We should start copying the Trekkies and make general threads. There is so much Star Wars stuff to talk about. For example - what is your favorite Star Wars media? Mine is tied between Empire Strikes Back and Knights of the Old Republic II.
/sw/ - why don't these comfy threads exist?
>Mine is tied between Empire Strikes Back and Knights of the Old Republic II
Based. Friendly reminder that Kreia did nothing wrong.
Movie - ROTS
Book - Darth Plagueis
There was a comfy as fuck Sheev thread a couple of days back.
I love the scene in the OP. The entire last ten minutes of Empire is surprisingly comfortable and relaxing to watch after how chaotic and frantic the twenty minutes before that is like.
Empire is no better than TLJ, take off your nostalgia goggles.
there was a comfy Obi-Wan thread last night
>caring about SW past childhood
how's your bedwetting issue?
TESB is literally the most comfy thing in existence
Characters attempting to seek shelter from harsh or undesirable conditions is a major theme throughout
That's not how Star Wars works. The magic of this franchise is that everyone who likes it and participates in discussion about it is a bitter grumpy fuck who hates everything and everyone
Trekkie generals are reddit, and so are you OP.
Considering the fact that I'm here on Yea Forums for 18 hours per day I'm pretty upset about missing it.
I'll counter your comfy pink Leia with a comfy pink Luke.
The originals were ads for toys
the prequels were an Ad for George's CGI tech.
The sequels are an ad for "social progress"
Even if none of this were true how can you care about a franchise when it's "lore" is based on retcons, and fan fiction and there was never any plans for the franchise beyond the first movie.
Even when disney acquired it for 4 billion none of their "plans" were story based or based on artistic merit. they were based on squeezing out as much money as they could for as long as they could.
I'd like to tell you all you're idiots and star wars is shit but if you can't figure that out you deserve star wars. straight up you deserve dogshit movies like Rogue one and the last jedi and the prequels, you deserve EA battlefront.
it's good, but no TLJ,
I much enjoyed the ending where they're all happy & chatting after the monstrous & destructive last 48 hours they've all had; Hans death, planets blown up, Luke dead ect ...
Sorry to burst your bubble but Rogue One is quite good. I love the two leads in it and the droid. The last third of the movie is some pretty great Star Wars.
sneed wars
Why doesn't Luke's best outfit get the love it deserves?
didn’t like the gay chinks. no offense intended to any squint eyes zipperheads in this thread.
>Knights of the Old Republic II
The story was good but I couldn't help but feeling that reusing tweaked versions of two of the maps was cheap.
Sometimes, yes, especially with Korriban being such a wasteland with little plot. But this was a common thing for sequels of that era. Just look at Final Fantasy X-2 which reused pretty much 80% percent of the original game.
Honestly it would have been pretty based if they put in all the old worlds plus the new one. Manaan was a comfy planet. I would have liked to visit them again.
It didn’t bother me personally. At least they didn’t choose Tatooine again, tired of it.