Is Rich okay with this?
RLM selling off pieces of Pre-Rec set
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Fuck off with your gay ass eceleb friend simulator, faggot. Reddit is that way
Rich gives no fucks, he's moving to Maui.
finally someone says it
Sadly Rich has no say in asset handling under the his new contract re-structuring.
>27 bids
insert bearded-onions-NuMale.gif here
jesus christ
I know poor faggots, why even try if i'm gonna get it anyway.
>+$8.60 shipping
Only 8.60? How small is this thing?
That is pretty cool though. But I can't put that in my room since I'm not 16.
based and checked
it's literaly a piece of cardboard printed on from an internet image that Rich cutted out. He didn't "make it" at all.
I imagine Mike told Rich to get the shit out the studio and that he was gonna sell it for booze money.
Are they that desperate for money?
Nah it's painted on foam board, he did make it
I stand corrected, I'm sorry Richard Evanson.
It's foam board cut and painted.
You're such a piece of human garbage shit, aren't you, user
I didn't know Rich made those.
Nobody wants to remember what a horrible failure Pre-Rec was - least of all Rich and Jack.
Rich is the one that builds their sets and stuff
wow 155 dollars what a bargain
Yeah but I still thought he bought those somewhere.
What the fuck is with the similar items and people also viewed section?
Imagine being the fucking loser who actually buys it
Feedback they've left. I wonder who manages the account.
I bought a poster from an artist I really liked at a con. And the immediate feeling of deep apathy I felt, made me never purchase merch ever again. The stuff is junk.
Oh good another Red Letter Media thing for you faggots to get autistic about.
Sounds like an indian intern or Mike pretending to be a nice person and going overboard.
Chances are, some bum artist at a con needed that money way more than Rich so at least you did a 'good deed' of some kind
Maybe he did. His comic ws popular though, and there was a long line. I'm sure they walked away with a good chunk of cash that day. They also sold merch from their website.