What would a Women in Black movie look like?

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Why'd you crop out the King of Cosh?

Nobody would know as no one would watch it

I don't want to be accused of promoting white supremacy

Doesn’t make any sense. MiB is a completely secret organization and would have no need for diversity hires. Z was even reluctant to hire J, and he ran down a cephalaphoid ON FOOT.

I prefer Black in Women movies.

>Tessa Thompson does not want to work with a ‘bunch of white people’ or men

oh it shows tessa...it shows.

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Tessa would be a perfect cast for Semi transformed MJ , same skin colour and same chin

Why is that queen Tessa Thompson working with that fucking WHITE DUDE

ghostbusters '16

How is she in everything? Is she the only young black actress in Hollywood? Is she a scientologist?

what happend to the 23 Jump Street crossover.

It happens sometimes that Hollywood desperately tries to make certain actors a Thing. Boyega was the last one, but Pacific Rim II flopped so I don't think that worked.


>movie called men in black
>one of the pair is a woman


Cancelled. Not kidding. I'm extremely sad about that, it could have been so fucking retarded and fun too.

>What would a Women in Black movie look like?
Why don't you wait and see?
Chris Hemsworth is on the poster but I'm pretty fucking sure that he's going to be relegated to incompetent supporting cast member and comedy relief.
Look at what they did to him in Ghostbusters.
There's no way stronk black woman is going to allow him to have equal amounts of badassery and let him fix things
This is pretty much going to be Women In Black and everybody's going to talk about how empowered Tessa is

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It's called being the flavor of the month
If she stars in a couple of flops she'll go away