I hate myself for it.
>not having a qt aryan crime mistermind gf
why even live bros?
nobody really wants bateman to grow a pair. the cartel only feels secure letting him handle the money because they figure they can control him through fear or kill him pretty easily if he gets uppity and the wife enjoys being top dog even as she gives him shit for being weak. That's the look bateman gives his wife at the end of season two, she thinks the cartel will trust her more now that she's earned some street cred/respect by proving herself capable (and willing to do what he wouldn't) but she's locked the family into being acknowledge players in the cartels ever evolving game of whack a jèfe.
Bateman has a pair, he was just smart enough to know whipping them out was a losing game.
Just finished season two myself, I thought it was pretty damn good and engaging. One of the only shows to have a teenage daughter sub-plot that doesn't completely drain my enjoyment, though she is a bit of a cunt. I wish Buddy would've gotten more screen time, though
started great, but it’s yasskweening itself into being shit. By the end of S2 it’s about nothing but the wife and she’s a very unpleasant character to watch compared to Bateman
Legitimately great, although I wish the son had shot the cartel dude in the house
if S3 has any more "Marty this problem has nothing to do with you and its not your fault it exists but you need to fix it" Ill drop the show its too much of the same
I liked it. Some things put me off in S2, but they got rid of 2 major annoyances in Ruth's dad and the fag fbi agent. I can't imagine it continuing more than another season, though.
Better than it had any right to be.
It does feel dated though and the mc can't act for shit.
Ruthie is qt and I want her babies
Why even live indeed
But Batemans a fucking shit actor and she's actually pretty good.
Ruthie was already Yass qween in s1 but because she's young and cute we don't care
The wife's great she was great in Truman show as well
That weird granny crime boss was full on Yass Queen slay tho I wunna moterboat her big old boobies
Fbi autist was kino tho
Fag stuff was really annoying especially the romance felt sloop forced and daytime drama tier
Im so sick of this female empowerment bullshit. He tried to get his family out. His wife just sealed their fates by now going in deeper with cartel. Like thots, she gets a rush from the danger. First her cheating on her husband now getting in bed with the cartel. Marty wanted out. He had a sure-fire plan to get out. That look on his face shows now either he kills his wife take the money and leave or forever stayed tied to the cartel. She just screwed her entire family. But at least she is in charge now right? Yeah feminism
It looks alright but I am burnt out on the whole "prestige tv" slow burn formula.
Took me a while to think of Bateman as Marty Byrde instead of Michael Bluth. Some of his line deliveries from the first few episode could have been straight from Arrested Development.
his family is annoying as fuck
>Main character is white male
>Gets cucked
>Stays with wife
Why has this become a trend?
The kid is great.