Who will they make black in the inevitable adaptation?

Who will they make black in the inevitable adaptation?

Attached: Big-O.jpg (716x614, 276K)

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Dastun if they're not insane, Roger if they are.

the fuck is this

does this shit actually get good or is it just muh aesthetics and bible references

Batman with Giant Robots.

>aesthetics and bible references
That's what makes it good.

does he ever fuck the robot?

It was good until season 2 where the writer lost their marble and decided to to mindfuckery with the story

No, she sticks Big O's cables in her head and makes him watch

That was actually Cartoon Network's stipulation for getting a new season.
The director wanted to continue the episodic format.

cast in the name of god

No fucking niggers.

Why is it the one time an anime is good most fucking weebs don't know it, like it, or care about it?

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Wild card: It'll be Angel.

>turn angel into a nigger girl with an afro and a jumpsuit going full don't need no man
oh no, they'd do that


where can i watch this?

>Why is it the one time an anime is good most fucking weebs don't know it, like it, or care about it?
It was on fucking Cartoon Network you absolutely retarded normalfag.

t r i g g e r e d

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee adultschwim itsss notttt rehhhelll anime senpai

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It is real anime, discord tranny. You can't even bait right.

it's a real anime you dipshit. he's saying it's not unknown or obscure.

Yeah and most kids don't even know or care about it. Hell most fucking kids at con don't even know what akira is. You faggots never leave your house.
zoomer trash

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based retardposter

Season 1 was great, especially the music

If there is a romantic couple? the man


Cast him

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tomato kino

Attached: big o big duo.webm (498x280, 2.26M)

who cares about what others think?
Christian Bale maybe. But there really is no one I can think of.

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>Peter Cullen voice over intensifies


it's not, it's a man and an enigmatic robot

That gave me fucking chills as a kid
It's probably why I have such a boner for robots nowadays, in a figurative sense

As great as it'd be, just for the memes, I feel like bale is too intense to play roger. Despite his cool, suave facade, roger's really just a big schmuck who gets goofed on near constantly. I'd almost rather see him play someone like Schwarzwald so he can go batshit.