Jannah, played by Naomi Ackie, is reportedly Finn's long-lost sister. They were captured together by the First Order to be turned into Stormtroopers, but Jannah managed to escape, and believed Finn to have died in the attempt. She has been living on her own and on the run from the First Order ever since.
EPISODE IX Rumored Leaks About Naomi Ackie's Character
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Have sex
With her? Yes please?
Oh hey she's related to that guy no one gives a fuck about, cool.
who gives a shit?
fuck jj
fuck caitlyn cuntneddy
and fuck nuwars
how negative can the hype go boys
>Finn's long-lost sister.
This better not be true.
There still isn't a single new white male good guy in Disney wars, no agenda here goys.
ooga booga
>on the run from the First Order ever since
lol. I doubt they would care about her.
ONI-CHAN, am I cute, ~Uguu?
>never ever mentions her.
>devotes himself to finding Rey
>suddenly, we arent diverse enough and finn needs an arc because that fat asian bitch bombed.
>ah! unheard of sister!
Im not seeing this working out well.
What about Purple Ackie's character?
Guess my jungle fever is back boys.
He probably doesn't remember her due to his programming. He mentions they wiped his memories.
SeeAre you retard?
>There still isn't a single new white male good guy in Disney wars
There wasn't in ESB or RotJ either.
Who even cares anymore?
>those teeth
hold still now
What are the leaks about that yellow alien nigga?
>random negress is a relevant character in nu-wars
wow, nice leak. nobody really cares about she-bacca
Jon boyega is hideous. Not even a billion dollar entity like Disney could turn him into a star. His career is done after this, because he kills every franchise he's in
ESB and ROTJ didn't introduce any significant new good guy characters except for Lando. There haven't been two white good guys in Disney wars except for Han and Luke who were both elderly existing characters that were killed off. Certainly no agenda here.
> (OP)
>What are the leaks about that yellow alien nigga?
Oh, the space bug?
>She has been living on her own and on the run from the First Order ever since
Literally why the fuck would they care about one nobody child? You can't be "on the run" if nobody is chasing you.
Didn't they just add a chink character? What's with all these forgettable characters and why does Disney cast genetic looking nobody's who have nothing but JC Penny modeling on their resume
black and woman? All they have to do is make her gay and were all set, eh fellow right side of history people?
will travel
But stormtroopers are volunteers
The chink character is gonna turn into a secondary secondary character like Jar Jar Binks's Senator in II and III, to get her fuck out of the story.
This fucking guy
hes an alien from one of jjs other shit shows so retards can feel smart when they say "oh lookie wow its that alien from that show i get the reference XD"
>3rd movie in the trilogy
>introducing MORE characters before even fleshing out the ones we have
Seems like a bad idea but ok
>not liking fucked up teeth
Pleb taste.
So diverse
all of this. they create those pointless characters for his pointless story cause they don't know fuck to do with him but can't kill him cause diversity hire. that's all that is.
Welp another movie I won't be watching this year
That bitch could eat an apple through a chain link fence
>invincible superior being white saviour saves cast of weak and powerless non-whites
What did Disney mean by this?
She is ugly af like all nigresses
Wow that's boring.
It could have been interesting if she were still an avid follower of the First Order, sibling conflict could be interesting and we could potentially see the other side.
unironically, she is rumored to have been promoted to a high position in the resistance which means won't be joining in adventure. Just like Senator Binx.
Wow, what a big galaxy you have there. Everyone is fucking related.
based and redpilled. no matter how many diversity they insert in the movie, it's gonna be white sue that saves the noble savages.
Blacks have been more displaced from their homelands in history than whites, it's more interesting when they are related than white characters being related.
This is what a white feminist utopia looks like
funny he acts like a normal person despite suffering such trauma. you'd think he'd be an autistic sperg but nah.
that's called subverted expectations. everyone expected rey to be related to a famous character but it's finn who's related to a literal who.
he looks like an ape
bad acting
Who’s the one that says “dey here”?
>finn and sister get caught
>sister escapes, autist finn doesn't
>sister becomes a leader of some ooga booga tribe, finn becomes a janitor
>finn and sister reunite
>sister steals finn's thunder
>sister starts storm trooper rebellion
>finn plays sister's comic relief sidekick
what did JJ mean by that?
he unironically has the most punchable face of any celebrity and that's saying something
Based and sexpilled
Lol the best part is when writing RotJ, Lucas wanted to introduce Luke's long lost sister, but bringing in a new character at that point would have been to jarring and wouldn't be fleshed out enough so he just made Leia become his sister.
Now they're doing it here but with characters no one cares about.
Boyega's a mediocre actor, he has no modes other than "comic tough", but the scripts are so crap that i find it hard to blame him. they're schizophrenic as shit with him, he's introduced in TFA as a young soldier traumatized by war and literally smeared with the blood of his friends, then the rest of the movie is him being a butt monkey and getting kicked around and mocked by literally everyone else. it's ridiculous. not even starting on his "arc" in TLJ
There are movies that are so bad they become enjoyable, but Last Jedi is so shitty it puts a sour taste in my taste.
Oh nice, they're giving Finn something to do in this film. Too bad it's happening in the final part of the trilogy.
Rose is not on the poster because her character is sidelined. The excuse is that she's pregnant with Finn's son and has to stay home. The movie ends with her giving birth to twin mutts while screaming like a bantha.
dont know about you guys but I guess I'd like to stuff her with my white gooey nectar
those lips were made for ducking sick
Finna cringe
what are blacks even doing in space?
I'm glad they gave Lando his iconic costume that we all remember from the poster of that Donald Glover movie that none of us went to see
the absolute STATE of the galaxy. as if we needed more proof that Sheev was right. The Empire would not have let this happen.
>Why are sheboons so disgusting to look at
>and on the run from the First Order ever since
So they have nothing else to do than chase her around.
>the one that got away
that shot of him in the desert sweating after he takes his helmet off makes me physically ill. just imagine the smell.
This is incredibly retarded. The old outfit is a prequel to the OT, why would he be wearing the same one like +40 years later? All the characters written by JJ are in arrested development, I'm really curious how he's gonna rape Lando.I bet he'll be quipping like a madman while all his friends are dying around him
>Wow, what a big galaxy you have there.
JJ can't into scale, distance or speed. People bump into each other on every planet they visit, you can zig-zag across the galaxy in a matter of minutes and Han can pinpoint the exact attosecond to jump out of hyperspace after phasing through the shield, but before smashing into the planet based on a fucking feeling.
Isn’t she Lando’s daughter? Is Finn Lando’s son then?
She cute
They already made him some pansexual dandy instead of the gangster ladies-man who finally made good.
Expect further feminisation of the only actually black role model Star Wars ever had
That's one bad photo, overall she's attractive
>Makeup can turn any 2/10 into a 9-
why don't you two just make out
Luke's non-Leia sister was the sequel hook for a new trilogy. Movie would end with Vader telling Luke to find her before dying. Lucas suddenly decided he wanted to wrap it all up in Return of the Jedi so he used Leia instead.
Reminder that this was caused by Lucas' marriage failing. He was gearing up for big things when he started construction of Skywalker Ranch and then... He didn't make Star Wars movies for about 15 years.
Who cares
>on the run from the First Order ever since
why would they give a fuck?
space cotton harvesting is too arduous and unprofitable a task to be done by a paid workforce
One week after this gets released we’re gonna have threads about how everyone here who thinks she’s ugly want to lick her asshole
>hey guys muh long lost sistah
Brah fuck JJ this is stupid
>Wanting sex with a nigger
They want the Blacked Panther shekels
at least in the prequels there was a story to get out of
of ccourse she's leading everything now
women ruin yet another thing
Hey, I want to lick her asshole already
I was getting sick of this until this post, well done lad
>Everyone is fucking related.
Except for the Skywalkers. Disney make sure to kill them off for good.
i wanna suck on those lips
maybe ix will be watchable after all
Holy shit, this movie has both an ASIAN woman and a BLACK woman? Since you guys are still crying about Rose and the purple haired woman from TLJ, how far into the future are you going to make the board unbearable because of this?
It's lando's daughter you fuckwit, it's already been confirmed.
>random stormtrooper
>so valuable that you're on the run for rest of your life?????????????
wtf am i reading?
Fuck nuwars.
push him to the edge, all his friends are dead
No, it hasn't.
>introducing MORE minor characters in the last film when your main characters have about two lines worth of backstory each
And how the fuck would FN-2187 be able to know who his family was?
>reintroducing Lando when Han is dead
>reintroducing the minor character people can live without during your last and therefore most climactic film when you've killed off Han and Luke
the audience lost the will to live
Looks like someone's never read poetry before.
>Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi.
you dumb asses its landos daughter
Who gives a fuck anymore? Star Wars as an entire franchise has been in decline since The Phantom Menace and was finally beheaded with The Last Jedi Fuck this whole thing.
wow how exciting a new totally pointless character in a dead series.
And and and she's a jedi who built her own lightsaber and taught herself the ways of the force she can crush planets with a single gesture and she can teleport. donut steel.
You know he's going to meet Finn's sister and say "well what have we here?"
I only care about Luke Skywalker, and they killed and ruined his character. Star Wars is dead to me.
I believe it. It’s so stupid and derivative that I’m sure they’ll do it.
So this is the power of negative hype...
Why? We don't even care about Finn, why would we care if he has family?
That doesn’t mean anything. There’s an autist who spams thread about that random lead chick from that terrible Disney Nutcracker movie last year. Autists will waifu anyone.
Because they killed the OT trio and want to you care about the new characters.
>they can't have more than 1 black character without them all being one big family with a missing father
That's a little racist
>Finn's sister
>not white
Fake as fuck, sry
Mods why is this sticky ?????????????
Is this true or is it head cannon? I knew about the imploding marriage and getting cucked by the landscaper, but I never thought it changed the story of Star Wars. Kinda makes sense, seeing as he switched gears with the Ewok movies and focusing on children’s stories (Willow, etc) afterwards. Depression does strange things to a man.
OK but where's Jar Jar Chinks during all this?
jj = janjannies
as well
Another shoehorned affirmative action move.
I don't even know what the first order is, and don't care. why should anyone care?
Surprisingly i don´t care. If they wanted Finn to be searching for his long lost sister they should have introduced that plot on the first movie. That would have given the character an objective to stand up to Phasma and built anticipation or something. They could have done it, they had plenty of chances and propperly developed Finn could have been interesting. For example, they could have shown some sort of relationship between him and the trooper that calls him traitor since they´ve probably been trained together since infancy. That in turn would have given him propper motivation to confront Phasma and ask about his sister and explore that on the second movie. (cliche fanservice level but if they wanted that storyline that´s how you do it organically)
Instead on the first movie his sole role is drag Rey into things and then the script just stops giving a shit about him. On the second movie he is useless as well and they barely develop anything about him. You honestly can´t ask people to care for him at this point. It´s too late and not only for Finn, they did the exact same thing with all the characters. None of them except for Kylo has clear objectives or motivations.
Remember in the Return of the Jedi when they introduced Han's long last brother John Solo? I always said it really makes a trilogy feel organic when you just add random characters throughout the story.
>another randomly introduced main character
That worked out so well with the Rose didn't it? Oh wait
You jest but this could have happened in the Solo movie...
Why is Lando wearing the costume from Solo?
Shouldn't he be in a different costume like he had in Empire or Returns?
Tacky attempt to validate their movies by having Billy Dee wear Don Glover's attire.
despite making up 13% of the population
>could go with any other hair style
>pick giant fro
the toys are going to be hilarious
I like Zorii though
Brit detected
Maybe you could've given him some pointers
Is he Snoke?
definitely warming the pegs this year, can already smell the red labels
>a fucking space compound bow
fuck no. Snoke is a cuck.
Thats fucking dumb. she should have been a stormtrooper, called him a traitor and shot him.
Chewie's got a crossbow.
She cute
I miss Sheev. Sheev would know what to do.
It's a blaster shaped like a crossbow.
it's not a crossbow
she cute
That's Rose. The actress didn't want to return so they had to CGI her. I think they did alright.
More like bad writing in this case.
>third movie in a trilogy
>let's introduce all these new, diverse characters we never heard of before and don't care about
No he doesn't, it's a bowcaster you dolt
even having chewbacca in these new movies are a fucking joke
I have. It's overrated.
that would have been a cool thing to introduce in you know the first movie in the trilogy.
I honestly don't give a fuck anymore. I just hope Dune 2020 isn't shit.
I'm actually impressed, they've driven the amount I care about this movie below what I thought was possible, which I thought had hit rock bottom. Well done!
look at this dude.....
stopit stopit stopit
>They bombin' the shit outta us!
Have YOU ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.
The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.
For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY
I thought stormtroopers were clones not just like captured people
It's like they rolled all complaints about ST aliens into one horrible creature.
>Republic Army were clones
>Imperial Stormtroopers were randos who volunteered
>First Order bootleg Stormtroopers were brainwashed child soldiers
Am I getting this stupid shit correct?
>You honestly can´t ask people to care about Finn at this point.
No one cares about Finn and no one will care about his sister.
Goddamn I forgot they were dragging out poor Billy Dee for this shitshow, guess they've got to ruin all the OT characters right?
He's super shy and very introverted in person, and honestly rather good looking? He has a weird body type but in person you don't pay attention to it
Knew him for a while, honestly a top lad and I think he's gay because he never ever had a girlfriend and avoided the subject liney crazy
It's so we know this is the safe Disney version of Lando, not the rugged womanising smuggler we thought we knew from the OT
Remember when Finn was going to sacrifice himself for the Resistance to prevent more of his new friends from dying until some chink flew out of nowhere to crash into him and prevent him from sacrificing himself which ended up killing off even more of his friends?
Then to top it all off she gives him a kiss for no fucking reason while the base is getting destroyed? Good times.
blow me
Not even based Billy Dee as Lando will get my ass in the seat.
Nothing short of Ewan in an Obi-wan solo film will ever get me to see a Disney Wars film, and even that’s a stretch at this point.
Will incels ever NOT get btfo? It's so common lately
>putting Rey in all white just to finalize her status as a savior complex mary sue
They're just gonna go all in with this shit aren't they?
It will be a show on Disney+ with Ewan as Obi wan.
I dunno you tell us incel.
>long-lost sister
Lotta that going around.
at least i'm not a nigger
Yeah. She will get her Mhysa moment in the next movie.
Oh, we're introducing new characters to not give a shit about, related to other characters we don't give a shit about... who weren't hinted at even in the slightest in the previous two films rather than actually finish up the plot threads we have laid the groundwork for. Awesome.
Strawman character to dunk on the fans
sex before marriage was a mistake
>baiting the last vestiges of your dying hardcore fanbase into buying a streaming service just so you can ruin the only good character left in the SW universe
Disney execs really are the Jewiest of the Jews aren’t they?
They are money hungry hypocrites. What did you expect?
Shit like this makes me so glad the Despecialized OT exists so I don't have to deal with George's nor Disney's horseshit.
>I miss Sheev
we all do, user. we all do
its an American tragedy what's happened to Disney
You starfuckers are all the same. Accepting anything the Jewish controlled media broadcasts onto your greasy 13" sansui hdtv.
>some of you are all right, don't come to a galaxy far far away a long time ago
Wait does this mean that Lando is going to be Finn's daddy?
Do you guys see Disney is purposefully
trying to trigger as many original Star Wars fans as possible.
Might as well stop posting about it.
Do not even give them attention
It's amazing how Disney turned 100% to shit the year after Roy Disney died and the Disney family lost any say in the company, Bob Iger ruined everything decent about it including 2D animation for a quick buck.
If I'm racist how come the only two characters I give a shit about are the black guy on the far left and the Armenian next to him?
Why couldn't they just let him retire in peace?
Shes actually Anakin reincarnated and Rey milks her like Luke did the seal in episode 8.
Nah, doesn't work. Should've done that in the second movie
>Do you guys see Disney is purposefully
nah. Hanlon's razor.
It's just that anybody with any real talent left long ago...usually they cash out. See ILM, Pixar, etc.
And the original Disney talent died more than a generation ago.
>introducing more pointless characters in the third act
lmao what a shitshow
Gotta humiliate and destroy every last original character.
NuWars is literally Satanic.
In the originals and even the prequels the force was described as benevolent and Jedi were to do its will while sith were perverting the force to their own will.
This is closer to a Christian ethic than the usual fantasy trope where
>muh balance
is having good and evil. To balance the force was to remove all the evil.
In NuWars they want to shit all over that and say muh feels and dark side powers are good too.
He's been happily begging to be the actual voice actor for every Lando cameo in games and shows. Nigga's been suckling on the SW teat as hard as he can.
>Christian ethic
that's why they have to destroy it
>tfw still haven’t watched a single nusw movie
It’s like the Jedi are cops and the Sith are heroin addicts and murderers. The ideal option isn’t an even number of cops and heroin addict/murderers, it’s 0 heroin addict/murderers and only cops.
Then when the threat is gone the cops can slowly dwindle until you have just a couple old farts who sit around talking about vague concepts all day.
What is Kylos motivation in this trilogy and how does he plan to achieve his goals?
It sucks because they have some truly exceptional concept artists on board for the ST, a lot of the same guys who worked on the prequels. But unlike George who pushed them to created some truly iconic designs, we have JJ asking them to 'create Vader again, but it's not Vader' and 'What if it was a Tie Fighter, but painted black'. Any inspired designs get shelved in favor of bland pumpkin aliens and 'AT-ATs, but bigger'
I thought it was Michael (((Eisner)))
It has a resemblance
>everyone on Yea Forums is the same person
I know its hard for redditors to keep up without profiles and account names, but millions of people worldwide use this website.
Don't. I envy you.
That feels like a lot to introduce for the final movie. Say what you will about JJ, but he deliberately makes his movies light on detail and fast paced in order to stop the audience from thinking about things too much. This seems like something that goes against his usual style.
g o o d t i m e s friend.
>please, please bleach my brain so I can forget this shit.
I wish they’d at least do something interesting with him instead of just making fun of him for being a jannie who helps the resistance for free
They laid plot threads in other movies?
Ugh sounds boring af