she just had her film come out to grand reviews from soi journalists at SXSW or some other gay festival. I mean that doesn't mean it's good but her career isn't dead.
Colton Wright
It's time for soinema
Landon White
My pants feel tingly when i see a confident woman with a strong jaw
Strong jaws are normal. Weak jaws are literally poor bone development. She's just showing her full genetic expression because she probably got good nutrition and chewed hard food as a child.
Would people rather have a woman with a weak jaw, resulting in crooked teeth, overbite, and mouth breathing?
Your dichotomy between strong and weak jaws is fucking retarded, the opposite of a manjaw is liz taylor, not some slack jawed woman
Christopher Walker
Wrong idiot. That's exactly the opposite of a strong jaw. All women are supposed to have what you call a "man jaw" if they are healthy. A weak jaw means your jaw is shit. A "man jaw" means your jaw is fully developed. Liz Taylor wasn't that beautiful because she didn't have a strong jaw.
Too much moaning and groaning during the movie by Sadie. Confusing storyline, and when she delivers justice we don't get to see it. Boring.
Jeremiah Watson
She has a face you just want punch because it might be an improvement.
Adrian Ramirez
Ha, nice
Xavier Davis
>you will never get beaten up by Olivia >you will never get aroused when Olivia's fists hit your flesh and leave bruises >you will never get to see Olivia's crying apology and feel the warm cuddles afterwards >why even live?
Joseph Young
I will maintain against any opposition that Olivia really is beautiful as opposed to just attractive. She looks amazing even in that state and with a total de-emphasis of her succubus eyes.
Ryan Lopez
Critic: "Did you see how Charlize Theron transformed herself from beautiful part-time actress/model to serious, respected thespian when she made herself ugly for 2003's 'Monster'?" Olivia Wilde: HOL UP!
she is beautiful, it looked like a promissing career.
now she is doing "le bitch gets revenge flick", with all the clichés, like the good and old "im training".
women believe this shit and end up getting completly destroyed. buy a pepper spray, put some poison on your violent husbund food, kill him while he sleeps.
there are endless possibilities, women stick with those guy because they like it.
Matthew Smith
Goddamn I want to lick her teeth clean.
Isaac Reed
what do you do, breh? to my mind it's a step *up* from not so long ago when if a well known actress played a hooker it was treated as SERIOUS BUSINESS and evidence of SERIOUS TALENT.
Strong jaws = strong women Strong women are less needy and are low maintenance. They however require you to have a backbone to date/marry them.
My wife is one of these, if you don't act strong they'll walk all over your and will openly admit as much. They also are the best in bed
William Ramirez
Odd, isn't it? I'll never meet her and have no genuine idea what she's like but I always imagined Bridget Fonda having pretty much all these qualities just on the strength of one chin.
Does she jaw mog you? I look at this cunts jaw then look at my own and I'm actually mad that I'm such a jawlet
Colton James
Looks good
Luis Lee
Ryan Watson
Why are u wasting time on this shit when the new Harrelson kino is out?
Cameron Young
Dominic Phillips
imagine buying her skull on one of those human bone selling websites, they'd probably jack up the price past $2k on this one because of the diamond glasscutter pretending to be her mandible
Robert Downey Jr was in a film with Billy Zane that appeared on HBO that was Direct to Cable or Direct to Video. I think the first showing on HBO might have been a Thursday night at 9:00 but after that I think it was mostly on after 12:00 at night. I honestly sort of remember enjoing it, although there were better HBO B-movies at the time as well. The movie came out in 1996 so Downey would have been 31+-. Downey has done OK since, so Olivia still has hope. According to the Trivia on IMDB, >Robert Downey, Jr. admits that the only reason he appeared in this film was "Five hundred grand for two weeks".