>Early box office projections are in for Avengers: Endgame and it sounds like that early release in China is going to lead to it breaking all sorts of records globally.
>Last year, Infinity War began its international box office run on April 25, also a Wednesday, and was in 72% of the overseas marketplace through that weekend, with China and Russia going later (Endgame too will not have Russia in its launch suite with the market joining play on Monday April 29). The offshore opening on Infinity War was $382.7M with domestic at $257.7M. That set an all-time global opening of $640.4M. Two weeks later, Infinity War crushed a $199.3M China bow.
>Combined, those opening scores equal $839.7M. Before we get ahead of ourselves — and we’ll look more closely at Endgame‘s potential opening in the weeks to come — there are several factors to take into account: There have been overseas exchange rate fluctuations since last year, Endgame is understood to have a longer running time than Infinity War, and it is not yet on tracking domestically. So we’ll wait before doing a considered prediction. However, just the straight math is eye-popping
>What’s more, Infinity War‘s China debut was over just three days. With Endgame‘s April 24 Middle Kingdom date, the film, again from directors Anthony Russo and Joe Russo, is getting extra play in its first frame. It will also play into holidays the following week.
Will potentially reach a billion in 6 or 7 days which will be the fastest ever.
Jace Davis
The real question is where will it stop?
Anthony Wright
Isaac Wright
Really depends on how the audience responds to the ending. It needs to satisfy as many people as possible. This is the last time the original 6 Avengers will be in a movie together, so there's a lot riding on that. If all goes well it should beat Infinity War, though that 3 hour runtime worries me a bit.
Chase Howard
It worries me too. But didnt they leave IW in the theaters for like forever? Seemed like they especially wanted that 2 bil mark. I could see them doing that till it at least gets 2.5 bill
Caleb Morris
It could decline a bit, other than in the activists movies like Captain Marvel or Black Panther, until the X Men, Deadpool and Fantastic Four. from there who knows really, all that shit could work more years or maybe all "flop" like Star Wars ....
Ryan Cook
i hope this movie finally take the biggest box office from AVATAR.
its surreal how such an irrelevant piece of shit of a movie, with no reverberance at all on pop culture, a marketing gimmick, basically, could be the number one box office of all time.
> capeshit
lets be honest here: movie theaters are dead. the best thing youre going to watch this year will be on your computer or tv, via streaming.
and, ironically enough, the less offensive blockbusters ARE CAPESHIT.
it is this or what? something to laudry chinese money starring the rock or jason statham? fuck off.
avatar sucked but it's an original property with original designs and not a sequel to a sequel to a sequel of a sequel. if something as braindead as that becomes a top grossing movie, they will never think about something unique
Nolan Bennett
Hate to say it but it may be the first movie to hit 3 bill
Evan Jenkins
It might make less than Infinity War
Kevin Baker
>worries me a bit >It worries me too >There are people getting worried that some movie they didn´t make or participate in any form isn´t going to earn money for some corporation
Manchildren are truly depressing.
Ayden Hernandez
it is, unironically, "dancing with the smurfs".
and hollywood is not going back with anything "original", its over, done.
the best thing, by far, this year, i bet, will be TOO OLD TO DIE YOUNG, and it will be on streaming.
movie theaters are dead - and even technically it makes sense, why spend time and money when your tv image and sound system are good?
the screen of a movie theater its not even as impressive anymore - if the movie is in 3D the fucking glasses make the experience worst, imagine that.
its over, done.
i would rather see the end of this era happening with a fine capeshit that saga that took 11 years for its conclusion and was done with respect - for what it is.
and i dont even put capeshit on my "movies of the year" list, but again, best things of the last few years were what? TWIN PEAKS, TRUE DETECTIVE, a few movies that were far from theaters massive distribution.
Now I HATE going against the normie NPC hivemind, which is a great hivemind, and I'm not saying Marvel isn't the epitome of cinema and fun movies, but in my opinion, which is my own, and others might disagree with me, which I fully respect, because my thoughts are my own and everyone is different, this particular Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie, isn't as good as the others (and that's a good thing for popculture)
Wyatt Watson
>a marketing gimmick
Oh boy, because the MCU isn´t just that. >Come watch these 20 movies that are basically the same, so you can understand this other movie with a mediocre plot that could be told in just 2 or 3 movies
Easton Walker
Im not gonna see it cause it sounds shit and captain marvel is a joke. They're retooling the MCU for shit like cap. Marvel cause women make up the vast majority of ticket sales
Owen Stewart
>let's talk about the mcu while pretending we don't care about it episode #0678
I mean it might just like Shazam might not be a massive bomb
It's not likely by any stretch of the imagination but it might happen
Joshua Miller
I hope they´re raging. That's what they deserve for taking a lot of time to build-up a crumbling cinematic universe. They took 3 years since MOS to release another movie, and ruined that chance masterfully. BvS could have been their Avengers, but only with their second movie.
At least I hope they keep releasing good standalone movies, because other than that, they have nothing.
John Bell
>the best thing, by far, this year, i bet, will be TOO OLD TO DIE YOUNG completely agree, my man. I hope it's great
Lucas Rogers
Massive bombs can only be movies with 150+ million budgets. Shazam has 80 million. Virtually impossible to bomb.
Austin Gomez
wasn't tomb raider kinda flop too?80 or 90m budget tho. shame, i liked it. this and that mummy movie were a nice alternative
Adrian Thompson
Has there ever been more HYPE for a movie in the history of cinema?
Aiden Nguyen
Tomb Raider made only 58 million domestic. Shazam will easily triple that. It's guaranteed to make at least 400 million worldwide, which would be 5 times the budget. Easily profitable and the sequel has much bigger potential if they add The Rock's Black Adam.
William Howard
Virtually impossible is not impossible especially if it does what the tracking says it's going to do
Mason Gomez
>It's guaranteed to make at least 400 million worldwide
it literally needs 240 million worldwide to breakeven using the 3x budget rule. There is no scenario where it doesn't make that considering it has great reviews.
Landon Bennett
sorry, i dont follow but what tracking?
Joshua Cook
You're aware you can do both right?
Xavier Gonzalez
Remember to spoil the fuck out of it everywhere once it drops. Fuck capeshit lovers.
Jackson Kelly
is there anything to spoil? good guys win and all killed scum is somehow brought back, 2 good guys leave or die because they are fucking done with this
Thomas Hall
When was the last time a cape movie didn't make at least 400 million? To refresh your memory, it was the Fantastic 4 reboot. That movie was not only the worst reviewed capeshit in existence, but one of the worst reviewed movies ever. You have to go back to 2011 to find a good reviewed one that didn't make it. It was first Cap America movie which made 370 million.
Ryan Hernandez
>dogma 95 capeshit kino don't fucking use those words together
Evan Murphy
End gross >$740m domestic >$1.7 billion foreign Total: $2.44 billion
Robert Jones
There's plenty of scenarios where it doesn't despite reviews
Tracking says $55 million in its opening weekend and even if it has the best second weekend dropoff in history it will still come in at less than $80 million in total by the time Endgame comes out
Asher Rogers
nah exchange rates are already worse than when IW came out and they were already pretty bad then. best case scenario is beating Titanic, and that's assuming it increases enough it most markets to offset the bad XR
Jayden White
>Activist movies >A corporate product designed to make megabucks and does Okay kid.
Christopher Moore
Endgame comes out during Shazam's 4th weekend. It will be well over 100M by then.
Isaac Watson
Shazam is a 100m budget with at least a 75-100m marketing cost. It was 90m production but post production was another 10m.
Lincoln Smith
That's not even possible. But Disney will fake the numbers just like they did with Captain Marvel
Infinity War had 640 million opening weekend without China since that opened 2 weeks later. With that added the opening would've been 840 million. So yes it is definitely possible now that China will open at the same time.
Carter Brown
>It's guaranteed to make at least 400m worldwide >"5x" the budget First of all, consider the budget to be around 150m-200m when including marketing. Then consider you only get half from domestic box office, 40% from all foreign markets except China, which gives you 25%. "400m" worldwide isn't enough, especially if 200m of that isn't domestic. If we're being generous and it tracks 60m on opening weekend domestic then it will earn around 116-120m in three weeks before Endgame is released. That translates to 60m profit. It would need to earn a substantial amount overseas for it to even get to break even, which I doubt it will (probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 300-350m) Just to recap here, if it doesn't hit anywhere from 420-470m, it's a flop. It has three weeks to get there.
I hope it does decently because it does look pretty fun.
Dominic Cox
By this logic a $200 million budget movie needs a billion to break even Yea Forums accountants strike again.
Imagine being this guy, thinking you have any fucking clue what you're talking about, and typing all of that dumb drivel up while thinking 'Wow, people will totally agree with me because I'm so smart!!'
Jaxson Diaz
Lincoln Collins
if i had a dollar for every time someone said infinity war was going to beat avatar i would have made more money than captain marvel lmfao
Gabriel Morgan
I used to post that as a false flag and then make threads laughing at mcukeks for thinking it will beat Avatar. I'll do the same with this. You gotta entertain yourself sometimes, you know?
Oliver Stewart
it will, you fucking retard, even capt marvel with 78% score got almost a billion now, shazam got 93% and good word of mouth, with tons of shitty pop culture references normies eat up nowadays
>pop culture shooyy filled faggot is that all that matters to you. get the fuck off this board or go to Yea Forums
Jacob Perry
800 million worldwide gross opening weekend? holy fucking shit
Jacob Adams
>lets make this about whitepeople kys cringe-cel
Chase Myers
Hell yea
Eli Hernandez
Infinity War got to 860 million if you add China and Russia which opened later. Endgame can reach 900 million and I wouldn't be surprised if it happened.