Smollet positivity thread

Let's discuss this television actor and compliment him for his award nomination. No negativity in this thread. What was his best role? What do you like the most about him?

Attached: yay I'm happy for you smollet.png (584x677, 341K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Everyone's just living they're lives. Why do you care? He seems happy now, are you against happiness? Are you so bitter that you get upset when people are happy? Why do you care dude? It doesn't affect your life. People are individuals and can do whatever they want. I am just happy that people are happy. Everyones doing their best. We're all basically the same person. No one is smarter or better than anyone else lol who are you to judge? Wow you're soooo smart for judging and criticizing someone. Why judge someone? Why not just let him live his life? Why do you care so much? Im happy for others when their happy. I dont judge

Ummm why are you so upset? You literally have a great life? Why don't you just relax? haha You can do whatever you want in modern society. Aren't you tired of being upset about things you can't change? Why don't you just relax and enjoy life? Why waste your time criticizing others, lol? Why not just relax and stop being upset? Who hurt you? Who hurt you so that you feel the need to judge others instead of just enjoying life and relaxing? Why are you so upset? I'm happy, other people are happy, why can't you be happy? Life is good and everyone's just trying their best to be happy and buy the things that make them happy... Maybe the problem is really with you?? Idk maybe you need to learn to relax and stop being so obsessed with what other people are doing? Why don't you just relax OP, and enjoy life?

positively guilty


how much of a faggot (not just gay, but fag) do you have to be to take up "Jussie" as a nicknamr for Justin?

I like how effectively he's advancing my political interests.

>the POTUS is currently having walls built to keep browns out
>some C-List faggot Jew got the charges dropped
>the left think they won
KEK 2020 on lockdown

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My opinion is fuck jannies.

The feds are also still putting a case together about the letter he sent to himself. Charges haven't been brought yet but he's fucked when they do.

> I know you must feel great Chicago let you off Jussie but you do not FUCK with the United States Postal Service!

Attached: 47.jpg (278x181, 7K)

>Everyone's just living they're lives. Why do you care? He seems happy now, are you against happiness?
Hate hoaxes hurt real victims

good old fashioned mail fraud, nothing like an All-American felony mmm

Don't forget he also put white powder in it and they had to evacuate a building and call in the hazmats.

I love what he's done for race relations in the US. The way it portrays the left in general is amazing as well.

It's copypasta. Old and obscure, used only a handful of times, possibly lifted from a book discussion forum. A weird response but ok.

What real victims? There aren't any actual hate crimes in the US.

>dr. Pavel, I’m usps.

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I hope they give it to him.

Chicago Police Send Jussie Smollett Bill for $130,000 – Tell Him to Pay Up or Get Prosecuted

Unironically have sex. Check this 4.

>good old fashioned mail fraud

It's not mail fraud, it's probably something like "sending a terroristic threat via a carriage service"

I hope they give him a Nobel peace prize. Not even joking.

He'd be great as Schindler in a Schindler's List remake.

The only thing I’ll honestly say is I wish they’d use the manpower and resources to clean up that shithole of a city. The amount of money probably being spent just to get some dumb fag back in jail is probably way too high.

>I hope they give him a Nobel peace prize

Agreed, also:

>Trump should resign and withdraw from public life forever.

>Each African American gets $10K slavery reparations.

>Socialised gender-reassignment.

>Hilary 2020, with Jazz Jennings as her running mate.

>Amendment to the 5th amendment, David Hogg in charge of firearm seizures.

>The UK should remain in the EU and pay 1 billion to every other member state to apologize for almost ruining everything.

>or Get Prosecuted

Cops seem genuinely pissed that the prosecutor bitch threw away their case for Obamapoints.

>be faggot actor
>use platform to spread faggotry throughout black community
>homo-sexually harass Nigerians
>they jump him and beat his ass
>thinking they won't get caught decide to claim fans of a politicians you don't like did it
>they get caught
>refuse to testify knowing most blacks will side with real Africans over faggot jew mutt

Based Nigerians


I agree. All of this would be very destructive and very funny.

Kill yourself

I hope there’s a cash prize because he will need it

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