@ every retard mad about peele's casting choices
@ every retard mad about peele's casting choices
"Them" is a social construct you leftist fuck. Go dilate
Do we actually give a fuck about this?
great, can we have our white only movies now without you SJW fucks losing your mind? thank you
It's honestly true
>daily rage threads about jordan peele
you tell me frendo
Nobody here gives a fuck about Peele except when it comes to Twilight Zone.
Y’all already have white only movies, and y’all had all the resources so POC directors and actors had no opportunities. Now that we’re getting access and opportunities that we created y’all start complaining that we don’t need y’all anymore.
>Me: nigger :^)
Sure, in fact there are thousands of them, and even more with a couple blacks only functioning as "supporting" actors
Peele never said he wouldn't include white people after all, just that they would never be his leads
It's stupid because Peele gets to have his cake and eat it too. Everyone is forced to have a certain amount of black actors and simultaneously Peele doesn't have to hire any white actors and he's not hit with any discrimination lawsuits or anything.
But it's not OK for the witcher to have an all white cast? You know, like how it was written?
you: im retard :)
me: ok
>A bunch of fictional characters
They're non existent just like the people who are actually mad about this lmao
>my epic video gaymes are being ruined!
back to Yea Forums cretin
user, that's not exactly what neo-racist Peele said.
No, it’s not. Whites have *institutional* power over POCs, that POCs are now trying to level the playing field is not tantamount to what white folks have done to POC for CENTURIES. Y’all white folks wanna be oppressed so bad.
Do these retards play it dumb or genuinely don't get that nobody actually cares about Peele's casting decisions, or his milquetoast horror crap "movies"? It's about the hypocrisy and double standard in the media. A white director would lose his job, instantly, for saying that he flatout refuses to cast niggers in his films.
Learn to use a camera monkey
It's a book you mongoloid.
Where did the institutional power come from?
slavshit fantasy """books""" are not literature
White people: makes Frozen
Niggers: das raycis, whur da niggaz? We wuz vikangz!
Institutions built on the backs of POC labor, who were then excluded and oppressed by the white majority.
No "y'all" black folks have demonstrated that without whites you would've been stuck digging ditches and dying of hunger in Africa. Face it negro, slavery did your kind a service. Places like Detroit where the black population rivals the white population prove it.
It's kind of sad that I know you're a basement-dwelling, insecure, fragile, incel reactionary and wrote this post unironically, but everything you said is true.
Don't give this /polcuck your replies. Give them to me instead.
Didn't say otherwise simp.
nobody would care if white directors would have been allowed to say the same about black actors
Because if its based on heritage, he should cast 50% white and 50%black
Based peele mainstreaming a normalizing ethno-nationalism
Black actors for black films
Asians for asian films
White only in white films.
Look up the history of zoning laws and how POC were systemically oppressed. The current state of Detroit is a product of decades of racist laws and practices.
Is that a movie based on the video game? Who gives a shit?
People only care about all white casts when its capeshit or just bad movies in general. I didn't hear anyone fly off the handle when John Wick came out. That movie had 30 seconds of a black hotel man and less than 2 minutes of that guy that Wick paid to watch Perkins, who ended up getting fuckin murked. Second movie had hotel man and MAYBE 20 minutes of Common, thats it. But those were good movies, so everyone let it slide. Nobody would let Avengers slide with all whites just because of the sheer number of people in America who watch that trash, someones bound to be unhappy, whatever. And if I'm not mistaken (i dont watch capeshit) isn't there only one black avenger?
Yeah but from what i've been seeing only right-wring retards are crying about it.
The same way those emotional bitches cried about Captain Marvel.
The same way those emotional bitches cried about a black guy in Star Wars.
Right-wing retards sure do cry about a lot of stuff don't they.
I remember when the Cohen Bros said they would never hire non-white actors just to have non-white actors or that they would have non-white characters in their movies just for the sake of having non-white characters because of LOL DIVERSITY and the tidal wave of shit they caught for that.
>Pointing out the hypocrisy of a bunch of racist is crying now.
The fucking incels on this subreddit still haven't shut up about Captain Marvel.
Doesn't this ruin realism in movies?
Would you take a gritty new york crime movie seriously if it was pure white?
keanu reeves isnt white dipshit
You wouldn't have been brought over if your fellow brothers didn't sell you out negro. No one has liked you, it's only recently that people are tolerating your kind. Don't even lump yourself with Hispanics and Asians either, because they hate your guts too, nigger.
>Them LAWS is raccisss
Move the fuck out then nigger. I'm sure Africa would love to have you back.
Do people actually give a fuck about this? If Jordan Peele wants to cast minorities only let him, ain't going to hurt no one.
I kind of give a fuck. It was fairly obvious from the last two films he made what he’s trying to do with his career, and it’s great. But coming out and saying you won’t cast white men in lead roles goes beyond stating the obvious, it takes what was an implicit desire to cast people in your racially inspired movies to be the race you yourself are speaking from and makes it an explicit statement that white people can never have a lead role in your films because white people have had lead roles in the past. The only reason to come out and say something like that is to earn brownie points with left wing media, and people respond to that differently than simply making movies with a black perspective. It’s fundamnetally not the same thing
Yeah i'm sure they totally preferred having white federal agents introduce crack into their zones (created by institutional white america) and allow them to make money for a few years before it came time to bust them all for possession of what THEY brought into the black areas. They should be so thankful for that and everything else, retard
I literally do not give a shit, I haven't watched his movies either.
he should be allowed to cast niggers on his movies just like niggers should stop getting uppity when they aren't cast in movies
The difference is Peele's statement is a direct response to a century of 99% white-starring films, and it's a way to build a platform for hard working black actors who get dick in return because no one else wants to make them a lead even if they're good
There we go..finally..let it all out..there's the poltard contrarian-whining we were waiting for..let it alll out..
I swear, you faggotlarpers are jyst as mentally-ill as the lefties, SJWs, Jews and trannies you rant about.
They could've GTFO back to Africa my friend. No laws and all the crack you can get.
What about John Boyega in Star Wars? Literally in one of the biggest franchises on Earth and he blows it with his god awful performance. Or Gambino as Lando in Solo?
>pointing out blatant hypocrisy = "crying"
Typical SJW canard.
Lose weight.
Peele is based. We need full segregation. White films for whites. Black films for blacks. Simple as.
Keanu reeves has like 5 fucking percent chinese and hawaiian in him, the rest of him is white and that is how the entire world sees him
Black Director: "I won't cast white people."
White Director: "I won't cast black people."
What did the fat-lipped mouth-breathing SJW Communists mean by this?
>Based poltard trying to to spin this as a win for his LARP-campaign
Manufactured outrage. Nobody even knows which movie you're talking about. The real question is: can we finally have all-white movies again?
Too many y'alls, you gotta tone ut down a bit to make it believable.
6/10 good attempt.
>Do people actually give a fuck about this?
It's the fact that no leftist or nigger would ever call him a racist but they sure as hell would be all over twatter if say, Mel Gibson said he would never cast a nigger in a leading role.
Of course no one gives a shit about if some random halfbreed doesn't want to cast whites in his shitty movies no one watches. It's the libtards that thinks it's great people care about.
Of course not. The Witcher and Wheel of Time HAVE to be injected full of darkies for "diversity" and "representation". Because logic.
Shazam has all white leads with a non-white supporting cast, according to Grace Randolph. Takes guts to do that in modern times.
I wouldn't if the media wasn't giving his directing career a massive stimulus with hyper-positive reviews for his adequate at best films.
Do you have an actual argument or are you just shitposting?
Yeah dude its so easy for people who were essentially made to be broke to just swim back to africa mate!! Oh you meant a boat or a plane...you gonna pay for their ticket bitch? If you want a white ethnostate so bad why not just move to finland or something?
me: I love you
her: I love you too :)
>The current state of Detroit is a product of decades of racist laws and practices.
Is this what Democrats tell themselves?
It’s good because it causes racial tensions. More whites see the double standard.
Left-wing retard detected. Kill yourself. You and your kind serve no real purpose to society. Fucking psychic vampires the lot of you
It's true, conservative whites are the most entitled people on Earth and they love being victims. They're constantly looking for things to complain about
People give a fuck about the BLATANT hypocrisy.
are you on drugs? Many main roles today are either Jewish men or blacks. White directors are not allowed to say the same what the black director said
She also said that that was a bad thing.
and it doesn't change the fact that its a double standard
"I won't cast white people as my leads _because_ there already exists a million films where they are the lead actors"
"I specifically will not cast black people because..........Idk i dont have a good reason lol"
There is a reason why sane people think the first one makes sense and the second one is retarded. Based reduction tho user
>Hypocrisy is OK because MUH HISTORY
It's still hypocrisy and no amount of SJW mental gymnastics will change that.
Who gives a fuck, it's not like you would watch a spike lee movie anyway.
>Whites have *institutional* power over POCs
Actually, that would be Jews. What now?
see this:
>Double-Standards are OK if I project reasons onto them.
No, SJW.
It's hypocrisy.
Cry more.
So, let me get this straight.. A black man doeswhat you want a white man to be able to do (which they have been doking since the motion-picture fiming was created, by the way), but instead of applauding him and saying " Yes! That's what WE want!!", you cry cry on a Mongolian origami-folding image-forum?
You guys have issues..I come here foor picture of fine-ass women, and most-of-the-time I switch to catalog/image-only. The mental-gymnastics and hurdles you racetards jump-over to justify your larping astounds me..just say souy are a racist and be done with it.
Daily Reminder that Jordan Peele unironically thinks Milk is "racist".
He's a fucking race-baiting mental-case and Democrats are praising him because they're as schizoid as he is.
You had to misquote him to even attempt to defend your position. That says everything you need to know. Even following your logic... discrimination in the past doesn’t justify orher types of discrimination now. Also people are not upset that he won’t cast white people as leads. They are sick of the racist double standard. Personally I like what he said because it creates more racial hatred on all sides so I support him.
>okay sure
what did Yea Forums mean by this?
Why do you type like a fucking chimp?
Seriously, why should people take your drivel seriously when you can't even properly communicate?
"Context isn't important" sure mate keep telling yourself that. Operating on principle is dumb and lazy, its time to stop acting retarded and start fully investigating a situation with some amount of nuance
>I didn't read the thread
Your retarded argument has been addressed and debunked several times you jiggling blob.
Honestly incels legit btfo here, What's the incel counter?
She's Gotta Have It is one of my favorite movies you whiny cuck
I love this. I think I’ll see a race war in my lifetime.
>Operating on principle is dumb and lazy
Actual quote from an SJW retard, everyone.
No wonder they're so stupid and hypocritical.
Hypocrisy is in their fucking dogma.
Why do you hate white people so much?
>Jews let a black take some control
>black shit talks whites when it's actually Jews that control the industry he is in even when they give him power
>Jews ideas go perfectly to plan
>Standards should be completely different between blacks and whites. -SJW's
When did SJW's stop even pretending to care about "Equality"?
Tell me again how the inter-dimensional child-rapists faked the Moon Landing.
>But you're a racist still if you don't cast niggers
This is why realistic people don't listen to you retards.
>t. People that get triggered watching Beetlejuice and shit for being "too white"
Suck my dick, banana Peele is a racist retard
> Screech and REEEEEE about"Reddit" when someone makes an actual coherent post using logical sentence-structure and dialogue
>Have a few misspelled words, and some punctuation-issues when the post doesn't fit your contrarian/hypocritical/fishing for reasons to complain -narrative
>"Chimp!!Chimp!!I Can't read it!!'
>If Jordan Peele wants to cast minorities only let him, ain't going to hurt no one.
Then why aren't white directors allowed to cast only whites and openly state that that's what they're doing?
Why aren't the rules the same?
How am I wrong? Operating on principle is just a dumb lazy way for you to shut anything down without a shred of real argument. You just scream "it's the principle!!! I swear I'm smart!" and you think you win. Good thing most people arent that stupid!
Lmao u mad
>I don't care about hypocrisy if it's in relation to a piece of media I don't care about.
Fantastic consistency.
Oh he's welcome to cast who he wants but if he focuses around making sure there's no white people cast, I'm probably not going to be interested in watching it because it'll just be race baiting bs or revisionist history that I just don't feel like paying money to see.
>Screech and REEEEEE about"Reddit" when someone makes an actual coherent post using logical sentence-structure and dialogue
That's not happening though, chimp.
>Have a few misspelled words, and some punctuation-issues
Intelligent people wouldn't do that though.
You're posting like a fucking retard so you're getting treated like a retard. Is correct grammar and spelling a "White Social Construct" created to oppress you or something?
Continue seething, ape.
My post isn't a conspiracy theory retard, the introduction of crack to inner city blacks is a pretty well-documented occurrence
They can if they didn't pander to bumbling morons who make up the minority of film-viewers. Stop playing into the outrage narrative.
Nice deflection.
Probably because they're more successful than his race.
>Hypocrisy is a principle that can be overlooked with arguments
you really wanna go there? Yes you can make an argument why its right for you to to do something but not for someone else to do the same.
But its gonna make you look stupid.
Just like flat earthers and other conspiracy theories. Take off the tin foil hat my dude
>implying literally anyone gives a shit about some unoriginal b-rated horror movie made by some shitty comedian
toplel, but let's all pretend Jordan Peele is the next Francis Ford Coppola or Stanley Kubrick just because he's black
Whatever you have to tell yourself.
No, no..let them continue to play-into the fake-outrage culture they whine about so much.
You first, faggot. Blacks shouldn't allowed to be openly discriminating if white people can't do the same, no matter what bullshit you pull outta your keister
You're playing into too fucking idiot, you guys whine more about these people than they whine themselves at this point
Maybe you should go to reddit
That's perfectly fine dude, this post is at least better than the actual whining some of the right wing babbies do on this board
its about double standards. Did you fully understand ?
>We don't care, so let's show him by responding to bait, and by starting thirty-more threads about 'US' tomorrow!
Wow blacks really do think about race 24/7 lol
>Operating on principle instead of hypocrisy is smart
Holy shit, is this bait?
It would explain a LOT about how fucking stupid fat-lipped drooling SJW's behave.
No wonder they can justify calling GamerGate the Second Holocaust because someone called Zoe Quinn a "fat whore", while simultaneously justifying harassing August Ames to the point where she fucking kills herself.
It's because you literally don't have morals/principles and fucking ADMIT to it.
You don't know what a "deflection" is. You're clearly parroting buzzwords you don't understand out of context.
well they don't spend as much time thinking about getting cucked as whites, so they have to fill up the space with something else
Any film maker can discriminate as much as they want. If the movies good and sells what difference does it make? Still pushing the narrative though, aren't you
I only do insofar as a white director would be chased out of Hollywood for saying he only wants main actors of the same race as himself.
Kinda based. I like seeing both sides seethe.
>MODS!!! There’s people itt who aren’t agreeing with my liberal views!!! Make it stop!!! REEEEEEEE I don’t know how to win arguments of defend my opinions about things I shouldn’t have to defend!!!
>the actual whining some of the right wing babbies do
Every time with you people.
Your accusations of "whining" fall hollow and ALWAYS will because whining is your main fucking tactic.
>thinks jewish memes apply irl
Can minorities be only in their movies now?
my nigga, there's nothing finer than seeing both sides getting triggered to high heavens over the slightest trespass
Advocating black separatism, black identity, black nationalism does not bring people together, how can we have multicultural utopia if people like Peele (who is biracial)reject it? When you approve of racial and ethnic self interest as a positive other people will feel entitled to those same opinions for themselves, this is very dangerous
>Let's make 30+ threads every day in order to start shit and get sweet sweet attention, and then when someone replies by either calling out the cheap bait, saying fuck off, or stating that they aren't interested, quickly reply with "HURR DURR LITERALLY OBSESSED" to make yourself feel better
why do liberals swear that we're still living in the 50s and the only way black people are cast as leads in movies is if it's a movie made by a black director? i mean it's so easy to disprove yet this seems to be their main argument. here's a news flash, no race of people in the US are oppressed. there are no laws that target "poc". if anything, they have an advantage thanks to affirmative action, quotas, etc.
>Any film maker can discriminate as much as they want.
But this is literally untrue in reality you disingenuous fuck.
Any white director making a public statement that "I'm not ever going to cast blacks" would be fucking eviscerated in the media and blacklisted by Hollywood and you fucking know it. You're literally pretending things are equal when they clearly aren't. You're either delusional or outright lying. So which is it? And why do you feel so compelled to deny reality?
Hopefully. If they want segregation, then let's bring it back. They won't like that outcome though.
Do I really have to say it?
The left can’t meme.
Also, they can’t think for themselves, develop a sense of humor beyond the fourth grade level, know when they’re being lied to by their political leaders, or accept viewpoints as valid
>all these angry darkies ITT
Get out. This is a white board only. I will heem every last one of you, just try me. Step up!
>Liberals believing in provably false things
More at fucking 11.
They still believe in the "Wage Gap" and the "Pink Tax", dude. They don't live in reality.
how fat are your fucking fingers?
The entire point is that it's literally NOT hypocrisy if you actually read into it further than "i should be able to say what he can"!
There's a reason the world laughs at you when you yell "hypocrisy!! The principle!" because you got in trouble for saying nigger and black guy didn't. It's because people are generally capable of seeing past the simplicity of an argument like that. You've got to really think about why jordan peele might say the thing he did versus why you might say the same thing but with black people, if you were a film director. Do you have a good answer? An answer like "because it's the principle, i'm only casting white people entirely on principle" is not a good answer. "Because I do what I want" isn't a good answer either. I dont know why alt right tweens cant see this
is this bait? if so, it’s not bad.
In what way is he wrong? Why is it the "poltards" always bring up valid points but you shemales always reply with insults? He pointed out an actual example of hypocrisy. Now, if you have a counterargument, please present it.
Those 30+ threads were almost ALL poltard-negativity..I'm only responding out of common-courtesy, just drop it..OP proved their point..a quick bait-thread brought you all out in droves.
Blacks and white liberals OPENLY want segregation, but they only want it when it benefits them. If it benefits both races or especially just whites, then segregation is "racist" again.
Rules for thee, not for me.
Why did the POC allow themselves to be subjugated?
OP isn't calling for mods, just loling at you. Keep peeing yourself over it mate
He's right desu
>make an wnti-white race bait thread
>it doesn't go as planned
Tell me how niggers got all that crack. Did they make it themselves?
>You've got to really think about why jordan peele might say the thing he did versus why you might say the same thing but with black people, if you were a film director.
Reasons that you assume and project?
>There's a reason the world laughs at you when you yell "hypocrisy!! The principle!"
You're proving yourself to be delusional. The vast majority of people identify and lambast these double-standards but are simply being socially punished for doing so.
/pol/ dick can't spell lol
yeah I mean the subject of the film matters more than the cast.. but if he's that specific about the race of his cast I'm anticipating something I'm not interested in.. unless it's something set in Africa or it's a "hood comedy" like Friday, but if it's one of these "dear white people" or something like that.. nah not interested. Who needs a film who's sole purpose is to make you feel guilty about being born a certain way?
>grasping at a typo to cope
can't even spell
who is mad?
criticizing the movie isn't mad about casting.
>An answer like "because it's the principle, i'm only casting white people entirely on principle" is not a good answer.
"Black people are allowed to do it, but white people aren't allowed to do the same thing" also isn't a "good answer, retard. In fact it's a provably racist answer.
can't even cope
That other poster was right about you making yourself look stupid.
How many fucking threads does his beaknosed wife have to make?
PoC in the US are the luckiest fucking POC in the entire world. Get over your selves. You should be grateful
>deny reality
user is a left-wing cancer. Its what they do
why can't /pol/rats spell?
He won't. The Leftoid campaign relies on passive-aggressive ad-homs and spamming threads with samefagging. They aren't here to actually argue. They're here to create the illusion that Leftoids are more numerous than they actually are and that thusly the "culture of Yea Forums is changing to be more progressive".
>you making fun of me means you’re triggered. I WIN!!!
As many as it takes to get more people in theater seats
Controversy and blacklisting wouldn't do shit if the directors didn't give in every single time a bit of scrutiny from the public or media happened. A racist director won't stop a movie from performing well, a sexist director won't stop a movie from performing well, a pedo director won't stop a movie from performing well. And since many popular directors have the money to do whatever the fuck they want, they could and should do what they want. Most of the ticket purchases won't be coming from some outraged retards
yes? if you have powder cocaine then crack is extremely simple to make.
it's not the jews fault you can't have sex m8
Reasons that he literally said himself, there are a million movies with white people as main characters, his casting choice is a response to that. I didn't assume or project this at all
>Niggers ITT complaining about spelling
WEW. Half your posts ITT have been in fucking ebonics you clowns.
No one actually cares about black people aside from wishing they'd just shut the fuck up.
I can't remember the last time there was a movie worth seeing in the theater. Or rent. Or download
because those are the stories i, as a white guy, am interested in telling. or is that not a good answer either?
It's an SJW tactic: Any negative opinion, for ANY reason, is "whining"/"being triggered".
It's their attempt to shut-down criticism/mockery via shaming, even though it doesn't make any sense.
>66 unique posters
No one ever said that?
I came into this thread expecting /pol/shit but there's actually quite a lot of pushback. Proud of you guys.
"The vast majority of people identify and lambast these double standards"
First off, it's not a double standard, no matter how many times you say it is
Second, Yea Forums is not the "vast majority of people". Go out into the real world sometime please, most people do not feel that "i should say nigga because blacl people can" is an acceptable belief
>I can spell
youre a speshul kinda snowflake
I'm just having a good time you fuck. no bulli
"I can be racist because it makes things 'more even' in my skewed view of the world" isn't a valid reason.
You're STILL a racist and STILL a hypocrite.
Cry some Crisco-flavored tears about it, SJW. Logic doesn't stop existing because you don't like it.
>being on Yea Forums
>feeling proud
Yes, it is.
(sighs) who shipped the cocaine into the country? Inner city niggers with boats and planes?
Based obsessed retard
>I came into this thread expecting logic and reason but there's actually quite a lot of baseless SJW dogma and crying. Proud of you guys.
Fixed that for you.
>but white people aren't
shut the fuck up chimp nobody cares. Go back to twitter newfag
there's tons of movies with black leads as well. if he really wanted to change things he'd cast an asian or an indian lead. wonder why he's not doing that.
it's called a tranny psyop. you will never be a woman and black people will never think your cool
cool argument /pol/ dick
The purpose of his statement and casting choice isn't to make you feel guilty about being born white, it's just to blast the hegemony that makes up the world of art and film, which is and has been always been undeniably white-centric. Thats all it is, he's not looking to take a shit on all white people or whatever
but most nazi's are trannys. Is this a /pol/ psyop?
Doesn’t take much, does it? You must be a nigger.
For real, the last movie I saw in the theaters was the South Park movie back in 1999 and the only reason I went to see it was because I was a shithead teen who still thought dick and fart jokes were funny. There really isn't any movies worth paying for, especially now. Why the fuck would I want to waste money on "Reboot #894,798" or "Comic Book Movie # 98,673,986"? There is no originality coming out of Hollywood anymore, if I want to watch a movie or tv show I'll put on a western from the 50's or 60's, those are leaps and bounds better than anything coming out in this day in age
I am really glad you people stay contained in Yea Forums. The rest of the internet would be insufferable otherwise.
You're missing the "because" at the end of your quote mate. You refuse to listen to the reasons why one thing is acceptable and the other one isn't, and because of that, it allows you to put both situations on an even ground and then call "double standards". Double standards only exists when two situations are identical. In this case, they are not. You are being intellectually lazy
>investigate further
no, that would be the higher ups in organized crime like the many mexican cartels, the mafia, etc. who then sell it to the gangs and mid level dealers who then divide it up to the street level guys. any other questions?
I couldnt care less about him hiring who he wants for his movies. But hes a smug cunt for implyig all movies involving white people are the same movie.
>t.insufferable faggot conformist
>Incel poltard virgins need to have sex!
>my wife's bf is black and he is a winner! He dindu nothin
>edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Imagine being a leftist in current year +4
Mommy and Daddy only bought him a lexus. He wanted a BMW.
when are you transitioning?
>Yea Forums
>intellectually lazy
Woah, woah, woah... I think you've been drinking too much user
if black director bad and racist, don't watch his movies
>ugly people = argument destroyed by facts and logic
based schizo
>implyig all movies involving white people are the same movie.
His quote doesn't imply that, though
when they rebranded it as "Equity", they were going to go with "all people are equal, but some people are more equal than others" but that didn't test well.
he means:
F or
A cademic
P urpose
>posts the same fat kekstani guy with pepe cake for the 40th time.
I don't even care. Jews and blacks can't do shit with Whitey's institutions. Once we're gone, they'll soon follow--probably end up eating each other, or getting enslaved by the Chinese.
You wouldn't be casting white people based on representation, you'd be casting them based on being a /pol/ reactionary tard. It really isn't the same thing.
what the fuck happened to phil
Same reason wh*toids allowed themselves to be hit by Trucks of Peace.
No. I will gladly watch the movie with an extra large popcorn and coke while shitting on it later on tv to show how racist and piece of shit that Peele really is
i guess that's the fundematal difference. people like you for some reason think racial equality in the US hasn't changed since the 50s. then there's people with a brain in their heads who can see that's absurd. it doesn't seem like we'll ever agree.
Representation shouldn't even be a thing to begin with you dumb nigger. It adds nothing to a film or tv show. Please just end yourself.
Are you just now realizing this?
“Ive seen that movie before” no he hasnt thats a retarded quote and makes him sound like a smug racist.
Imagine being obsessed about interracial cuckoldry for several years straight
Seek psychiatric help
lol that's what i thought
There were dozens of threads over the past week whining about his casting choices and saying the word "dude."
It's a fine answer if it makes sense. What white stories are there, do you know of any? If you made a film about a predominantly white country's conquest of another white country or something and didn't include black people it would make sense, and anybody who bitched about it would be wrong, although you probably wouldn't have too many people bitch about it in the first place. If you're making a superhero movie and say "my movies need no black people because this is a white story only" that would make no fucking sense and yes you would be shit on about it
I'm not mad about him wanting to give roles to black actors. I'm just bored with the race baiting, blame whitey bullshit.
Like if he just came out and said, I'm black so I want to cast black actors in my films then that's fine, its honest and I don't have a problem with it. But running out there and pretending that blacks don't get their fair share of parts and getting the progressive morons to clap for him like trained seals is just self righteous shit. Blacks get plenty of parts, aside from Jews they're about the only ethnicity that's actually over represented in Hollywood.
why are you leaving white people out of this equation? racist much?
dios mio
>racial equality in the US hasn't changed since the 50s.
It's changed, but they haven't stopped bitching about it. Here's what the jews had them doing before kneeling was a thing. Same shit, different decade. It's all so tiresome.
Also all of these threads would always get 300+ replies.
>Representation shouldn't even be a thing to begin with
Then why are you so mad when you're slightly underrepresented?
Yes. Shills never larp as offended alt-righters. Never.
>actually giving a shit about this retarded first world problem
>implying those are not shills brigading this board
Fake news and fake outrage.
No one wants to watch niggers, you fucking nigger.
and what do you suppose would happen if i said that in an interview for the whole country to see? are you really so dishonest that you're going to say id be just fine and my career wouldn't be affected?
Woke twitter sucks at making funny memes
>no one wants to watch brown people
t. brown guy
There are no attractive leftists. The entire ideology rots the mind, body, and soul.
Kek, you're just being difficult at this point. White people gave it to them and this is documented fact
Nobody does, representation shouldn't be a thing!
depends largely on the subject matter of the movie, but there's few cases where race should even be considered in casting.. and that is .. adaptations from another media (like a book), it should be faithful to the source material as an adaptation really should be playing out the book with characters we can see with our eyes rather than just imagine. If the author describes a character, try to find an actor that fits that description as much as possible.. If no coloration or physical descriptors are used for a character.. knock yourself out, cast whoever matches the personality the most. if the movie is going to be a period piece, then the ethnicity of the actors should fit the setting of the film, IE a viking film shouldn't have black people or Asians in it and should be almost entirely northern European, a Samurai movie set before contact with Europe should be 100% Japanese cast, or even if it's a modern film, if it's set in South Central Los Angeles during the 90's, yeah most the cast will be black maybe a latino or two. But if you're doing an original film set somewhere where it's possible to have any race, then race shouldn't even be considered. Just go for good performances.
are you purposefully missing the point. people are upset because it's socially acceptable for anyone but white people to complain about representation. it's not hard to understand.
Is this all just another form of gibs? It’s all so tiresome.
>it's socially acceptable for anyone but white people
Then what are white liberals, you dumb fuck?
whatever helps you feel morally superior, user.
White liberals are cancer.
Lots of white people making coke in south america.
That's a boring troll dude. I mean you got a reply out of me but its not going to produce an amusing confrontation.
Calling me an antisemite would have been more amusing and provided better LARPing opportunities for you to troll under.
Liberals aren't actually human, so it's okay when they do it.
>me: traps are gay
>them: pic related
>You wouldn't be casting black people based on representation, you'd be casting them based on being a /leftypol/ reactionary tard.
Why are you not getting this?
Is the high amount of trans-fats in your body-positive diet interrupting your brain's neurological functions? Or is it the Estrogen you inject yourself with doing that?
>white liberals complain about white representation in movies
you really are doing this shit on purpose huh? what do you get out of acting like an idiot online?
Gentle reminder that the Contra sold cocaine into black neighborhoods, meeting a demand that was already created by black gangs.
There is no solid evidence of that ever being the governments intention either.
>Ape reacts to wrongthink with violence
So intelligent.
Awful boogeyman. Even redditor has a nicer ring to it.
People will take "I was trying to keep this film accurate" as an excuse. You would probably still get a little bit of shit from the bleeding fringe but I guarantee even some reputable actors/directors/whatever would defend it.
>Yea Forums is the only place that mocks/contradicts SJW anti-logic
You wish, tranny. You're welcome to go back to Resetera, though. They actually ban people for questioning the SJW narrative with critical-thinking, which is why you THINK this mindset is confined to Yea Forums and other places that still have some variety of Freedom of Speech imposed.
No. It will be nominated for, and probably win a bunch of jew awards and has already spawned plenty of clickbait. But no, nobody here actually cares.
>implying blacks did this to themselves
racist much?
>Actor roles by race.png (74 KB, 1190x756)
Can someone post the actual chart that shows how many of the Whites are actually Jews?
>You refuse to listen to the reasons why one thing is acceptable and the other one isn't, and because of that, it allows you to put both situations on an even ground and then call "double standards". Double standards only exists when two situations are identical.
The only difference between the two is the race of the people involved.
Believing one thing when Blacks are involved, but something completely different when Whites are involved, is called "racism".
If you believe in racist principles then fucking get used to people calling you a "racist", because that's what you are.
can someone pls explain to me why it's ok for minority creatives to focus on the stories and experiences of their own communities, but it's not ok for majority creatives to do the same?
not trolling just out of touch boomer pls no bully
The saddest part is that blacks of every income bracket were progressing in edcuation and income until welfare programs became excessive and built dependencies.
>this is documented fact
Where? In your "WE WUZ KANGS" conspiracy-theory blog?
Literally who in Hollywood is anti diversity in movies name one faggot
I won't. But I'll also shit on him for his blatant, open hypocrisy and racism. And there's nothing you can do about it. :^)
>You wouldn't be casting white people based on representation
Why do you project your flawed assumptions onto other people?
Oh wait,
That's why.
cringe, and yikes, and oofpilled
the important thing is that different races are fighting between themselves over stupid shit like movie roles, an artificial commodity
I don't care about this movie and I don't watch this guy's films just like I don't watch spike lee's films. But every major franchise is starting to get forced diversity where people are cast based on what race and gender they are for the sake of diversity, as if diversity is an important aspect of a film. Which it is not. And it isn't an altruistic motivation either. It's neoliberalism. They're marketing political opinions basically due to sjw's having a disproportionately loud voice on the interwebs.
It becomes very obvious when they do this. Like trying to make a nigger james bond etc. No one wants it. The people pushing for it aren't even the audience.
Here you go.
The second part of the "make your own films" is stop shoehorning yourselves into everybody elses by complaining about "representation"
my personal opinion? the more female politicians we have, the more issues such as that we will have. Why we ever let into politics the gender who are notorious for enabling victims and being victims is beyond me
>Like if he just came out and said, I'm black so I want to cast black actors in my films then that's fine
They won't do that though because Whites aren't allowed to do that, and doing so would make the hypocrisy SO obvious that even the brain-dead SJW's ITT couldn't pretend to ignore it any more.
There would be merits to this argument if it wasn't for the fact that every "left wing casting" movie wasn't full of "white peeepo are evil and white men are gross!" type of dialogue in every single one of them.
Still an unrealistically better portrayal.
the blonde one still looks too hot honestly.
he said in the board constantly crying about minorities being cast
you overestimate SJWs
Personal Responsibility doesn't apply to blacks.
>not a Yea Forums board
>an actual Yea Forums board
I wonder which one's got a better cultural hold on the website.
based y'all poster
>You are being intellectually lazy
>BTW, blacks are allowed to do something but whites aren't allowed to do the exact same thing. Also I'm not racist.
SHILLzam is going to flop the hardest
literally nobody is actually mad about a black man's casting choices for his black movie.
Because it's transparent hypocrisy.
Leftism is built on reality-denial and Double-Think. Simple as that.
you’re right, user — what kind of a white knight am I, to overlook one of the fundamental building blocks of my social justice agenda? thanks for correcting me, comrade
This entire thread shows first hand on how retarded people who care identity politic are, and why despite how obviously fake mainstream media is people believe it anyways.
Apparently retards can't understand how context can make 2 similar statements have completely different meanings. And some of the less retarded ones understand context (at least well enough to defend their own position) then willfully ignore context when "the enemy" makes a statement context is required to understand.
>the location of the discussion influences the level of impact they have during raiding
You're a fucking brainlet.
"But if you're doing an original film set somewhere where it's possible to have any race, then race shouldn't even be considered. Just go for good performances"
I'll pretty much agree with this except for one thing: superhero and fantasy shit, including science fantasy (star wars etc)
I bring these up because they tend to get the most shit, if not all the shit, for not casting black people. Comic book and superhero and fantasy genre fans love the lore and all the nerd shit but at the end of the day these things are about the idea that "anyone can be good, anyone can be a hero" or whatever. Its cheesy and i dont like capeshit but that's what it is. If women and black people are excluded from this message, I literally can't think of any possible reason as to why. Even "that's just how it came out, i didn't think about it!" isn't an excusable answer, in my opinion. These things were always written keeping all people in mind, so why wouldnt a director doing an adaptation keep it in mind as well? That's why we've got captain marvel and black panther and it's really not a big fuckin deal.
But other than that you're right, but then in movies where race wasnt even thought about, which happen to be mostly white, no lefties have complained to my knowledge. No one cared that john wick had 2 black people with 2 minutes of screen time like the other guy pointed out. I've been watching some Lynch lately and I just realized that guy almost never puts black people in his movies. Nobody bitches at these people because they dont make movies that have a racial component. They also don't put out some manifesto saying "No blacks in my movies ever", probably because A: theyre simply not thinking in this manner, B: why the fuck would they? To antagonize people? Everyone in here is talking about "what if I say "no niggers in my movie" huh? Huh??" Almost like they think it's cute to be this fucking retarded and act like theyre making a good argument
>"w-why don't b-blacks make their own m-movies"
>they do
lmao @ the /pol/faggots proving his point itt
this was made by a falseflagging /pol/tard to make /pol/ look innocent. they're not.
Still haven't come up with an argument eh?
>Apparently retards can't understand how context can make 2 similar statements have completely different meanings.
You're doing SJW deflection again while DESPERATELY trying to pretend you're some kind of "centrist" external party providing input. It's transparent as fuck.
The only difference in the "context" of the two conflicting claims the race of those involved. That's what makes one acceptable to you, and the other deplorable to you.
That makes you a racist retard.
If you want to be a racist and hold/promote racist views, that's honestly fine. But stop pretending your transparent racism ISN'T racism and getting triggered when people call you and your views "racist".
Fucking simple as that, brainlet.
So what's your point, besides calling everybody a retard?
Thread's on autosage and leftycucks still haven't come up with a good argument. Sad.
Anti white agenda. You think I'm memeing but I'm not. Its cultural taboo for whites to do anything explicitly for their own group.
you retards never responded to the original argument in the OP, so why do you need another?
you've been trying to cope for 320+ posts
>proving his point
Nope, you are memeing. I'm not really interested in arguing with you about it.
>you retards never responded to the original argument in the OP
OP was BTFO within the first five posts and the rest of the thread was SJW lying, deflection and coping.
Don't fucking lie to me or yourself, faggot.
The left really can't meme.
He's right tho. Black pride is celebrated and white pride is demonized.
>I'm not really interested in arguing with you about it.
Oh, we know. Arguing would imply you had a point. But you don't. So engaging in an argument would be a death-sentence for you.
Naturally you tried to disguise this as a prissy, catty, passive-aggressive deflection, but it didn't work.
not him but
>Nope, you are memeing.
>I'm not really interested in arguing with you about it.
Yeah, because you would fucking lose.
nah you just whatabouted like you alt-incels always do, that's not an argument ;^)
"The only difference between the two is the race of the people involved"
Wrong. Context is a thing, black people are only treated marginally better than they were a hundred years ago and there's sources for this fucking everywhere, they are still pejoratively called nigger to their faces every day for no good reason. If you don't think racism is a thing just go on /pol/ except i'm sure thats where you came from anyway. you can lazily ignore such context by going "its da pwincipwe!!" but nobody is having it anymore and that's a good thing
>having any opinion makes you an automatic extremist. the only correct path is to agree with or disagree with BOTH positions, and/or call both positions retarded
>calls someone a retard
>thinks this is an argument worthy of serious rebuttal
>intentionally misinterpreting something that is so simply laid out
Yep, you're salty. Keep running damage-control, SJW.
>not interested in arguing
not capable of arguing
What white-centered story are you keen on seeing on the big screen? Whatever it is, I'm sure it already exists, but do tell
>black people are only treated marginally better than they were a hundred years ago and there's sources for this fucking everywhere, they are still pejoratively called nigger to their faces every day for no good reason
Please tell me you're false-flagging.
>all the possible 'white-centric' stories already exist! you can't make any more!
Holy shit, these are the illogical non-arguments that SJW's have been reduced to start throwing out. You people are fucking desperate AND sub-intelligent.
well capeshit is usually an adaptation from the comics, in most cases I'd like to keep things looking like the original source material. I'm okay with Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury because I like him as an actor and he brings unique qualities to the character and I think he does a good portrayal. On the flip side I was never sold on Idris Elba as Heimdall.. I mean it's supposed to be a Norse God for one, and I doubt he's black in the comics and really either the screenplay doesn't let him bring his own uniqueness to the character that makes it worth it or he's just not the right actor for the role, but I was never impressed with it. In general I think it's better to stick to the ethnicity in that source material. Now that aside, the MCU has actually done a pretty good job of including diversity in its cast while also keeping true to source material by introducing to film audiences characters from the comics that never really saw screen time on film before, Falcon and War Machine and Black Panther have been black Superheroes for decades in the comics, and now we finally bring them to the big screen, and I appreciate that. Really the best way to increase diversity in genre fiction is to create new characters or find characters in the lore that are of different ethnicities originally. Actors of different ethnicities get the chances of roles, and audiences get to see new characters and they all feel legit rather than some sort of token ethnic spin, it's a win win.
I think Black Panther was overhyped and overrated, but I still enjoyed it, it was a neat hero with a neat costume and powers.
Now Star Wars is interesting you bring up because they brought in Lando for that reason (because the first film was too white). Since we're doing an original fantasy movie set in space with god knows what aliens and types of people out there, nobody could complain about including a black man in that cast. Same goes for sci fi.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is "the enemy"!!!
Fucking hell I literally point this out in the post you're replying to and you STILL DO IT.
>The only difference in the "context" of the two conflicting claims the race of those involved
No you fucking retard, Peele LITERALLY tells you the context
"I've already seen that movie", referencing all the movies that are already made that star white leads. And that because of it, he wants to make movies with black leads.
The reverse statement "I want to have all white films" doesn't hold the same meaning.
If you can't understand the difference "I would like to be more represented in leading roles. Since I have the power to do so, I will make myself more represented in leading roles"
As opposed to
"I hate niggers and liberals, why can't we have any all white films like we used to?" (with additional context being: the only people who seem to be asking for all white films also happen to be /pol/ and/or white supremacists)
>black people are only treated marginally better than they were a hundred years ago
Yeah right. Everyone is tripping over themselves to suck nigger cock. We can point to priority in schooling. We can point to priority in government jobs. We can point to firms that get lawsuits rammed up their asses when they don't have enough black employees to meet the quotas.
Your sources are just allusions to this magical racist ether that has no tangible impact on reality. Pretty soon people are going to figure that out, and then things are going to get reverted.
>but nobody is having it anymore
You're delusional.
The vast majority of people can identify this as naked hypocrisy, DESPITE cucks like you trying to socially punish them for recognizing reality.
SJW reality-denialists like you AREN'T the majority and never were. You're just loud and often in positions of power.
>using niggers to push for censorship
fucking typical
Lol you think mexico is made of money? Who do you think gave them the tools to make an extremely high grade of coke good enough to appease the largest world power? If they were making coke before, it would've been utter shit quality and we would not have allowed it to be imported, until we said "fine, heres some equipment, please bring us your coke so we can move it into the black community, thanks"
>Everyone who disagrees with me is "the enemy"!!!
And then immediately afterwards:
>"I hate niggers and liberals, why can't we have any all white films like we used to?"
Neck yourself. People like you are fucking insufferable. You're blatantly hypocritical yet CONVINCED of your own staggering superior intelligence.
If you want to make an all-white movie, pool some funds together with some likeminded people and make it.
>b-but it's not FAIR I don't get the same funding as hollywood approved movies!
That sounds awfully similar to what Peele was talking about, except instead of white-movies not being hollywood approved it currently it was black leads not being hollywood approved in the past.
>"I've already seen that movie", referencing all the movies that are already made that star white leads. And that because of it, he wants to make movies with black leads.
There are also already movies with black leads.
So basically you're admitting his point is factually incorrect/invalid.
Seethe harder, SJW.
trust me, no SJW has ever put this much thought into it, or into anything else for that matter
>Hypocrisy/Racism is OK if we do it
Story of this thread.
Imagine crafting these grasping speculations to rationalize your world view. Imagine being this desperate to pin all evil on whitey.
so you’re saying peele is racist
>Everyone who disagrees with me is "the enemy"!!!
>"I hate niggers and liberals, why can't we have any all white films like we used to?" (with additional context being: the only people who seem to be asking for all white films also happen to be /pol/ and/or white supremacists)
yeah, I'm aware, they just say "we want black James Bond because there's 24 movies where he's a white guy already we want something DIFFERENT" like honestly how much more racist can you get than to see it being played by a black man makes it "different"?
OK so you're ADMITTING that Hollywood is racist, but just racist towards whites? But that's OK since "Well it USED to be racist towards blacks"?
This is really baffling. Yet you claim to want Equality.
white SJWs using blacks to help position themselves politically and socially is a form of psychopathy
>Racism is OK when black people do it because blacks have been OPPRESSED, you fucking NAZI
And people still claim Yea Forums isn't being raided by Reddit/Tumblr/Resetera SJW's.
No i was sincerely asking for an example. Don't shit your pants, just give me one
>soon things will be reverted
Uh, reverted back to what?
I really hate what /pol/ has done to this board.
Hollywood is one of the most socially backwards places in the USA. They’re way behind the times when it comes to race, gender and inclusion, yet they can’t help but congratulate themselves and browbeat others. It’s full of stupid self righteous cunts.
>often in positions of power
We'll take it, cuck. Racism is dying, one incel's career at a time. It'll be great when the world never hears anything about "race realism" ever again
>sincerely asking a stupid question
still a stupid question that doesn’t deserve an answer
Seems like the free market has determined it doesnt want racism anymore. Guess race "realists" will have to get over it, or pool their own assets to make films like Dragged Across Concrete which will hardly turn a profit :^)
No more priority on the basis of race.
I've literally been talking about context this entire time and you /pol/ types are still too stupid to understand.
>There are also already movies with black leads.
Please point me to a fantasy epic equivalent to Lord of The Rings except with a black cast. Oh wait it doesn't exist.
>Conflating "I am making more of my kind represented" with "I don't like niggers, make them go away!"
>Asked to pitch an all white film
>Can't even be bothered to entertain a hypothetical, just wants to bitch instead
Then you guys complain pro-white films don't exist...
> thinks he winning a war against racism
truly delusional, the mind of the SJW
why are you so obsessed with race?
If there's less systemic discrimination now then before the 70s, how come lower income blacks are doing worse by comparison? At what point in time do they start taking responsibility for their lack of progression in society?
Imagine thinking the US got to its current position in the world by being good to other people. Imagine thinking the US didn't build itself entirely off the backs of slaves, both here and internationally. You're delusional mate, we gave south american countries the means to produce great coke that could then be mixed with baking soda, melted and hardened, and sold on black streets. We weren't just "plagued with crack" one day thanks to dem messicans
when the democrat party folds
>cries over diversity
>casts only blacks
I'm incredibly racist myself.
Tell me: what do you think happens when you spend almost a decade browsing /pol/ but you're black so you don't swallow the white nationalism. But you can't ignore everything you've read, so you can't be pro-black either. You're left with nothing but hate. For sjws and the people who want you dead.
I support it for the same reasons you would support a mainstream director being explicitly pro-white.
>proving user’s point yet again
You’re like a broken fucking record. Why is this thread still up?
You're trying to pass off plausible sounding storytelling as what actually happened. Its just speculation fag. You're gonna have to do better than that
The greatest stimulation of the US and middle class were created by Vanderbilt, JP Morgan, Carnegie, and Rockefeller. Cotton wasn't that impressive by comparison. Also, the supply of drugs came from Contra filling an existent demand in gang riddled neighborhoods. There's no credible evidence whatsoever that indicates that was the governments intention either.
/pol/ is satire and basically so are SJWs. Nobody actually gives a shit about you or your skin color, so just move on with your life. Stop coming here if it’s making you a hateful nigger.
Assuming this is true, then what you're saying is the dumb niggers couldn't help themselves? Why are niggers so incapable of taking care of themselves? Look no further than Africa for examples. Even the Indians who were colonized are light years ahead of nigger countries. Street shitting aside. Why is that? Seems like maybe niggers are just a different species perhaps. Not quite as smart as humans. Oh wait it's all da white man's fault n sheeit
> filling an existent demand in gang riddled neighborhoods
>implying it wasn't a supply side economic strategy and it increased demand for it by dumping supply of crack into black neighborhoods
>all of /pol/ is satire
>haha you can just ignore facts and statistics if it makes you feel uncomfortable! That's what I do!
This is the mindset of the average /pol/tard
>then what you're saying is the dumb niggers couldn't help themselves?
Then what you're saying is the dumb chinks couldn't help themselves?
But wait, asians have higher IQs than whites, and they still got fucked by Opium being shipped in by whites...
If you want to call it supply side, sure. But there's never been evidence of that being the governments intent. Just because Contra supplied heroin doesn't mean blacks had to buy it.
>gun to your head
>forced to suck man with gun to completion
>kills you
Yeah dude why couldn't you do anything about it? Could it be because you're genetically inferior? That's gotta be it
China is doing light years better than any country in the entire continent of Africa, my feces colored friend. What excuse do niggers have I'm still waiting. All these places that whitey fucked over seem to be doing better than Wakanda so far. Are niggers just too stupid to form a functioning society?
Please speak plainly I'm not into your gay cock sucking erotica.
Nice try, but I noticed you didn't actually address my counterargument.
Explain why when niggers suffer from a superior economic power forcing drugs into their communities it's because they are dumb, but it's not when chinese suffer from a superior economic power forcing drugs into their communities?
What's the difference? Please explain how they both fall victim to similar tactics and intelligence is the cause despite one of the victims being objectively more intelligent than whites?